My mom had a stroke

I am so sorry I have not been on to share some of your ups and some of your downs and to try and help.
On Dec 13th My mom had a severe stroke. She is completely paralized on the left side. No improvement at all so far so they moved her from the hospital to a nursing home. I just hate her being there and am very sad now.I just want to bring her home as she lives with me.
This past year has been a nightmare for so many of us.

To Bethan , is I get up any energy at all I will get with you regarding the VA. I am so sorry about your dad.

Please hang in there Eric. I love you.

To everyone Merry Christmas and hopefully a better 2012.

I love you guys



  • rmitchell
    rmitchell Member Posts: 94
    So sorry about your

    So sorry about your Mom. I will keep her in my prayers. I buried my husband just l week ago and it has really been tough. I know tho that he is in a better place without pain.
  • sghajar
    sghajar Member Posts: 16
    You and your mom are in my prayers
    Hi Barb,

    I am truly sorry to hear about your mom.
    My dad also had stroke and lost the feeling in his right arm.
    Unfortunately he passed away 3 weeks after on March 27, 2011, and had multiple strokes even the last few days of his life as well.

    We took him to hospital ER after his 2nd stroke.
    He had signed DNR and so they made his last 2-3 days of his life comfortable in the hospital by given him heavy pain and relaxing medication.

    We knew we didn't have much time with him, and also we knew we couldn't take care of him at home, so we stayed with him at the hospital 24 hours a day and try to make him comfortable. Anyhow, he was unconscious for last 3 days.

    I am sorry to share this sad information with you.
    I am just trying to let you know at this phase of your mom's life, it is hard to take care of her at home unless you have a nurse or someone to take care of her.

    I wish you strength and courage through this most difficult time.
    Love you,
    Shideh Ghajar