They are taking everything out of 2 weeks...

Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Well, what a learning experience today. My Ob/GYN and GP both met with me and have informed me that due to the strong genetic link in my family, they intend to remove ovaries, tubes, uterus etc. They had already set up an appointment with the surgeon (head of gynecology). Anyway, they said that they are finding more and more small tumors in the ovaries when they do the "prophylactic" sugery that they are beginning to consider this as part of the regular protocol for women who are through menopause,and who have the genetic link. S/he said it's the only true screening they have to find it early. It sounds like the doctors are getting smarter about this disease. They certainly had done their homework before I arrived today. They explained the impossibilty of screening, as s/he admitted that you simply cannot see into an ovary. I thought a trans-vaginal ultrasound would do it and my doctor scoffed (in a good way). He told me that he would never trust that to catch an early cancer. Soooo, I think I feel very lucky to be in such good hands. In fact, they called it a de-bulking. Now, recovery. I think I am in denial..2 days? 2 weeks? I am in good shape and have a good attitude.... Will it hurt?


  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    2 weeks
    You do sound very lucky to catch this so early! You'll be in my prayers! Kathryn
  • TDodds68
    TDodds68 Member Posts: 29
    I was pre-menapause and was still planning on doing more infertility treatments to try to have our first baby but due to the tumor and the high risk of genetics in my family they took everything in me also. Out of my moms 5 sisters all but 1 have had it.
  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    TDodds68 said:

    I was pre-menapause and was still planning on doing more infertility treatments to try to have our first baby but due to the tumor and the high risk of genetics in my family they took everything in me also. Out of my moms 5 sisters all but 1 have had it.

    Ovaries are VERY tiny.

    Ovaries are VERY tiny.

    I hope that you will recover and bounce back up in no time :)
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Lisa, so sorry to hear that you will have to have surgery, but it sounds like this is the best thing if you want to live a long and healthy life.
    I think your recovery will depend on how long they have you opened on the table, what they take out and how you respond to surgery. They will give you a range and they usually estimate high. They give you plenty of drugs so pain is not really an issue, although you do feel very uncomfortable at first. I bounce back well from surgery and always get up and start moving as soon as I can. That gets the bowels moving and everything just seems to fall into place after that. It sounds like you are in good hands.
    I wish you smooth sailing.
    Warm hugs,
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Although I know you're not looking forward to this, I am so glad to hear your doctor is being aggressive. After child bearing age I think it's smart to consider removing everything, especially considering genetic risk, symptoms, circumstances, etc. Why take a chance? I remember I was concerned about my recovery and pain before my surgery. My sister had a hysterectomy in 1976 and was in such pain. But I was pleasantly surprised that my pain was minimal. I'm sure it had to do with new technology and procedures, and mostly, my doctor.

    At the time I was simply diagnosed with a uterine fibroid. But my ob/gyn sent me to an oncologist because my CA125 was elevated. I had never even heard of that blood test before that! (I will be forever grateful for my doctor sending me to the oncologist!) Anyway, my oncologist did a thorough, and I mean THOROUGH checking around in my abdomen. Ovaries, tubes, uterus, omentum, lymph nodes were ALL removed. I had the bikini cut (with staples). I awoke to a tube down my nose to drain intestinal fluids, and a catheter. Both were removed after 24 hours. My pain was minimal - I didn't even use the pain pump or ask for meds. I was up and around the next day, even took a shower! I took 6 weeks off of work, but returned after 5 weeks, and started chemo the following week. At that time I was also in good shape and believe it also contributed to my recovery.

    So, it sounds like you are in excellent hands. And it sounds as though your body is prepared to deal with this. Please let us know how everything goes. Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way!

  • aboli
    aboli Member Posts: 9
    hi girls,
    Yes they took out

    hi girls,

    Yes they took out everything for me too. My surgery was on aug 17th. I am recovering from total histerectomi and de-bulking. I have no genetic link in my family and yet.

    Yes it is much less painful as on today. Hoping to be better in next 4 to 6 weeks.
    My ovarian tumor was 12x12x15ccm . The cut is vertical across the belly for exploration in the viscera. A long incision and it did pain in the begining. But Body has an amazing capacity to heal. it is just a matter of time.

    A help from a family member or a freind during first 4 weeks makes the passage much easier.

    I have a freind with me eversince I have come back from hopital. she is an angel.

    Chemo will start in 6 to 8 weeks. I am little nervous about how am I going to cope with that. I have a followup appointment on september 1st. They will chart a course of treatment then.
    Surgeon/gyn-onco seemed to have done very good job. So far no complication from the surgery.

    let us see what is ahead in store now.
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Been There
    Hi Lisa. This is so good that they have found a problem and are going in to take care of it. My case was a little different. I had the background for Mom. I went in for a routine gyno visit and they found an ovary that was enlarged. They did a CA125 and found it normal. So they decided to do a hysterectomy. I had about a 6 inch incision. All was okay until the path report came back showing ovarian. Then I had staging surgery a month and a half later. A cut from mid stern to below belly button. They did biopsies and took my appendix and omentum. For me, I hurt. Amonth after surgery I got the flu. And me had a horrible winter, so I was trying to walk through the snow and had to lift my legs up. Because I was so tired from a breast lumpectomy and radiation earlier in the year plus these two surgeries, I took longer to heal. And the worst thing for me was the eating. I stil have problems eating because I get full pretty quick. You will do okay. A little sore and touchy for a few weeks, but i think you'll do just fine. Glad they have caught this early, your prognosis sounds pretty good. Hugs, Cindy
  • maryln3
    maryln3 Member Posts: 62
    Cindy54 said:

    Been There
    Hi Lisa. This is so good that they have found a problem and are going in to take care of it. My case was a little different. I had the background for Mom. I went in for a routine gyno visit and they found an ovary that was enlarged. They did a CA125 and found it normal. So they decided to do a hysterectomy. I had about a 6 inch incision. All was okay until the path report came back showing ovarian. Then I had staging surgery a month and a half later. A cut from mid stern to below belly button. They did biopsies and took my appendix and omentum. For me, I hurt. Amonth after surgery I got the flu. And me had a horrible winter, so I was trying to walk through the snow and had to lift my legs up. Because I was so tired from a breast lumpectomy and radiation earlier in the year plus these two surgeries, I took longer to heal. And the worst thing for me was the eating. I stil have problems eating because I get full pretty quick. You will do okay. A little sore and touchy for a few weeks, but i think you'll do just fine. Glad they have caught this early, your prognosis sounds pretty good. Hugs, Cindy

    getting full quickly
    what causes that feeling of getting full? i am sure that is why i am haivng severe constipation i eat half of a sandwich and i am full....

    just surgery..i mean 2 surgeries...