New to forum, in middle of FL treatment, need perspectives please
Hi folks. Looking for perspectives or experiences from others. I was diagnosed with FL Grade IIIA in Feb, 58 years old, picked up on a routine abdominal US scan. Asymptomatic other than a swollen jaw node in Dec that went away after 3 weeks. Total of 5-6 nodal clusters throughout the torso, the main ones in middle of gut…
Mediastinal B-Cell NHL -R-EPOCH
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am going in for my 6th chemo treatment of R-EPOCH tomorrow. Originally my Oncologist was hoping the cancer would be gone by the 4th treatment and I would need a total of 6 treatments. My PET scan after 4 treatmetns showed the cancer had shrank, but still there. My Dr said this is still great…
Primary Mediastinal B Cell Lymphoma or Double Hit?
43 years old and I was just told on 4/22/19 that my Primary Mediastinal B Cell Lymphoma was in complete remission after 6 rounds of DA-EPOCH-R, but have been referred to a stem cell transplant team for a consultation. My oncologist has never used the term "double hit" until the referral. Wouldn't they have diagnosed me…
Scans at check up
Just wondering what your onc does. I have a new one since we moved. He sees me annually for a cbc only. No scans. He uses blood work and exam...which is pretty fast and incomplete. Im not used to this. Anyone else followed up with this way? In remission since 2012. Nodes wax and wane...
Premature Ovarian Failure
Hi, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2001 at the age of 14. I was told there is a chance I can't have children due to Cyclophosphamide being part of my treatment. I am now 30 years old. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for six months now. Due to my history, I decided to see a fertility specialist.…
Transformed NHL from Follicular to Diffused Large Cell B
My mother has had NHL for 7 years. She would have treatment and then it would come back. In January, she stopped treatment since she was feeling better and was reacting to what they were giving her (rash all over). Doctor said if she was feeling ok, they could just watch and wait. In February, she started having hip pain.…
R-CHOP peeps
Hi All, Hope you all have a merry Christmas & are getting ready for the new year! Had a question for those of you that have had R-CHOP or are currently having it now. Did your side effects seem to get worse with each treatment? I know everyones reaction to chemo is different but I was curious to see if anyone's side…
anyone fighting SMZL splenic marginal zone lymphoma
I was diagnosed with smzl a couple of months ago. Currently undergoing chemo therapy with cladribine and rituxin. The spleen is already starting to shrink and I am having little negative response to the chemo, essentially just fatigue and a little chemo brain. The big debate between my two oncologists was getting a…
Gum pain
I am one year out from my first treatment of smzl with rituximab. My gums are always sore. Has anyone else had this problem?
How long does chemo stay in your system
I really felt like I dodged a bullet when I didn't experience fatigue or chemo brain during my chemo treatments.I now am back at work and by Thursday or Friday I'm fatigued.It is hard for people to understand that it doesn't matter how much extra sleep you get it doesn't always help.One of the hardest is mental for me. I…
Collagen supplement
Hi All, I started taking a powdered collagen supplement before I was diagnosed with Lymphoma last year. As most of you know I got diagnosed with CLL/SLL Lymphoma Nov 2, 2020. At that time I stopped taking collagen. Didn't know why I stopped perhaps it was the shock of hearing my diagnosis and didn't want to be bothered. It…
Undiagnosed still - No end...?
