NCCN Basal Cell Skin Cancer Patient Webinar
I haven't paid much attention to the NCCN's patient webinars since they haven't had one on uterine cancer yet. But today I received a notice about an upcoming one on Basal Cell Skin Cancer that caught my eye due to the recent posts here on skin cancer:…
Link to Story: Uterine Cancer, by yours truly
Here's your free link, lovies! I'm trying to help women learn about the sneakiness of this disease, be it my type (sigh, okay, garden style! obnoxious, toxic weeds though), or the more serious (pun intended) kind. So far, I've educated several women, and I'm glad about that. Deb
Got diagnosed 1 weekago with endometrial adenocarcinoma, endometriod type, FIGO rating 1/111. What
Got diagnosed one week ago with endometrial adenocarcinoma, endometrioid type FIGO rating 1/111. Will see oncologist in one week. Can anybody please tell me what does FIGO 1/111 mean?
Newly diagnosed-Endometrial Serous Carcinoma-1A
Just had surgery on 09-16-2021 at Mayo. Total Hysterectomy, Serous Carcinoma of the Endometrium Stage1A. No cancer found in ovaries, tubes, lymph nodes or omentum. Treatment plan was chemo and radiation. I had a anaphylactic reaction after 4 minutes of Taxol. Choosing to continue with just the brachytherapy radiation.…
Question about shots to increase blood counts
Good Afternoon, Would anyone happen to know anything about Ziextenzo and Filgrastim injections? I will be starting this meds soon. I can always talk to my nurse about these meds. I just hope I don't experience any serious side effects. Lisa
Uterine cancer symptoms
As I've posted before, my 78 year old mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer in January. Her only symptom was vaginal bleeding, similar to a period. I was wondering what other symptoms some of the other "maturer" women had. My mom had not been to a gyn in about 11-12 years and I feel a little guilty about not insisting she…
Essential Oils
i have been wondering about essentials oils mainly to help with the pain I have in my hip and shoulder, so I ordered a small set from Amazon and asked my Oncologist about using them. He said that as long as I didnot put it in my mouth he had no problem with it. He said injesting it may not be good with my treatment.…
Updates to the Introduction and FAQ Topics
I just updated these two topics. Both have some new links that relate to the 2021 site redesign. So, if you're still finding your way around the site, whether as a new member or a long-time member, you may find one or more of these links useful.
Test for uterine and ovarian cancers
Hello ladies, I have been an occasional reader of this board. When my mother was going through her treatments for UPSC I found it really helpful to read about other women's thoughts and experiences and I am always cheering you on from the sidelines with gratitude. The reason that I'm finally posting is that I wanted to…
Cancer not responding to Carbo/Taxol on initial treatment plan?
Mom had her 5th Carbo/Taxol treatment after clear CT in Oct and lowering CA125 only to find out this week that she has a recurrence in the pelvic lymph nodes (found out as she had abdominal pain and found out that a swelling lymph node was pressing on her ureter). Obviously, this treatment is not working. Has anyone had…
New article from the Lancet on Endometrial cancer
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673622003233?dgcid=author Author is Dr. Emma Crosbie The report is a good overall view of current EC knowledge and research. It is not a treatment protocol like the NCCN guidelines. I especially was interested in the flow chart for "Investigating post menopausal…
FDA Approves Pembrolizumab for Advanced MSI-H/dMMR Endometrial Cancer
The link above says: Pembrolizumab has been approved by the FDA for the use in advanced microsatellite instability–high/mismatch repair–deficient endometrial cancer following prior systemic therapy. The FDA has approved pembrolizumab (Keytruda) for advanced microsatellite instability–high (MSI-H) or mismatch…
Anniversary of my Surgery is the 24th of March
One year ago, I had my big surgery on the 24th of March. I'd just like to say it's been one hell of an experience. Thank you all for your ongoing support and all of your help. love, Deb
Differences in type of Uterine cancers
What are the differences between what I have MMMT uterine cancer and the other type of uterine cancers? I read all of the posts but don.t post much. Thanks
Cold Capping
I have had 2 chemo treatments (Taxol-Carboplatin) and it feels I have had 3 treatments😄. I experienced some hair loss and now have balding spots on the top of my head. I am so glad I bought some nice wigs in advance. I know I will lose more hair and cannot wait until the treatments are over! Just wondering how others are…
Uterine Cancer Mortality Now Neck and Neck With Ovarian Cancer
I just came across this recent article (Feb. 9, 2022), which I thought I would share: https://www.medpagetoday.com/hematologyoncology/othercancers/97107 Good news for ovarian cancer, not so much for uterine cancer, but important information to be aware of nonetheless. I also thought it might be food for thought for some of…
Ringing the Bell
Today we finally got a win!! And I say WE because my husband is with me every step of the way. I don't know what the future may hold, but today I got to ring the bell after completing my last scheduled Chemo!!! I'll still be going back as I participate in the RUBY Clinical Trial with immunotherapy. But today, we reached a…
New blood test for cancer
This sounds like really good news. It has a very high accuracy. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/966130?src=soc_fb_220106_mscpedt_news_mdscp_bloodtest&faf=1
Relief from painful neuropathy in feet, legs, and hands.
