1 year post-op recurrence UPDATE
I received the results from dad's PET and he had the US biopsy yesterday. WE see the oncologist Friday morning, but here's what we know so far. Question - What does the SUV stand for? I assume signal strength. 1. Postoperative changes from Esophagectomy.. Evidence of metastatic disease in the AP window subcarinak and right…
1 year post-op recurrence
I've been reading and catching up on all the news here on the discussion board. I last wrote after dad had 6mth checkup that was great. He had clean CTs and had gained all his weight back. Everything was going great until his one year checkup. The CT came back with increased size in lymphnodes and possible mets to lungs.…
Looking for like minded folks
60 yr old wm dx level 4 esoph adenoma with distal lymph/ upper/loer gi involved. Not eligible for radiation/surgery. After two trials of chemo pet shows nearly 100%remission. Also here+ tumor but not on that med yet. Also involved with alternative treatments eg change of diet/alkaline/green juicing, Chinese herbs,…
The end of our journey
This past evening, this beast of a cancer took my 37 year old husband away from me, my 8 year old and 12 year old and all of his family and friends. I am heart broken beyonds words, but want to thank all of you for being here and posting. I read these boards countless times everyday in order to gain knowledge and support.…
Dad diagnosed Dec.1, with Stage 2 EC. Surgery didn't get it all. Doc says 1 year. HELP!
one month ago, my dad was starting to experience trouble swallowing his food. Immediately he passed it off as a possible dysfunction with a valve, or even reflux and thought nothing of it. After a week, he decided to get it checked out. 1 week later he was told by a throat specialist that he has stage 2 EC, and that he…
Dad's PEG Tube inserted and in pain
My dad had his PEG tube inserted yesterday and was admitted over night to keep him hydrated. Looks like he will be there an additional night due to the amount of pain he is in. He said he feels as though his stomach is contracting and he doesn't feel that he should be in that much pain. I put a call into his doctor and the…
Hi Shammi Hope your Dad is doing fine. Just want to ask you about the hospital in Delhi. Can you plz advice which is the best place we can go for this type of cancer since you have doctors in your family to ask. Wanted to find out which is the best among these hospitals Max super speciality hospital, Fortis or Artemis? Or…
Recurrence Rate
Let's say that a ec patient went through chemo/radiation and then surgery, does anyone know what the recurrence rate is? Plus, if it does recur, what does that mean? Chemo again? Is radiation done again?
Hanging in there
Hello all, I haven't posted in awhile, as caring for Rickie has stepped up some, as well as trying to get ready for the approaching holidays. When we left the hospital just before Thanksgiving (he had been in for a GI bleed)we decided to have Hospice come in to help with the pain management. Our insurance is Aetna, and…
Back from dead chemo working
Hey all back today from hospital. Almost died and now have a blood clot on my leg. But the ct scan reports that chemo is working! Just home now and need to take it easy with my swollen leg but am grateful to have survived! Some dark moments but not giving up this battle! I will be on my feet soon! Mario
**1st post** MIE at UCSF vs. UC Irvine w/ Dr. Nguyen with MediCal?
Hi all, Been reading and learning tons of info here thelast couple months. What a fantastic group. My mom was diagnosed at the end of July and finished treatment at UCSF on Oct. 6th. Initial staging is adenocarcinoma- t3n1m0, stage 3 She went through 5 once/ week chemo- cisplatin and taxol + 23 daily radiation treatments.…
Finally in treatment
Well, Monday I met with the surgeon who would install the portacath, and a very sweet young lady she is. Dr. Catherine Straub. She was going to do the surgery next week, but I pushed, and so she found she could do it on Tuesday. We headed back to the Hospital (an 80 mile drive) to be there by noon, of course no food after…
Heeran.. thinking about your mom
Hi Heeran, your mom has been in my thoughts and prayers.. her surgery... I hope all is going well. Sal
Don's Failing
Don is failing very fast. They tell me it will probably be before the weekend. We are keeping him as pain free as we can. Hospice people are awesome. Lots of family are with me. Even his 97 year old mother. This is really hard for her. Keep us in your prayers. Reba
What does it feel like?
