F/U CT Scan: Chest or Chest/Abdomen?
Hi, Everyone, I need some help on this, please. My husband (Stage IV: supraclavicular node involvement) started his 7th round of chemo (Oxaliplatin and Xeloda) on Tuesday. As we were leaving, they gave us his new calendar and instructions for a PET and CT on 12/27. I was just reading the instructions tonight and see there…
1000 cheers for caregivers!! Lets take a moment and thank them and say a a simply WHY...
I don't know abut any of you but if it weren't for Michelle, between missed diagnostics and wrong medication dosages and all that, I would be DEAD by now if it weren't for her. So THANK YOU Michelle. I love you and you have made the fact that I am still here possible. That's me. How about you? Eric
Think I willl post a topic about being alive every day now....
Well it's Saturday!! I am up pain free (NOW-takes liquid Oxycodone and Gabapintin but hey) and having coffee. Missing some friends here, and visiting others, reading about Jeff and his Saab, and so forth!! LOL How is everyone else doing? What is special for YOU this weekend; what are YOU grateful for this weekend? Or just…
For the last two day's I've had nausea, I can't keep anything down! I'm not receiving any treatment...chemo or radiation. Nor am I taking any different meds, I taking Oxycodone and Hydrocodone and the Fentanlypatch 75 Mcmg for pain. I've been taking the meds for about two months, therefore I don't think the vomiting is…
Question for post-op people. Do your doctors recommend post op CT scans or post op PET scans? Also, at what intervals, i.e. every 3-4 months? Our onc. recommended a 3 month CT and I think other people here have had PET. Cora
Updates: Scans and Esophageal Stricture
Hello Everyone, Sorry for being absent for so long. Dad's condition and work didn't given me much time to come back here. I see we have some new faces and Eric (chemosmoker) has updated his picture. Eric, if that's really you... Oh boy, what a handsome man! You remind me of a very famous actor, whose name escaped from my…
Unsteady, poor balance!
Is poor balance a symptom a side effect of end stage cancer? I've been on steady on my feet today!
Probably not a surgery candidate
We had our first appointment at M D Anderson today. Have a whole bunch more tests scheduled to determine exact staging. Dr thinks 3 or 2. Because of Bill's many other health problems the oncologist thinks he is probably not a candidate for such a major surgery as they don't think he would survive the surgery. Something I…
Back in the hospital
Hi again friends, So we made it 9 hours before having to go back to the hospital. If anyone ever questions if they should go to a major cancer center over a community hospital, always go to the big guys! Jeff was originally at a community hospital near our home as it was the closest ER. As you know Jeff was neutropenic and…
For William, Paul, and all other 2+ year survivors
I would like to know if any of you 2+ year survivors are on any kind of acid reducing drug such as omeprazole or Pepcid, etc. I have been on omeprazole since April of 2010--started on Pepcid after surgery, then changed to omeprazole by my oncologist. Now my oncologist says to reduce my dosage by half for about a month, and…
Esophagus closing up again?
A little background; my father was diagnosed with lung cancer in May of 2010 which had spread to his esophagus. He had radiation on his tumor roughly 2 months ago (luckily around this time he also had a feeding tube put in since the tumor basically closed his esophagus completely where he couldn't even swallow water).…
Advice Much Appreciated
My father is 75 and was diagnosed with T3 cancer of the esophagus. He had a feeding tube inserted (he can hardly eat), and will start chemo and radiation in a few weeks. The tumor is an inch long and has gone through the esophagus wall and into the lymph nodes. He has diabetes and is on Plavix from a recent heart attack…
Good Day!
Thought I would update all of you on what is going on with John and I. Yesterday was 12 weeks post-op. John is doing great. He has gained 10-12 LBS; he weighs in at 145-147 lbs (he is 6’ tall). His energy level is increasing (hemoglobin on the rise) and he is back at the gym most days. He is learning how to eat smaller…
blog on EC
Thought I'd share http://cancervivor.blogspot.com/
Still here
Hello Everyone. It has been a while since I have posted. Don is doing ok but getting a little weaker every day. He is surviving on pain meds. We see the oncologist tomorrow. The tumor on his chest is growing and we are afraid it may be pushing on his new esophagus. So far he is still able to eat small amounts. He is having…
Jim's thread prompted this ? The "What If ?"
