IP chemo
Anyone who has done IP chemo please post what your protocol was. Did you have to ve in the hospital for it? Kim
Happy Mother's Day!
Ativan/lorazepam for everyday use?
First of all thank you to all of the wonderful people on this site who continue to fight the fine fight and who are willing to share your experiences, triumphs, and fears with others so that we know we are not crazy. Currently I am on chemo for stage 3c ovarian cancer. Recently my nerves seems to have been getting the best…
Sad news - Loewenhart
Maureen (Mo) passed away peacefully yesterday morning shortly after 2:00am. There is no words to make it easier. We never met but I feel like I knew Mo personally. She was such a wonderful vibrant lady. I will miss her strength and encouraging words. Rest in peace dear Teal Sister.
Gemzar and fatigue
Hi Ladies. For those of you have taken gemzar, did you experience extreme fatigue? This past Friday I took week 3 (3 weeks on, one week off) of cycle number 2. I am SO tired and sleepy. I have had carbo/taxol, cistplatin, doxil and topotecan. Doxil caused fatigue, but nothing like gemzar. Hope all of you are getting ready…
The week in review: my cancer journey
Last week on Wednesday April 14, I had a CT scan. I spoke with the nurse on Thursday; she said the doc would call after he studied the scan with the radiologist and consulted his other expert friends. Office visit scheduled for later in month. by Monday, he hadn't called, so I assumed must not be much to report...life is…
Here is my follow up. Saw my gyn/onc today and received the results of my pet scan. At least 3 new tumors, 2 in my groin and one behind my liver. The plan is surgery again to debulk optimally again. Then IP/IV chemo therapy. Ca125 is 94 and where I have been having pain is where the tumors were found. Kim
HELP! Attitude adjustment needed
It looks like it will be another beautiful day, but my mood is dark and dreary. I was first diagnosed in December 2011. I had the customary debunking surgery and carbo taxol regiment. Was NED for 14 months then it returned. Did 6 rounds of Doxil and avastin but counts went down then up to 22. I was doing okay mentally for…
finally did my "about me page & made mistake I'd like to change & can't ----- insteasd of 23 grandd
I've tried to edit & can't get a cursor - i can highlght but can't delete *** any help would be appreciated** Stroke brain & chemo brain really mess up sometimes. tks Susan P
What happened?
I am Julie's sister. My sweet, 46 year old sister, just passed away from Ovarian Cancer, just 14 months after initial diagnosis. Her husband and I were her caregivers, researchers, etc. We are still wondering what happened? We thought she was getting better, but I guess we had our head in the sand. I am on this site hoping…
Shoes for neuropathy..
Have neuropathy is my feet because of chemo. Am having a hard time finding shoes that feel good. Any suggestions ? Thanks
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
I don't think I can do this
Had the devastating news of a third recurrence. CT scan finally showed signs of disease on my liver, and elevated CA 125, which has been climbing steadily from the teens or twenties to 300 since I finished chemo for my last (second) recurrence 15 months ago. I am so not up for this. The tears are flowing abundantly. In a…
So I had my appt with my onc. today and it seems my CA number is rising, they are checking todays numbers. I guess they worry only when it consistly rises. I had my treatment today then will have a scan to see whats what. Its so depressing i just want to be over with this disease. It seems I take one step forward then 10…
Life after Chemo
It has been two years and a half since my chemo but it seems like life will never be the same. I never feel 90% and it seems like it is one physical element after another. Am trying very hard not to get discouraged but it is hard. Was always so healthy until this came along and am now declared NED. Thank you God but just…
Ovarian cancer recurrence
Hello... after 5 years cancer survivor, on March 2014 my cancer recurrence. the ct scan told I develop tumor in 4 cm and the tumor was blockage left kidney. With my limited English I' m trying to find information and a person who probably having similar issue with me to educated me with all the chemo and radiation. What…
What's Coming Down the Pike
Hello Ladies..! OK, I have been reading around here for a while. But I did not find a thread of this type. Over in the Kidney secition one of our brainiacs started a thread with the above name. This has all the latest and greatest new treatments in Clinical Trials. Also for those that may not be aware there is this WEB…
Had chemo today
2014-04-25dr. says two more to go..then scans. Ca -125 was 15! I wore my Cher tee shirt and she asked about the concert..I loved it. Next chemo in June . Hoping for a good warm summer to recoup. You guys rock....Val
May 8th is World Ovarian Cancer Day - Be part of it!
My first experience with Psycho-Therapy
Most of us have experienced psychological effects of cancer, treatment and menopause: fear, anxiety, depression, mood swings, loss of control, memory loss, relationship and intimacy issues, the list is long and tedious. We all cope with those new aspects of our lives differently. I sometimes envy people having strong…
Oy what a day....
Arrived at noon for big chemo day gemzar/carbo/avastin. Had Gemzar last week no problem Except for blood sugar went to 350 next morning. Decided with PCP to use short acting insulin on big chemo days as I have to use decadron for 4 days in a row. At my last chemo for the first occurrence I had a reaction to the carbo so I…
A long time without a scan
Hello! I will be seeing my doctor this week after 15 months without a visit. I am a 6 year survivor of stage 3C. I am feeling alittle nervous now about having to have a cat scan soon. It has been over 2 1/2 years since my last one. My question.... do you think that is a very long time between cat scans?
It's go time! Update in pictures
CA125 = 891 same as when I was first diagnosed almost 2 years ago. Doubled in 9 days! I am having core needle biopsy under conscious sedation tomorrow. I have been waiting for it for 7 months. Finally! If it goes ahead successfully and tissue samples are usable, I will qualify for the PARP trial. Big IF. I was told today…
Ca125 has doubled
I am now at 44 which signals a recurrence. was 17 just 2 months ago. I was prepared for the news but it still made me cry. I'll have another ct scan Thursday and meet with my gyn/onc on Friday. He had warned me that there was "nodularity on the omentum" that was new from the last scan in 2012. so, I had a 2 year remission…
noni fruit
Has anyone heard of the noni fruit? My neighbors just came back from Hawaii and are raving about it healing. Kim
Check up post poned
Hi all.... I hope this post finds you well.... First off Alexandra I just want to say that I am beyond overjoyed that you made it into the trial. That is such awsome news.... I was suppossed to have a check up yesterday but got a call on Monday that we needed to postpone it a few weeks. Hey no problem there. lol. It seems…
Congratulations Alexandra
I am so excited that you are starting a PARP trial. Your persistence (stubbornness) has paid off! I want a full report...I expect to hear about your twice daily 5 pill ingestion with vodka.... xoxo Susan
Political correctness on crack
Yesterday I got my urine test result and yes I have a UTI. I googled UTI and the first site that popped up belonged to Hassle Free Clinic in Toronto, a Canadian equivalent of STD / STI / VD clinic. I want you to imagine executive steering committee meeting at Hassle-Free Clinic dedicated to developing their new web-site.…
my mother has ovarian cancer
Hi, I'm not really very good at communicating and if I say anything over the line, please just let me know. I've been a follower of csn since my mother was diagnosed and have only recently signed on. She was diagnosed and had a hysterectomy and debulking surgery in January of 2013. She was given carboplatium and taxol for…
Weekly Cisplatin and Etoposide for recurrent ovca
New study showed promising results http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-96824/New-drug-treatment-beating-ovarian-cancer.html Overall, 80% of the women's tumors shrank and an unprecedented 43% showed a complete response, with all signs of their cancers disappearing.