I would like to know what it feels like to swallow. Mom says on a scale of 1 to 10 her pain when swallowing is 12. I asked what it felt like and she said she could not explain it. Can someone try to describe what it feels like so that I'll have some sort of clue? She takes a bite of food and swallows. Then has to drink two…
HNC SuperThread
With talk about "magic mouthwash", etc... HNC Superthread --Jerry
Ambien + Hydromorphone ???
I was not able to talk to the doc when the Hydro was Rx'd, so I thought I'd ask here and double-check come Monday. Would it be ok for mom to take her Hydromorphone 4mg along with her 10mg Ambien at bedtime? I wasn't sure, so I only gave her Ambien last night. I got up at 2 a.m. and she's sleeping soundly. It's now 3:30…
Curious to know if anyone has heard from Jimbo? Hope he is ok
Thinking about you Jimbo Cora
Clincal Trial - Cetuixmab
Hello -- My dad (58 years old) was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. T3N1. So far we've had a EUS, cat scan and PET scan and are waiting on the PET scan results to confirm that the cancer is localized in this area. We were offered participation in a phase III clinical trial that adds Cetuximab with the…
Mom diagnosed in June passed in September
I visited this site in July of this year. In everything I read on here I realised all the fancy words and descriptions would not help me. What did help me was the honesty. I appreciate those of you who were honest when I asked what should I expect with a Stage IV diagnosis. I tried so hard to have hope and faith that she…
"Happy Holidays" to old and new members
Hi to all: I just got on this forum and read about the man who died of this horrible cancer at age 37 with two young children. My heart is broken-this cancer is such a beast that tears lives apart. I lost my husband, age 56, a year ago and it still boggles my mind as to how these people are diagnosed with stage four right…
Acid Reflux Treatment
While speaking with my oncologist I mentioned that I was concerned that nobody has discussed a change in treatment that I receive to deal with my acid reflux. I have been using previcid for about six years and obviously it did not work or I would not have cancer. I was never advised that acid reflux could cause cancer and…
sham81(incase you missed my mail ..posting a new one) and see latest in my reply to William
December 16, 2011 - 8:57am Hi Shammi, William, Paul My Hi Shammi, William, Paul My Dad's getting his first chemo tomorrow and I wont be there ...will be going there on the 27th Dec.., William, I know what you told me but as I am here(China) its really difficult for them to listen to me.Since they said its advance stage…
New Stage 3 Caregiver..Correction Stage IVb
I recently joined this site looking for others who have been effected by EC. I have read alot of the blogs and it is a comfort to finally be able to find answers to some of the things I have wondered about. My bf was diagnosed July 2011 just after his 51st birthday. No one in my family ever had cancer so I have to admit I…
What a week
Monday we went to a different hospital (MDA has a 4 week wait to get an EUS done)for what we thought was going to be just a preop visit before the EUS and ended up being whisked off to the ER as the EKG indicated a heart attack. Spent 8 hours in the ER before being admitted. Spent 2 nights there. The cardiologist says Bill…
Need help with spreading word about EC
I'm going to be working on a Christmas letter this weekend. It will be going to some that have not heard about Larry's EC. I want to include a "public service message" about the increase in EC, correlation with gastric reflux, symptoms, etc. Is there a nice concise statement I can use? Angie
Christopher Hitchens dies from EC
More positive news...
Hi Everyone, Dad had his endoscopy yesterday and they found that the pyloric valve needed another shot of Botox, but the blockage was gone. He is now able to begin soft foods for a couple of days then whatever. (Although he is goign to be very cautious.) There apparently are no signs to watch for to see if the valve is not…
New here hello everyone ..need advice
Hi We just found out that my Dad age 70 has esophageal cancer but not sure about the stage yet ..we think it might be stage 3.. for now they have not told us about the stage yet but my cousin's husband who is a doctor(from sydney) thinks its T3N2M0...its a nightmare for me and as an only child it's really hard. I've beeen…
Adube - Where are you? How are things?
It's been quite a while since I've seen Adube post. Just wondering how things are going for her dad? If you're still out there, please give us an update! We care, kiddo. Hope things are good for you and the family during this holiday season. Love & Hugs, Terry