It is really sad to me when someone so bright and young and like Jim has to face a diagnosis again that involves intense treatment, so soon. I know JIm was so happy to put cancer behind him a bit and get back to life which for him, much of it means work and meaningful work. I bring this up too to ask others what they or…
We're off to Vegas tomorrow morning
This is our usual time to go right around our anniversary which was Friday. We're both packed and ready to fly away. Our youngest son lives with us and will take care of our shelties. They are not happy to see the suitcases. We're both looking forward to a relaxing break. We'll be sitting in front of our favorite penny…
We are back!
We arrived home on Nov. 30, we spent 9 days in Colorado with our sons and their families. Gerald, our youngest son, 37 years old, cooked the bird, his wife and our other daughter-in-law made the other dishes. Everything was very good. A few days before Thanksgiving, I had to be taken to ER, I couldn't breathe well. It was…
A postive update on Dad (Hayden)
Hi Friends, It’s been a few weeks or a month since I’ve written about my dad (Hayden). They made the trip back to Chicago beginning of November, stopping on the hour due to the blood clots (so a typical 8 hr drive turned into 12 hrs). How wonderful that he is home! When dad saw Dr. Luketich before leaving, Dr. Luketich…
Pathology results
My friends. We've been through a heck of a journey together. I just got the results of my biopsy back today and sad to say, it is cancer. UPMC is suggesting chemo and possibly surgery. I meet with my oncologist tomorrow to discuss. Any treatment I do from here forward can't interfere with my work. Unfortunately, I am out…
Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone out there who has taken Dexamethasone (4mg) got "antsy" while on this drug - I just can't sit still for more than a few moments and it is literally driving me crazy! I do know that the drug contains a steroid and it is highly likely that is what is causing my "antsiness". Anyone else have…
Hello to Everyone- "I'm back"
To all my old friends and to all the new members on here: It has been a little over a year ago that I lost my dear husband, Eddie, age 56, to this horrible cancer. As some of you know, the old members, how difficut that ordeal was for me but also for my 22 year old daughter back then. I signed off this "forum" last…
Update on Jeff
Hi again friends, Thanks so much for your prayers, kind words, and thoughts. Jeff is doing much better today. It has been 24 hours without a fever, seems that we did do the right thing by getting to the hospital when we did. The blood and urine cultures came back clean!! Which means he might of had some viral or small…
Just Diagnosed with stage 4 E.C.
I was seeing a very slight flicker in my left eye and went to an opthamologist who discovered a tumor inside of the eye. I went to the Cleveland Clinic the next day and visited an eye oncologist who confirmed,after several tests,the tumor and stated it was met cancer. The next day they did a complete ct scan they and could…
EC haiku
I love to write and I was reading some cancer haiku on a general cancer site. Lo and behold I came across this one written by a woman. I would guess she had EC. Just had to share. Cora stapes in a row keep my stomach in my chest mmm, oxycodone cancer surgery now chest tube site is weeping need a new body year off from work…
My mom has a surgery date!!!
After months of torture, vomitting, insomnia, lethargy, and everything else my mom went through with chemo/radiation, we got the PET results back and she's a candidate for surgery!!! She's scheduled for Dec. 15th here in Omaha, NE with Dr. Dittrich. MIE through the abdomen and traditional through the back/side (can't…
Things Are Going Well
I had my 4th treatment with Taxotere yesterday and of course had labs before hand as well as a visit with the onc. I am excited to report that my tumor count is coming down steadily. It is now 5.2 just above the tresh hold. Though in the beginning I had some trouble with this drug, we have gotten things under control and…
Dad went out for breakfast! Good Day!
So Dad, just a few days shy of 2 months post-op, went out with a buddy (or two) for breakfast. Had a cup of coffee AND a cup of sausage gravy. Text from him: "Now I know what it feels like to overindulge." Just lethargic and heavy until it passes. (Hmmm, like eating too much for a holiday dinner? It is just a different…
One year ago today
One year ago today, my husband had his surgery to become cancer free. It's been a long year with lots of changes but we made it!
I LOVE being alive.....seems to go without saying.....but.....I need to say it!!!! : )
Grateful to be here another day......Grateful to be alive and pain-free after taking my meds now and with coffee. I am having a good Friday AM. How about you? Be honest!! Complain, B*#@ch. Smile, whatever....tell it like it is-- I love to hear. From YOU... Eric