Congestion with nsclc/ stage 3b
My husband was diagnosed with inoperable non small cell lung cancer 7 months ago. He completed 7 weeks of radiation, which did shrink the tumor. His main discomfort now is the congestion. His oncologist said that the congestion is an after effect of the radiation, and he has seen it continue for up to a year in some…
who knows about brain radiation?
I have just finished radiation and chemo for NSCLC and am considering "prophylactic cranial irration". Would like to hear from someone who has had it.
Newly diagnosed husband with Lung Cancer
My husband was recently diagnosed with stage III B Lung Cancer. He is taking chemo and radiation treatments. He is on Taxol and Carboplatin and has this treatment once a week. He has had six treatments and 22 radiaiton treatments. I feel he is handling it well but I just need to feel that these kinds of treatments are what…
lung cancer
my husband was just told that he has small sell lung cancer he has already started treatment, but i find myself crying and having a bad time with him going through the treatment, i want to help him with going through the treatment but i don't know how, all i want to do is give him the support he needs and not make him…
My treatment log, or lack of
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with squamous non small cell lung cancer on May 16th. Bronchoscopy showed that the turmor had blocked off the bronchi into my left lung (which is collapsed). I've been hospitalized twice in this time for infections in my right lung that impaired my airway. So far I've had a whole range of test…
Advice, Please?
My 54 yr old husband was diagnosed with stage 3 non small cell lung cancer in December...exactly 3 days before we left on our Florida vacation. He was hospitalized in Fla with pnemonia for 4 days. He has since finished 33 radiation treatments, but the dr. said he is not a candidate for chemo. His immune system could not…
nsclc at 37
I am 37 yrs old and was just diagnosed with a 2 cm upper lobe nsc lung tumor. A 2x3x4 in my neck on the same side (not biopsied) was also spotted on the mri. I was very positive with this until the pet results came in yesterday. Looks like one lymph on the other side of the chest and 3 in the abdomen are showing positive.…
I know this is such a vague question, but after 2 months of not feeling well a few 'spots' were found on my mom's chest x-ray. They followed with a CT, no results till tomorrow. She's had fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing. No chest pain, no other pain. Just feels like someone is sitting on her…
Hydration with 5fu
Is there anyone out there on Medicare and receiving hydration with their 5fu pump? I just discovered that Medicare won't pay for Hydration, and it's $800. per treatment! Bud
Malignant Pleural Effusion Lung Cancer
I am interested in any information anyone may have who had malignant pleural effusion which is fluid in the chest cavity caused by a tumor in the lung. It is classified as stage IIIB inoperable. I was diagnosed in July, 2003. I had to have 1 &1 1/2 liters of fluid drained from my chest cavity twice prior to the start of…
Possible lung cancer
Hi, I am a 33 year old female, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma survior of four years now. I had a CATSCAN done in December of 2000, and they found two lung nodules, and approximately a year after that in December of 2001, they found the two lung nodules again, stating they were both 3mm. I just had another CATSCAN done this month,…
cold germ therapy
I just got diagnosed with lung cancer. Has anyone ever heard of a treatment whereby cold germs are sent to attack the cancer cells? I heard something on tv about this. Any new treatments or protocols? please help me! I'm supposed to see Dr. Myers at the Austin Cancer Center on Thursday. Does anyone know anything about him…
When to start Chemo-therapy
My Dad has been diagnosed with Stage IV non small cell lung cancer. He had been having persistant chest pain for a year, then a scan was done and a tumor of about 1.5 cm showed up with no lymph node involvement in medistine, and from further scans it seemed there no tumors any where else. We were hopeful that the cancer…
small cell cancer in rt lung with aorta irritation
I was recently diagnosised with small cell cancer which was irritating the aorta. After one set of chemo and steriod use the aorta irritation stopped. It is back and my doctor said it was not a growth of the mass but likely an inflammatory process. I am back on steriods but it doesn't seem to be helping. Has anyone delt…
Hello all, diagnaosed small cell lung cancer 2 months ago. I have had 2 chomo's, these 2 chomo's with the nauseau and illness for 3 weeks, has me on the fence. Also,, the only stats I could find was 1 out of 4 for survival.I am able ready to throw in the towel. I am a 57 year old woman with one child left at home. Can…
Lose of a parent
I'm new to CSN and I am very touched and encouraged that there are so many people doing very well with their treatments. My story isn't so happy in the spring of 2002 my father was diagnosed with small cell, slow growing lung cancer. He did great with his therapies and was virtually cancer free,until he had a relapse and…
81 yr lung cancer treatment?
