Treatment for my dad starting today.
My dad is having his first radiation and chemo treatments today and I am not sure what to expect when I go see him later. I almost didn't come back to this board. I appreciate the kindness and thoughtfulness and good intentions behind some posts, but I think I will allow the doctors to fill me in with the facts for now.…
Post surgery sleeping...
I don't think I've posted here though I have read many of your posts. All have been helpful. I was diagnosed with Stage III EC (can't remember the nomenclature), have done chemo, including an infusion pump, and 28 sessions of radiation. Things look good so far and I am scheduled for resection of the esophagus in two days.…
Coffee and Cheese
Has anyone else lost their taste for coffee. Before I started chemo I drank coffee all day and loved it ever since i was first in the service. I cannot stand the taste of coffee now. I keep trying it from time to time but still dont like it. I am also having some trouble with cheese and dairy products. Has anyone else…
Please, Please take note
I have a concern about this site and the safety of its users. We had a women in our state recently shot an intruder one week after she lost her husband to cancer. It made national news. On the news tonight they stated the motive of the intruder was pain medication. I had brought this topic up several months ago with…
Five Years Cancer Free and doing much better
I haven't posted in awhile. I am now 37 years old. I wanted to let you all know that it has been 5 years since my seophageal cancer. Many of you know that I have gone through many, many dilations. I have FINALLY gone for about 9 months without a dilitation!!!! I have kept my g-tube and have gained 40 lbs. since a year ago.…
Hey guys-- I feel awful for neglecting my friends and updates here lately (between a new job and a new nephew, holidays, dad, etc-- doesnt seem enough hours in the day!). Anyway, I think getting connected with you guys on Facebook might help me stay a bit more connected when I'm not at home. The mobile version of the…
Terry V ?
Terry, how are you guys doing???… You are always so responsive and supportive to all on the board. But how are you? I hope all is well. How is Nick getting along? ... Just wanted to check in with my favorite caregiver! Sal
TNM system for staging
TNM is an abbreviation for tumor (T), node (N), and metastasis (M). Doctors look at these three factors to determine the stage of cancer: How large is the primary tumor and where is it located? (Tumor, T) Has the tumor spread to the lymph nodes? (Node, N) Has the cancer metastasized to other parts of the body? (Metastasis,…
New dealing with mom's struggle
Hi, My 55 year old mom is battling esophageal cancer. On Easter day of this year, she was working (at a hospital luckily) and started to feel faint, several of her nursing co-workers forced her to go to the ER. She was treated by a wonderful doctor that admitted her with the suspicion of a bleeding ulcer due to the stress…
Fentynl Patch
Hello everyone - I didn't want to hi-jack the "Pain Relief" thread, ergo this new one. I was just prescribed the fentynl patch and my oncologist mentioned that the biggest side effect this pain reliever has is extreme nausea & vomiting for the first 3 days. I do realize every body handles medication differently, but just…
Recurrence confirmed. It's a scary time.
Well, the pathology 2nd opinion has confirmed a recurrence at the anastomosis. Bob is scheduled for a PET scan on Wednesday. We are praying that it is only a local recurrence and then get a treatment plan set up. This is scary stuff. Bob had been having trouble swallowing so had an endoscopy and stretch where everything…
Scared and sad...
