New Dx
Hello - I am a new member as I found out yesterday I have endometrial cancer stage 3C1. Still have to have a CT to confirm it has not spread outside the pelvis. As I am sure everyone was I’m scared. Any advice for the road ahead. Thank you
I'm still hanging in there...
So May 8 is roughly 3 months past my surgery date. My body still doesn't feel quite right lol. It's hard to describe though. My stomach still feels kind of mushy and I feel like a busted can of biscuits most days. I am doing more of what I used to do; work my horses, do more chores outside, take care of my rabbits…
After Carboplatin/Paclitaxel, hair regrowth
what are your experiences with the topic?
Is this True: Grade 3 clear cell, Level/Stage will be 3 or 4?
I've got Grade 3 clear cell. Haven't had surgery yet. However, was told by OB/GYN that there was a strong possibility that it would get diagnosed as Level/Stage 3 or worse (even though we are obviously hoping for Level/Stage 1 or 2); that the 3 yr survival rate at Level 3 was about 10-20%. Also, that not treating is a…
O2 Sat dropped during robotic surgery
I was having a robotic total hysterectomy 2 days ago and 1 hour into the surgery my O2 Sat dropped to the high 80s. They made a decision to stop the surgery. So I’m recovering from the attempted procedure and will need pulmonary/cardiac evaluation before I go for round 2. I have no known serious issues in that regard but…
Hi, I'm a year out from my diagnosis (got the call on my 50th birthday). I was not expecting endometrial cancer having just gone through diverticulitis/bowel perforation. Luckily it was 1A and so far I've just needed a radical hysterectomy. I'm finding myself with a lot of anger a few months out, not at getting sick so…
One Year Surgery Anniversary!
This past Friday was my one year surgery anniversary. Very grateful to be NED at this time! Thanks for all your guidance and support for the past 14 months! ❤️
Uterine Cancer Is on the Rise, Especially Among Black Women
Not sure why the site will not allow me to post the link to this article in yesterday's NY Times? Copied and pasted the story. Uterine Cancer Is on the Rise, Especially Among Black Women The cancer eventually will become the third most common type among women, experts say. The mortality rate is highest among Black…
Is “aggressive” definable?
I have a uterine cancer by biopsy with a diagnosis of Moderately differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma, mixed endometrioid, mucinous / secretory, and clear cell type. My first visit to a surgeon at MSK is this week. One of the cell types mentioned (clear-cell) is considered aggressive. What does that mean in reference…
A Question, A "Brag," and A Big, Warm Hug
Hello, my beloved ladies-- I need to wallow in some of the more recent posts. I got busy purchasing a new keyboard and it's more like a computer in some ways. I'm programming it, removing four pianos and adding the newest "White Grand," and teaching myself how to navigate the control board. I've always told my four…
Work-To return or not, navigating disease uncertainty
Hi friends! I'm sure this question has been asked a million times but, I'll ask it again.. I'm 48, have stage 4 clear cell, diagnosed 6 months ago and have completed 6 cycles of chemo and debulking surgery. Not in remission, still have disease in my liver however overall better and am taking a break from chemo. I'm on a…
Serous cell treatment
Hi, I am new here, had robotic hysterectomy Jan. 14, 2022. Med onc recommending 3 brachytherapy radiation only, no chemotherapy. I am Stage 1A mixed serous and endometrioid, no myometrial invasion. Seems most people are getting chemotherapy too. I am nerovus about recurrence. I'd love to hear from long term survivors with…
Quiltergal - Your Surgery Delay
As BluebirdOne noted, it can be hard to get replies when a comment has been posted to a very old thread. So I started this new topic for you. I know that once we hear that we have cancer, most of us are anxious to have surgery to remove it as soon as possible. And your delay until May 9th is discouraging, but not that…
Great...another cancer to contend with.