Hi Very frustrated... I am a 38YO male, never smoked, never did drugs, healthy and in shape. Im terriby worried. All started on April 4, 2 months ago. That day I ended up in the ER with chest pain.. it was sharp, very strange. The doctors took an X Ray and did an EKG which did not show abnormalities (fortunately at the…
Second round of antibiotics ahead of head/neck CT
Not much new to report. My insurance is apparently pushing back on the testing. The ENT is having me do a second round of antibiocs and return in a little less than two weeks. The supraclavicular lumps have been increasing, so he seems set on a biopsy and did say excisional would be best. Won't know until the CT though,…
DLBCL 1 Year Scan Findings
First-time poster...thanks in advance for any advice/sharing of own experiences. Otherwise healthy 36 year old male when diagnosed with stage 4 (bulky) DLBCL in Feb, 2020. Received 6 session of R-CHOP. CR in June, 2020. My 6 month month scan was clean. Just got results from 1 year scan yesterday which was also clean, but a…
Designer Drugs Marketing
Several years ago, my husband and I made the decision to cancel our TV cable. It was so expensive and we hardly watched it. We would watch news. He liked the history channel and I liked watching cooking shows. Content we want to view is easily available online. Which makes it very shocking to me when I am exposed to TV. I…
Tomorrow Pet Scan results
Hi warriors, Tomorrow is my Oncologist appointment for my results of my 6 month Pet Scan. At my earlier appointment on May 17th the labs should no worse. Platlets and WBC a tad lower. So he then ordered the Pet Scan on May 26th. I'm asking for positive thoughts and or prayers. I would so appreciate it. My prayers are…
One year scan after SCT
Well my one year scan complete and all clear. My counts never fully rebounded but I guess it has arrived at a new baseline. Otherwise all is well. Retired at 57 and spending more time with family. Most of my friends are still working. i have been catching up on lots of things around the house I neglected. Some I let go…
Pulmonary nodules
Anyone here have their nhl go to their lungs? After 9years of remission i have 10 measurable nodules and many smaller nodules in my right lung. Just had the scan. Radiology is going to compare to previous scans. But i see no mention of this in the past. I'm concerned that the beast is back on the move.
numbness finger tips with R-epoch
I've just finished 2nd cycle of R-epoch, now I'm experiencing numbness of finger tip (mild but no sign of improvement in several days). I was told this can get worse with repeated doses and can be irreversible. has anyone experienced the same side effect? Did it go away? Should I ask doctor to reduce etoposide/vincrestine?
Bogus advances
I do not have a strong opinion regarding this. The FDA is damned if they do, damned if they don't. People want new drugs gotten to market FAST, but then want them to be PERFECT also. An impossible task..... https://www.foxnews.com/health/fda-to-scrutinize-unproven-cancer-drugs
If it takes a lot of words to say what you have in mind, give it more thought.Dennis Roth
Covid vaccination failure?
I had my two vaccine doses. In mid-April I read that a high percentage of lymphoma patients in treatment, or recently in treatment, are experiencing vaccine failures. Severe B cell depletion is not a great starting point for developing antibodies I guess. I went the next day to get a Covid antibody test, and sure enough,…
What tests are necessary for a diagnosis or rule-out?
I hope it's okay for me to post this here as I don't have a diagnosis, but I figured you would all know better than anyone about what tests are necessary. A few months ago I noticed a rock solid lump below my ear. I was (still kinda am?) convinced it was a Parotid tumor and just left it alone. A few weeks later the lymph…
Hello to you all, I am so sorry that I have been absent from the board for so long, I have been meaning to write and I feel so bad that I haven't done it. We have had a pretty hectic six or seven months and yes Bill relapsed with his mantle cell for about the fifth time. I will try to make this as short as possible. in…
I was originally diagnosed in May 2020. I received a chemo treatment then, based on what I was told (I was also suffering from hydrocephalus at the time. After severa; MRIs, CAT scans, and PT scans, it appeared the cancer was gone. Then, around September or October, my doctor sent me for one last set of scans to confirm…
Test results
Hello everyone, I just hit my 50 day post my autologous transplant mark yay. I was looking at my previous test results from when I was hospitalized for the transplant and I found a number of X-rays that said I might be having some tumors/treated disease in my lungs (it wasn't quite accurate because as you know X-rays are…
EBV+ DLBCL, non germinal center B cell
Does the subject look familar to anyone? Still waiting to see the Doctor
Relapsed Follicular Lymphoma options and advice please!
Hi, I'm new here and looking for advice, information, and feedback to help me make the biggest decision of my life! I have Relapsed Stage 1-2 Follicular lymphoma (diagnosed 5 years ago) which is primarily in my small intestines (jejunem) which causes intestinal wall thickening resulting in small bowel obstructions. I have…
Wig from your own hair?
Hi, Has anyone had a wig made from their own hair? What was your experience? If not, what other types of wigs do you recommend? Jane
Long Term Survivorship Issues
Blue Roses (and everyone else), I spent all day yesterday at Sloan Kettering with my late effect doc. Now as I recall from the last visit with him, the mention of "chemo brain" brought out a response of not really with survivors, but rather with those during treatments. Now, I can tell you that as far back as 10 years ago,…