Could it be cancer?????

Anna711 Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi all! For the last few years I have had severe bone and muscle pain and have worried what if it is some sort of cancer. Also, I have had so many female problems- heavy periods, sometimes months at a time of bleeding, pain, etc. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. That prompted me to make a few appointments just to rule out something as serious as cancer for myself. My PCP refuses to give me an order for a bone scan despite frequently complaining of bone pain. I am also on steroids for my asthma so I thought I should prob. have some sort of bone test anyway since I have been on this steroid-containing asthma med. for 13 years or so. I have been seeing my PCP, Cardiologist, Gyn, and GI doctor for different issues and tests.

In the last 6 months all of the following results have been found:
elevated serum AST level
*low vitamin D level
*thickened endometrial stripe
*Focal area of endometrial thickening
*Many small ovarian cysts
*One ovary has enlarged between the time of two ultrasounds (3 months apart)
*Numerous cervical cysts
*2 cm kidney lesion
*And just this week I have found a small lump in my vagina that has begun to bleed on and off

The female issues have been so terrible. If I did not want any more children, I would ask my Dr. to just do a hysterectomy. What I am really afraid of is that all these cysts and symptoms could be cancer. I just have this horrible feeling….I just wish they would do some test that would say for sure yes or no there is nothing to worry about. Every time they find something small wrong they say it is not big and I am young (29) so I should not worry. I have a 6 year old daughter who has epilepsy and autism and I just want to make sure I will be around a long time to take care of her.

I just wonder, is it possible to have cancer without any large tumor? Could my problems be gyn. cancer? Or am I just being paranoid?

Thanks for listening! ~Anna


  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    Hi Anna
    I am being investigated for cyst and node issues on my ovary and am a cancer surivor of non hodgkins lymphoma, not ovarian. I just wanted to make some general comments though regarding your situation.

    First of all I am a great believer in second opinions and I also believe in our own intuitions. That being said you seem to have several doctors already covering much of your complaint areas but I don't see where a second opinion from say another gynecologist would hurt and might ease your mind. You seem to have enough gyne issues to at least get another specialists viewpoint on your situation.

    I don't know what country you live in, I'm in Canada, so not sure how easy it would be for you to get your second opinion.

    Please don't jump to conclusions about your condition til you know for sure, I have become quite worried about my situation before I really know and it doesn't really do you any good. I can totally understand your concern given your Mother's history and they say that you should be checked out if Mothers or sisters have breast cancer so it seems you are thinking straight on the issue to me. Of course I don't know all your medical details and exams so far.

    I know how hard it is not to know and finding symptoms that would appear ominous but they don't have to be threatening, but, why not check it out with second opinions.

    I hope you find the answers you want and pray that all turns out well for you. Blessings, Bluerose
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Sorry to meet under these circumstances. But I'm sure that there will be lots of support and information here.

    First of all, it would be difficult to address whether or not any of the growths/cysts are cancerous. Sometimes they just don't know until they go in and find out. And all these symptoms may work hand-in-hand, or some of them may be unrelated.

    The AST has to do with the liver. Enzymes can be elevated for lots of reasons. So, I can't really address that individually. The low Vitamin D can be very important, as Vitamin D is vital to our bones AND immunity AND inflammation. I would certainly look into supplements after you get a full picture of what's going on. You cannot absorb calcium/magnesium without the Vitamin D, so you could take all the supplements in the world and it won't help if it's not a three-way balance. Because of Vitamin D's anti-inflammatory response, I wonder if this is causing your bone pain?

    Have you ever been checked for endometriosis? They can usually determine that by a laparoscopy, a simple out-patient procedure. I had endometriosis, and some of the symptoms sound similar, especially horrible periods, cysts, and the thickening of the endometrium.

    I agree that a second opinion might be warranted. Bring your test results with you. Try to get a gynecologic oncologist, 'just in case'. I don't know if you require a referral for your insurance, but it's well worth checking into.

    Please keep us up-to-date and let us know what you find out and how you're doing. Till then, sending lots of Prayers and Hugs your way!

  • Anna711
    Anna711 Member Posts: 6
    mopar said:

    Sorry to meet under these circumstances. But I'm sure that there will be lots of support and information here.

    First of all, it would be difficult to address whether or not any of the growths/cysts are cancerous. Sometimes they just don't know until they go in and find out. And all these symptoms may work hand-in-hand, or some of them may be unrelated.

    The AST has to do with the liver. Enzymes can be elevated for lots of reasons. So, I can't really address that individually. The low Vitamin D can be very important, as Vitamin D is vital to our bones AND immunity AND inflammation. I would certainly look into supplements after you get a full picture of what's going on. You cannot absorb calcium/magnesium without the Vitamin D, so you could take all the supplements in the world and it won't help if it's not a three-way balance. Because of Vitamin D's anti-inflammatory response, I wonder if this is causing your bone pain?

    Have you ever been checked for endometriosis? They can usually determine that by a laparoscopy, a simple out-patient procedure. I had endometriosis, and some of the symptoms sound similar, especially horrible periods, cysts, and the thickening of the endometrium.

    I agree that a second opinion might be warranted. Bring your test results with you. Try to get a gynecologic oncologist, 'just in case'. I don't know if you require a referral for your insurance, but it's well worth checking into.

    Please keep us up-to-date and let us know what you find out and how you're doing. Till then, sending lots of Prayers and Hugs your way!


    Thanks for the replies!
    Thank you for your replies! I know everything may be okay (and of course I hope it is). I have worried about my pain for some time. I have other symptoms and other health issues beside what I listed in my first post….but the bone pain not letting up, my female issues getting worse and my mom's diagnosis prompted me to get checked out just in case there was something serious wrong (I had been putting off going to the doctors for a long time because I felt like there was no time). I don't want to jump the gun and I am sure there could be something other than cancer causing my symptoms but I just feel so lousy and the bleeding is just getting so bad at times it interferes with my daily routines. I want to be healthy but I feel like something is wrong and like my doctors won't listen to me because nothing they find is hugely remarkable. I cannot even get them to look at my bones in any way and that is the symptom that was concerning me to begin with.

    I live in the U.S. and luckily do not require referrals so that is good. I have seen one PCP, one GI dr. who ruled out any issues with the liver, one cardiologist who is still running tests on me, and one Gyn. who I am seeing again tomorrow. Anyway, thank you all for your replies and support!