just diagnosed - what can i expect? Follicular Lynmphoma
Follicular Lymphoma grade 3A/Stage 3 had cyst removed from scalp - found the cancer, cat scan from Jan 14th 2022 revealed spread throughout lymph nodes. looks like we will start with CHOP chemo then radiation - but i have no start date or exact meds to be used... would be be wise to cancel the trip to Germany next month…
ABVD treatment and continued hair loss
Hello,I was treated with the ABVD treatments for Hodgkins lymphoma for 6 months.I never lost any hair until almost the last treatment.Its now been over a year since my last treatment and my hair has not grown back at all.I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen,and what if anything you may have been told you can…
Follow up doctor visits
After diagnosis and treatment how often did you see your oncologist? If in a partial remission for awhile (9 years) what do your visits consist of? Blood work,scans, exams? Just curious what others have experienced. My oncologist has not done one scan in the 3 years i've known him, does a cbc but this time wants no blood…
Hi, what are your thoughts on Evusheld? Has anyone here received it yet? It is really new (came out in Dec 2021)
lookin for online frands
so i’m looking for cancer buddies who i can talk to, idk anyone my age with cancer who gets it, literally can’t relate to any of my old friends so if ur in your 20s and ur life that just started got turned upside down by cancer follow my insta @areliajrdan and dm me 💕
Anyone have high proliferation index FL?
I am looking to find some one to tell me about their experience with grade 2 follicular lymphoma with a paradoxically high proliferation index. I asked the oncologist about it was rate or not but he just told me it wasn’t unheard of. I am going to have another biopsy soon as the SUV in some lymph nodes was as high as 16.
Please help me with my PET scan results
Please note these results came in today, this Christmas morning. Of course no doctor is around and my follow-up is Monday, 12/27. I am already aware of the lymphoma diagnosis in right axillary lymph node and mesenteric mass. Sticking with the cancer related items, I believe that everything I thought I knew going into the…
Father diagnosed with Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma FNHL
Hi All ~ My father was recently diagnosed with FNHL after about a month of testing to find out what type of cancer her had. He is expected to get more info such as staging on 12/29 but I wanted to do a little research to see what he could expect. I personally had head and neck cancer last year and this site was so helpful…
Three month check up
Hi All, Today I have my CT. Had lab done on Friday. Oncologist appointment next week. Seems these three month check ups come faster and faster. As most of you know it’s been a year now November 2, 2020 since I was diagnosed with CLL/SLL. Watch and wait, Wait and watch whichever is where I’m at. I’m a 73 year old female for…
8 months sick. misdiagnosed. waiting for bone marrow biopsy
Hello friends. I am 34 years old, and was a healthy and active male. In early Sept of 2020 I started experiencing stabbing, and piercing pain in my gut. I went to my PCP who ran a few blood tests but found nothing wrong. He gave me some pain meds and sent me on my way. In Oct I had to go to the ER the pain was so bad. I…
How long have you survived
I came across the original post in the head and neck cancer section so I thought I'd recreate it for our lymphoma community. Let us spread positively and hope. Do share your story
Left flank pain
I am currently waiting to speak with my oncologist about my latest PET scan that shows 3 areas with focal increased uptake of 4.3 to 4.7. I am on maintenace treatment and was considered NED in Dec 2020. I am having terrible left flank pain. Has anyone else had this and could you please give me some idea of what this might…
For What It Is Worth- Vaccine
I was part of the Lymphoma study that showed 1 out of 4 who had Lymphoma previuosly didn't have antibodies tafter getting two shots. I was lucky to be one that did show antibodies, but after six months i came down with coivd yet again for the second time (Oct 2021). I just recieved my booster, but if are vaccinated you…
Terrified I have lymphoma
I am headed again to another Dr to try to get help for the health problems I have been having. I have multiple swollen painful lymph nodes on the back of my head and neck which started 4 months ago and which keep growing and multiplying. The entire back of my head and neck itch so badly! I have also been haing shortness of…
Awaiting test results for likely lymphoma 2019 negative
Lymphoma vs Sarcoid
Hi all, After lots of labwork and tests (chest xra, abdominal ultrasounds, ct scans) it has almost been diagnosed that I have a type of lymphoma. I am completely 100% new at this. I have an appointment with a surgeon Monday to excise a swollen lymph node in my neck. They will have a definitive diagnosis after this. After…
Post-vaccination vigilance
This is NOT political and NOT pro or anti-vaccine. This is medical/scietific data that reveal a risk that we should be on guard against. Dr. John Campbell PhD is one of the best-known online individuals tracking the Covid-19 pandemic. He does this from a scientific, peer reviewed data vantage point. He interviewed a young…
Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
Hello everyone, Recently diagnosed with lymphoma non Hodgkin cutaneous B cell , I am waiting for the PET scan results Oct. the 13th . I am also requesting a second opinion at Mayo Clinic. First symptom was a skin tissue that my dermatologist sent to biopsy. I don't have symptoms blood work normal . Just wondering if somone…
Fluid build-up in the stomach
My husband as Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma. Has had 4 rounds of chemo. He now has a tremendous build up of fluid in his stomach and will have parasentesis tomorrow to remove it. Has anyone else had this problem?
