Questions about Brachytherapy

Kleinonnine Member Posts: 1 Member
edited September 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

I have uterine cancer and had a complete hysterectomy in November of 2021. On my 6 month checkup the cancer was back. Only 3% of patients have a recurrence of the cancer. I started radiation treatment on August 10th. I am scheduled to start brachytherapy next Wednesday September 7th, and three additional treatments, along with my external radiation treatments. I am scared beyond words about this. I don't like the unknown. My doctor has said it is nothing to worry about, but the thought of a device being inserted into my vaginal is terrifying and I will have a catheter. I have been told about the procedure, however this doesn't help ease my anxiety about it. Questions, is it painful? How bad are the side effects? Right now I am experiencing diarrhea, nausea and burning and pain when I urinate. My boyfriend, bless his heart, isn't helpful calming me down. He says that it is better to experience what I am than the alternative of not receiving treatment. I understand this, but again, it doesn't help me. I don't want to worry my family with how I feel. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. I will be so thankful when this is all over. I'm living for September 28th when I will be finished with all of the treatments.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member

    Kleinonnine, please take a breath - it is all very overwhelming. It sounds like you have a very caring boyfriend, but we know people don't always know what to say.

    I hate to hear anyone say to someone 'nothing to worry about' because you just want to reply with something snarky, and that would be easy, but it is not NOTHING to any of us.

    Please ask if there is anything you can take to help you with the anxiety. I had brachy and it was not painful, but I did not have a catheter, so it may be a different kind of brachy, but people are cath'ed and have to cath daily so there should not be pain.

    The side effect SUCK so please ask if there is anything you can do to alleviate some of those side effects. For diarrhea there is the BRAT diet, maybe consider looking at probiotics if you are not taking them.

    I started this reply a few hours ago so if someone else has not replied I am sure one of the other ladies will be along.