So...I was diagnosed with skin cancer on my lower right eyelid a couple of weeks ago. "Basal cell carcinoma, sclerosing variant", to be exact. When I heard BCC, I thought, "Well, that is the *good kind* of skin cancer, at least it isn't melanoma." And then I went to Dr. Google and found out not such a "good kind" after…
From 1A to IVa - Endometrioid Carcinoma with Squamus Differentation
Atypical cells found in pap smear late 2020. I couldn't tolerate the pain of uterus scrapings, so I opted for outpatient procedure to have biopsies done. They were clear. Followups all clear until this year. Endometrial lining was 13mm. Opted to have total hysterectomy instead of more biopsies. Had the laparoscopic…
Coping, depression, healing
I think now I am 10 weeks post-hysterectomy and things feel fine for the most part. It still hurts more than it used to when I wake up with a full bladder and need to pee but I can wear one pair of jeans with a stretchier waistband. Anything else is too uncomfortable. Stomach area is starting to feel less mushy and…
Just found out yesterday
Hello everyone - just found yesterday that I have uterine serous carcinoma. Don’t know the stage or much else at this time. I just found this site and have learned so much! I am 73 years old and have had some symptoms for several months. This is how it started: I’m really active physically and noticed during personal…
Newly diagnosed, question regarding scans prior to surgery
Hi, I was on the prostate cancer board previously for my husband, now 2 yrs later I am here on csn for myself...This has all happened so quickly, one moment I was feeling normal and the next not at all :( I am 48 yrs old (have regular periods, no abnormal bleeding) and at the end of August developed extreme pelvic pain…
Elevated CA125 and Scans
Sorry all but I I edited this post as I was not comfortable with it showing up in a Google search and I just had a couple of hours left to do so. I truly appreciate all your responses.
Endometrial biopsy out of the blue....very scared
Hi......I am waiting for my biopsy results and am feeling petrified. I went for my yearly check up last week and the gynecologist found my endometrium to be 8.9mm thick..I'm 61 and and have been post menopausal for 6 years....I have no symptoms, no bleeding and so was so shocked. I had the biopsy done then and there…
My cancer journey So far.
Hello I actually posted once on here before, back in early 2021. I figured I give an update on my journey and the confusing things I dealt with. My backstory I was officially diagnosed with stage one endometriosis cancer stage one after having a long continuous bleeding issue. The symptoms started July 2020 (I know right?)…
Rant of the day
Got up at 4:30 this morning for the drive to my Cancer Center. Long drive, icy roads. Lab work, visit with my oncologist, infusion room crowded and a long wait for the pharmacy to get my Keytruda ready. Back hurts because of my SI joint. So. I am already tired and a liitle grumpy. The phone rings and it is a women from the…
Link to article fund raised for gynecological cancer
I was just happy to read this article. I wanted to share it https://ca.news.yahoo.com/cape-breton-woman-recovered-cancer-090000175.html
5/3/22 Update to My Possible EC Thread
I just wanted to give an update to my previous thread and thank you all for your words of encouragement! I had to step away from this forum as it was very overwhelming to me. My ECC on 4/8 came back clear so we moved forward with surgery. I am now 6 days post robotic-assisted hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy.…
Possible EC
Hello, Ladies! My name is Ryan. My mother named me after "Ryan's Hope", the 70s soap opera. I just turned 43 this past Monday. I have one biological child, an amazing 15-year-old daughter. I live in Baton Rouge. I have been married for almost 18 years. A little backstory to my current situation: In June 2002, I had my…
Stage 3 (IIIIC) Undifferentiated Endometrial Carcinoma
My mom got diagnosed around February 2019 with endometrial cancer, stage 3 grade c (late/advanced). Within a month or so, they did a total hysterectomy and then she continued with a pretty aggressive chemo and radiation plan, with discussions on immunotherapy as well (but those haven't begun yet). She completed her chemo…
Will sex ever feel good again? Questions after hysterectomy
I got the go -ahead from my doctor at my 6 week post-op check up for having sex again but she said to wait one more week since I had some old brown discharge left in there. So I waited until a couple nights ago to have sex. Yesterday was week 8 of recovery. I was nervous because I didn't know if I would still have…
Recently diagnosed with endometrial adenocarcinoma and possible endocervical primary
Biopsy taken from hysterectomy procedure results confirmed cancer diagnosis. I am being referred to oncologist. I was told by gynecologist that wait times may be long for first apt. And thereafter for a hysterectomy (back log from staffing shortages due to Jan. And Feb. 2022 covid). After receiving the diagnosis the idea…
Getting back to my former self & disappointing malaise
Good morning, Friends! I’ve thought about this a lot and have finally decided to ask what y’all think. Please keep in mind that I’m not complaining because in the grand scheme of things:1) I’m still here & 2) I feel I’m doing the right thing to prevent a recurrence (immunotherapy). It’s been 14mths since my last chemo…
A Story for You (yes, my cancer is mentioned sideways, lol)
This is a friend link so you can read free. This story was chosen for further distribution, which is kind of a "big deal" with the site.