How are your eyes?
Bone Marrow Biopsy for Anemia
My Oncologist has recommended a bone marrow biopsy because of my continous low hymogloben counts and fatigue since end of treatment with RCHOP & radition 2.5 yrs ago. He mentioned a possible link to lymphoma but said not to worry....of course I wouldn't worry, NOT! 2 things I'm thinking about. What type of lymphoma might…
skipping chemo treatments at times
I was told early April 2021 I had stage 2.B H.L When I was told this I did not know enough to ask questions. I later did lots of google research. I had 4 chemo dates (two in April and 2 in May). I hated the needles and was about to stop all treatments and just die. I hated needles that much. I googled and found it was okay…
Has anyone had rituxan and had the covid vaccine and told that the vaccine may not be effective because of rituxan? I had my last chemo treatment on August 2 and I asked my specialist about the covid booster shot. She said that because I took rituxan, the booster will not have be effective. I got my first covid vaccine on…
After seeing a specialist, I was told that it is highly unlikely that I will need a Stem cell transplant. However, I will need some radiation. I have had 6 chemo treatments consisting of R-EPOCH. Any know what that radiation will be like and what to expect?
Uncle has been recently diagnosed with Burkitts
Hi Everyone- My uncle was recently diagnosed with Stage II NHL, Burkitts which is rare in adults. I was searching for peer-reviewed literature in adults on this type of NHL and did not find much. Has anyone gone thru this and have information on prognosis and outcome? He is 64, no pre-existing conditions, athletic. I'm so…
'Unusual' Pfizer vaccine response
Second Pfizer vaccine was received Thursday, August 5th. As of Sunday, August 8th, I developed a fever, muscle aches and a general sense of malaise. So far, expected. However, the fever has gone as high a 102F and varies during the day, seemingly activity-related. Today, in my 3rd week, it was 100.9F. Along with this, I…
Radiation in Infancy
As an infant I was radiated in 1946 for an enlarged thymus gland in the mistaken belief that this would prevent SIDS. The amount of radiation I absorbed was equal to ten common CT studies today. This treatment was commonly used in major hospitals and even pediatricians’ offices across the country. Thousands of infants and…
Long term effects of having FNHL treated with Treanda / Rituxin
My FNHL has been in remission for about 1.5 years. I went through Treanda/Rituxin treatment for about a 6+ month time span. When I was first diagnosed it seemed to happen so quickly! Everything was being scheduled and I was being taken this way and that. It was kind of overwhelming but at the same time, it was comforting…
Autologous stem cell transplant
Hello, I hope all is doing well I was looking for posts regarding stem cell transplant but didn't find any so thought of making one. if you have had a stem cell transplant please do share your experience especially how you coped with the side effects post discharge, its concerning me the most.
Life after cancer/chemo
Hi everyone, I am almost a year out from my last chemo treatment. I had stage 2A Hodgkin's (bulky) and went through 12 chemo treatments. I didn't have to have radiation as they were worried there was a high risk of me developing a secondary cancer due to my age as well as one of my biggest tumors being in the middle of my…