Dad was just diagnosed yesterday
Hi everyone, I have been lurking for the last week hoping that I wouldn't have to make this post but after a trip to the ER for pain control our worst fears were confirmed. The staging work-up is done but we haven't been told the results yet. We are from London, ON and I noticed there is another poster from here, I would…
Chemo May Not be Working. What can Be Done?
Hello, My mother is 86 years old and has esophageal cancer. I have asked questions about her health on this website before on several occasions, and I have received valuable feedback and helpful advice from people here. I wanted to ask if you folks could kindly help me once again. My mother’s cancer has spread outside of…
Possible Tumor found in Liver
Today I received the results of my 4th cat scan since my surgery in December of 2010. All of my scans have been clear up to now, but this last scan showed a 1 inch circular shaded are in my liver and I am obviously flipping out. after going through radiation and chemo followed by surgery and a year of clean scans I was…
Radiation ?
Hi all As those of you that are aware, my husband is stg iv with mets to the lungs and bone, he recently had a rod inserted in his leg to strengthen it as the cancer had basically eaten a hole in his femur, this has been really hard on him and now he relies heavily on morphein (thats not spelt right), to help with the…
Stand Up To Cancer
I saw this on facebook today and just wanted to share this with all of you: “Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.” Saw this on Stand Up to Cancer on fb ... had to share it Judy & Don
As if EC isn't enough--
Larry is having cardiac bypass surgery tomorrow am. He has no history of cardiac issues, has had no chest pain, and periodic treadmill stress tests have been fine. He started coughing and having trouble breathing Monday afternoon and was found to have fluid in his lungs. Nothing to do with EC. He's felt fine since the…
Thinking about everyone
I wanted to swing by and say Hi to everyone. This is my good week in my cycle so I feel great for the most part. I stay pretty tired, which is from the chemo I'm sure. My next (and hopefully final pre-op) round of chemo is this coming Friday. I never thought I would find myself wanting surgery as bad as I did for the MIE…
Dad's recovering
Hi everyone, I finally made it to the Mayo today. It was so good to see Dad. His surgery went well, they took his whole stomach. He is up walking and looks really good for what he has been through. I am glad to be here for my Mom as she is really stressed out still. I am sending her as much calming energy as I can,…
Radiation may stop early??
Hello everyone... We are 22 days into 26 day radiation cycle with chemo. Today was out last chemo for this 6 week round. The doctor said today that they may be concerned about the ammount of radiation that my fathers lungs are being exposed to. So we will know tomorrow of we are done with radiation.. What are your thoughts…
Update on Bob's recurrence
The PET scan is done and did not show anything other than the local recurrence in the esophagus. We were told this is a very rare occurence. Bob will have a very long and complicated surgery next Wednesday to remove the tumor at the anastomosis. There may be a series of surgeries as the reconnection may involve removing a…
Well - dad has passed away..
My brother and I went to the game, after speaking w/dad nurse who said go, he'll be fine for a cpl days at least, maybe cpl weeks. As soon as we got to our seats, got the phone call he was rushed to ICU, pressure bottomed and H&H too. They transfused 2 more units in ICU. My brother and I ran out down the stadium ramps,…
Radiation Machine Down for Past 3 days
Don started his treatment of daily radiation and chemo (Taxol and Carboplatin) on Wednesdays. Our chemo doc told us that the workhorse of Don's treatment is the radiation which accounts for about 80% and then chemo is 20% and the chemo is kinda like a booster to the radiation. Well the radiation machine that Don uses…
Update on my Dad
Hi everyone, Just a quick update that Dad is at the Mayo today having a PET scan and CT scan. If all looks good, he will have the Ivor Lewis surgery tomorrow. Big day! He had no mets back in October and has since done chemo/radiation so I hope the tumor has shrunk and they can schedule surgery for tomorrow. He will find…
Swallow test passed, started soft foods diet
Hi all, Just another update. Jeff is doing really well, walking is getting easier, pain is being managed, and overall his spirits are good. Yesterday he had his swallow test, they said he got an A minus. He has a small gap in his vocal cords from being intubated, this means he can drink thick liquids but not this liquids,…
Update on Dad (Jerry)
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! My, what a year it's been, looking forward to a more positive one. My dad Jerry, who was diagnosed as T4N3 IIc May of 2011, had his latest results from PET/CT scan this past week. To the oncologists' surprise, the 9cm tumor at the base of the esophagus was almost gone, except for a little spot to…
Friday the 13th brought good insurance news
Hi, Hope it is alright to post about good insurance news and also a warning about Cobra. My hubby and I found out we would be covered by Cobra when he retired 5/2010. We did not know that Cobra is not considered employment based insurance go figure, so we thought we could just apply for Medicare B as Cobra ended. Not true…
Dad in hospital..
