Can anyone relate?

ACLBunker1104 Member Posts: 1 Member

Hello, I'm new here and have not yet been diagnosed, but I am at my wits end here with symptoms of *something* wrong. Thank you so much for taking the time to read:

1) I am a 33 yo Caucasian female, wife, and mother of a 9 yo and 2 yo.

2) Summary of symptoms: After the traumatic delivery via c-section of my first child, I began experiencing extreme fatigue and unexplained muscle pain. I ended up having to have a DNC and laparascopy due to adhesions in and around my uterus. In 2016, I was seeing a neurologist and rheumatologist who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia because my ANA blood test was negative.

3) I have a family history of just about every disease there is, but specifically my mother survived stage 3 breast cancer and my father survived hepatitis C, a heart attack, and then succumbed to Covid19 in 2021.

4) I have been struggling to manage my fibro symptoms using Cymbalta, but I am now only under the care of my OB and my PCP.

5) Most recently, new and worrisome symptoms have begun and I don't know where to turn for help. It feels like I am slowly and painfully dying. Late last summer, I noticed an itchy bump on the outside of my left elbow. I assumed it was a bite, and scratched it. It quickly turned into a rash and covered my left outer elbow and also is now on my right outer elbow. It is extremely itchy, dry, and cracks and bleeds if scratched. Topical steroids do help with the itching, but there is still a thick patch of skin on both elbows.

6) About one month ago, I began feeling even more fatigue, still itchy skin, and a mole on my back that I had removed in a shave biopsy in 2019 (benign) has grown back and is extremely itchy. I have not had a fever, but my lymph nodes began to swell on the right side of my neck. My PCP has ordered an ultrasound on my supraclavicular nodes for next Tuesday.

7) As I wait for the ultrasound, I am noticing more swollen nodes in my inner right elbow and under my chin. I am also noticing what feels like extremely fibrous tissue near all of my lymph nodes regions. I have always had dense breast tissue and have had several breast ultrasounds that are normal. My CBC came back with low MCH and low MCHC and slightly elevated potassium levels, but all other levels are within normal range.

8) About 3 months ago, my OB started me on Tri-lo mili birth control to help with issues with my menstrual cycle and cysts on my ovaries and in my breasts.

9) Why would my tissues be turning fibrous? I do feel a great amount of nonspecific pain, but it is difficult to tell if it is due to overactive nerves or fibromyalgia. I am ready to find the cause of my issues, and I feel as though something is happening in my body. I feel sorry for my family because I literally cannot function.

Have any of you experienced similar symptoms? My aunt had non-Hodkins lymphoma, but she is no longer around to ask her. I am really scared.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Sorry to hear of this. Have you been screened for auto-immune disease? Have you consulted with a dermatologist? The itchy and scaly patches sound like potential eczema or dermatitis, which are evidence of an immune system disorder.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    The rashmon your elbow sounds like shingles. Shingles is often triggered by stress. Good luck.

  • MadManWithABox75
    MadManWithABox75 Member Posts: 5 *

    Get a referral to an oncologist

    the mole regrowing sounds like it could be cancerous

    the lymph nodes can be many things

    log all symptoms, pain, questions and take them with u to every appointment and log the dr answers

    mid u are not getting answers don’t be afraid to get a second opinion