I just found this site today and I wanted to post on here just to find others who may be going through what I am. The week before Christmas, my dad was diagnosed with esophogial cancer. You have to forgive me because I am not quite practiced on the lingo and abbreviations and medical speak yet. What I know is that he had…
Caregiver working while EC spouse is at home
I know there are a couple of people who post on this site that had/have continued to work while remaining in treatment and I find that absolutely amazing. The insurance we have is through my employer so working as much as possible is a must in order to maintain that benefit. I have completed the FMLA paperwork and will…
severe pain in abdomen
Hi guys Dad is having severe pain in abdomen right of umblicus since past 3 days after ivor lewis surgery on 28 th december cat scan and x ray are normal no cause could be known. Gastrographic test was also performed 3 days back it showed no leakages. Stools and toilet are normal. Doctors have not been able to idetenify…
Taxol/ Paclitaxel with or without the Anti-IGFR AB Cixutumumab (IMC-A12)
Have or are any of you doing this? It's a second line EC protocol that my husband may be doing. Angie
Adriamycin(Doxorubicin), Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide), Taxol (Paclitaxel)---Any experience with any of
The past week has been a flurry of phone calls, tests, appointments, etc. for us. Barring any compelling reasons otherwise from an onco surgeon that I have a second opinion appointment with tomorrow, we have a plan. Are there any sayings about "The couple that chemo's together ---?" Starting Tuesday, for my triple negative…
What to Expect.....Endoscopy Squamous Cell
Dan fininshed Chemo/Radiation. Side effects were minimal during treatment, afterward some hair loss and undescribable pains here and there. His Esophagus is still very sore from the Radiation, his stricture opened up for awhile and was able to eat(somewhat) instead of drink his meal. Now 7 week after treatment, his…
Checking In & Jim's latest C-Scan
Hi Dear EC Friends, I needed to take a break from the list, but have checked in occasionally. I am saddened by the loss of so many brave friends, and so many newly diagnosed. It is unfortunately the way of this beast called esophageal cancer. Jim had his most recent catscan at 16 weeks, one year from his surgery, and it is…
Hard to post about recurrance
Bob's esophagus had not been staying open so he has been having stretches every few weeks. He had biopsies every so often, even when everything looked ok. Well, the pathology came back yesterday from his stretch and scope the previous Friday and is positive for recurrent cancer at the site of the anastomosis. A second…
Our journey has ended
Wednesday morning around 5:30am, my best friend, husband, father of my children, and life long love lost his courageous battle with the beast. It was 15 months to the day from his initial diagnosis. He died peacefully at home with his family around him, and is now free from all the pain he had been suffering. He reached…
Dad's surgery done he has been shifted to icu
Hi dear friends, I don't know if I am strong or weak.....I don't know if I close my eyes and think world is beautiful when at times it's harsh ......may be I don't know myself that well still......seeing u r dad on ventilator in icu and when he is looking at u straight in eyes and a tear falls of his eye can be the worst…
Eric AKA Chemosmoker update from Facebook
SURPRISE!! IT'S ERIC!! I am HERE! HOME! THANK God-literally! I am feeling 10,000% better! They gave me three units of highly-compacted red-blood cells and I woke up feeling like a NEW NEW NEW person. AS long as my body doesn't leak the blood too fast, we should be able to keep this up for WEEKS God-willing, and I can…
Hi Everyone-New Here
Hello, My dad has esophageal cancer. He has gone through his chemo/radiation and is preparing for surgery, which will occur in a couple weeks. He is doctoring at the Mayo in Rochester, MN. I am looking for support and education. Our family consists of my parents and I also have a sister. We are both married. My Mom is…
Sad, strange story...
Hi y'all, I hope all readers are feeling some peace and calmness today.. I'm having a bad one myself and it brought me here. Here's my story.. I met a man, Mick, 7 years ago, on the internet. I designed his business logo and aside from the occasional 'hey how ya doin' message we did not become friends or date. At the time…
Symptoms for over a year and still no answers
I am a 39 year old woman who has been having symptoms for more than 1 and 1/2 years that no one can figure out and I'm very worried. It started with a mild sensation of something in the throat that I would feel once in a while as well as fairly regular nausea and feeling of bloating/fullness. I never thought the 2 were…
dad's lab report
Hello guys, Dad's lab report were given to us yesterday and he was staged at T3N1M0. I was told earlier orally by da lab doctor that none of the 14 nodes they took out tested positive but in the report now they are saying one tested positive, I have asked them to give me slides so that I can get it tested in a different…
Sometime's you just have to roll with the punches
Hi All As those of you who have followed us, Mark is stg iv with mets to the lungs and now mets to the bones, they were suspected but now confirmed. After a couple of months of telling our Onc of pains to the hips and knees, we finally had an X-Ray done to those areas and have found that the Cancer has actually eaten into…
2 good responses--But how do I---?
In the Christmas letters I sent out this year, I included a paragraph about EC, getting tested and a link to the ECAN site. We've already had a note from one friend saying he was having a physical this month and will talk to his doc about it and thanked us. Then today, we had an email from an old friend who had a…
Holding steady....
Hi all, My partner James (42 years old Stage 4 EC) completed his second round of chemo and another PET prior to Christmas. (the first round included radio). We made the call not to get the results of the PET until after Christmas....why risk ruining a perfectly good time with the family!! The results show that the mets to…
Radiation questions....
Hello I am the middle daughter to Popi who my sister posted on 12/11. We found out about the EC on Nov 10th and have been on task since then.. This has been a hard time for our family as you all know and I am just coming up for air to "Be a Big Girl Now" We are doing this clinical trial with…