I deleted some posts I had made a cpl weeks ago from here because William something or other freaked me out big time. I didn't like the info he gave but more so the way it was delivered, nor did I appreciate the personal questions so I was leary and deleted the posts. That being said, I'd like some general feedback (w/out…
Anastamotic leak
On January 6, 2012 had a fully covered esophageal Wallflex stent placed due to a anastamotic leak. How long will it take before I can drink liquids? Please let me know your story as this is getting very difficult. When I first came home from the hospital I was able to eat ice chips and now for the last three weeks all I…
Taxol advice?
Larry starts on Taxol (and possibly a Phase II Antibody) on Tuesday. I have 3 more weeks of Adriamycin and Cytoxan and then will have 12 weeks of Taxol. So, any tips, hints, etc would be greatly appreciated! Angie
updated again
Pray for ray, he had his new chemo today and so far so good. He lost 4 pounds since last week. His blood counts were really good. He feels good right now, keep praying (Kathy) UPDATE:1-7-12 The chemo he is now on is F5u and Oxaliplatin Today Jr. is so very sick, threw up what little he has in him and his pain has…
How long should one wait between last chemo/rad to surgery?
Does anyone know the standard or what there Doctor said? Thanks Lynn
Good News
Two weeks ago my oncologist for the Esphageal Cancer told me that my tumor markers dropped from 800 to 76. She wanted me to meet with my Eye Oncologist to see if the tumor in my left eye was still there. I told her my eyesight was fully restored and I thought it was gone. Dr. Sighn checked my eye with his magical eye peice…
Chemosmoker home with pain pump and GLAD TO BE WARM!
Hey all. Home from the Hospice center, with a pain pump, instead of having to take liquid or pills every 3 hours, and glad to be done. This should make sleep a little better!! Am shocked to see it is 28 degrees in Nashville with Snow and 70 here in Florida where we are. Wow!! Love to all. Hanging in there. -Eric
Anxiety-8 weeks post chemo-STILL NO SURGERY DATE
I swear, I have to keep reminding myself to " just breath". My stress level is through the roof! I can only guess what my hubby is feeling/thinking right now, all I know is he is so scared and has a short fuse. We met with the surgeon yesterday and got all the nitty gritty details of the laproscopic esophagectomy (THE but…
Advice needed / family dynamics
Hi everyone, I am seeking advice from you guys that have "been there". My dad is having surgery at the Mayo in a couple of weeks. The problem is with my Mom... she refuses to talk about anything or engage in a conversation about the schedule with Dad's appointments, etc. If I do bring it up, the next few times I call my…
Dad met with Oncologist today. Not the greatest news. When is it time to recognize that sometimes ho
Hi EC forum friends, I'm having a sad day. My dad just phoned me and updated me on his first appointment today with Dr. Noble (an Oncologist) here at Sudbury's Northern Cancer Centre. Back in early December my dad went for his PET Scan in Toronto, ON. The PET scan showed that there was cancer in the Esophegus (which we…
Jerry's Update for Jan 11
So... Where am I? As you know, I was diagnosed originally Stage IV (Terminal) , but I screamed, hollered, and got a 2nd opinion from Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, and the University of Washington (who all work together) and got a REAL staging to T4N1M0. Not good, but a revert to Stage III and…
feeding tube
hi again everyone. Today Jarrell is in being hydrated. He weighed in at 118 pounds and we were told if he isnt eating by thursday they will admit him and place a feeding tube in. He hates this idea was just wondering about the procedure and the complications. they are not sure yet what type they would have to give him.…
First follow up PET
Wow, talk about anxiety. Dad's clinical signs (dysphagia) have gotten much better in this first six weeks of cisplatin, taxotere, and 5 FU. Medical Onco says he is thinking 4 months of that cocktail before we think about adding rads in so still a rough road ahead. But man I wish I could log on to the imaging site and pull…
Prayers for strength
Thank you everyone for your kind words and condolences. This is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to face. At least when we were fighting this terrible disease we were together, but now he is gone and my heart aches for him. I pray for strength to face the days ahead. I have posted a link to Rickie's obituary.…