I've heard some people talk about some cold therapy right before or during chemo, specifically on the feet. Any suggestions? I am in a lot of pain and I have lots more chemo treatments to get past. Once pain meds do nothing, so I had to get my big ice pack out the freezer, dig out my massager used for joint pain, and plug…
I’m curious if anyone is taking the Neulasta shot. Thoughts, experience, complaint, etc. Thanks.
Treatments with Niraparib or Kaytruda
My mom was diagnosed with Stage 3c carcinosarcoma of endometrium, underwent the surgery and now waiting for radiation and chemo. I’ve been looking for what kind of new treatments are out there and found out about these 2 medications: - Kaytruda - Niraparib Niraparib (ZEJULA) is a PARP inhibitor, I saw a video from 2017…
6 week follow-up appointment after hysterectomy
I was very worried that my doctor would say something wasn't looking right or healing right but she checked my incisions and said the worst looking one wasn't infected, just inflamed. She removed my one little stitch from the incision above my belly button and that looks a lot better. She did a quick pelvic exam and said…
Caught My Dress In My Panty Hose! Whee! (just for fun)
Love you all. Do make sure and give MissTaylor some love too. She's doing better, now five weeks post op! Here's a link to my latest story, ladies. Enjoy!
Dairy of a scared women- endometrium 15.90mm age 34
Hello beauties, I’m 34 years young mommy of 4. Here is a journal of my journey through finding out answers, hopefully this helps someone later down the line with answers or with some sort of comfort in the most frightening moments of your life. I pray that your outcome is wonderful and cancer free. <3!! -ENDOMETRIUM ISSUES…
Starting Immunotherapy and Chemo Tomorrow
Adding Immunotherapy first line since my tumor is microsatellite instability high. Chemo is carboplatin plus paclitaxel. May the force be with me!
Selinexor (Xpovio) for advanced or recurrent endo cancer
"Researchers announce the first results of a Phase 3 clinical study of selinexor as maintenance therapy for advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer following complete or partial response to induction combination platinum/taxane chemotherapy. Compared with the placebo-controlled group, patients receiving the treatment…
Verzenio + aromatase inhibitor for recurrent ER+ endo cancer
The results of a trial were posted recently, thought I'd share. "A combination therapy that targets cancer cells from within and without caused tumors to shrink or stabilize in 75% of patients with recurrent or persistent estrogen receptor- (ER-) positive endometrial cancer, results from a recent clinical trial show." ...…
5 Weeks post-hysterectomy
Tomorrow marks 5 weeks since I had my surgery. Hopefully only a few more weeks or maybe sooner before all my restrictions are lifted. I see my doctor in Atlanta on the 23rd. Overall the last couple weeks I have felt pretty good. Not normal, but definitely better. I don't have much pain from what I'm guessing is my cuff,…
Two Bits of News
Oh, my....I've got two positive pieces of news! I've been accepted as a contributing writer for "Crow's Feet," which is an online magazine that publishes on Medium, a great website I belong to with articles from thousands of writers. This is a wonderful thing, as I had routinely written and had articles published before…
Sandwich of chemo then radiation then chemo
Any experience/info on this approach? I have uterine carcinosarcoma stage 3, so looking to help the odds. Thank you!