Hi, I was told my dad has non small cell lung cancer about 3 weeks ago and he is ready to do radiation on Monday. So, my question is, should we also do chemo? It's like the doctors are leaving it up to us and my dad. TheY can't operate because of it's location next to the aorta. He is pretty? healthy. He had a PET SCAN and…
6mm pulmonary nodule HELP Please!
My doc has told me I have a 6mm nodule on the upper right lung....ct with contrast was done on the 14th with no news yet... they want to see if it is isolated or if it has spread.....I am scarred to death that I have cancer ....it runs in the family....I am 40 y/o 27 year smoker.. Please respond.
Spot appearing after third - 3-month check up
Could someone please tell me if this has happened to you? I have Stage 3A lung cancer. I had surgery one year ago and they found cancer in some of my lymph nodes, therefore I needed to have "agressive" chemo and radiation. I finished my last treatment in July 2003 and had my 3-month check-ups but now my third check-up,…
loss of mother/best friend
I am new to this site but I lost my mother in Dec. of 2003. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in August of that same year. I am afraid because I am a smoker like she was, only I have the chance to quit. She never did. I even promised her that I would quit, Can someone help me!
found out that I am about to undergo this procedure for biopsy..has anyone had this procedure?
Non Smokers With Lung Cancer
I need some information on cancer survivors who got their cancer from second hand smoke. This is very vital to me passing my speech class. I will use this information to covince people that smoking in public places should be banned because it's bad for other people's health. Please Help me. (A story of your discovery of…
My father and his news
We got the bad news last week, that my father has lung cancer that has spread to his liver. My step-mother is being pushy and over protective. I have come to terms with his cancer and possiblely losing him. But she says he is starting chemo monday, but I am not sure he has any say in this. She is keeping him over…
What to expect
My mother was dx with Lung Cancer last week. It is SCLC extensive. It is in the liver, back bone,leg, and hip.She is now complaining of pain in the chest and rib. It has also mestasacized to the skull bone.The doctors said she is getting chemo just to relieve her, not to cure her. With treatment, they gave her around 9…
What is next?
My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer Oct 2002. Jan 2003 she had her lower lobe removed at which time the doctors told us they got it all and no further treatment was nessasary. April 2003 she had a seizure and was told she now has metastatic brain tumors. She under went 6 weeks of radiation treatments. I am her primary…
spot on lung - please reply
hi there, my mother has been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. she's been going through many tests and we got word back - the liver is clear BUT there is a "small spot" in her lung. thier not sure what it is yet. any thoughts? does this mean its cancer?
refusing chemo
Hi... I'm a 74 year old woman, diagnosed with non small call lung cancer in Jan. I did 25 radiation treatments (not bad) and I will know Monday if surgery is possible. I feel as though I am the only person on the planet who will NEVER do the chemo. I'm much more frightened of the therapy than the disease. I can not accept…
Hi I may be in the wrong forum or chat area. So please let me know if I am. Where to begin... A brief history: I have an inoperable malignant brain stem tumor. I am currently in remission for going on almost 10 years. I received six weeks of radiation, which seems to have slowed the growth obviously. :) This is monitored…
What's in the future
My father has Stage IV, Small cell lung cancer. He is receiving 2nd series of chemo this week. He has been diagnosed for 8 weeks and since that time he has not been with us mentally because of the drugs. He has very few lucid moments. He has to have constant care. He is miserable, confused, constantly wanting to move,…
Dad newly diagnosed
My dad was just diagnosed with lung cancer a couple weeks ago. He had been in and out of the hospital for 2 months with pneumonia's and the cancer didn't show up on the lung x'ray because it was hiding behing his heart. A final cat scan showed it. He is meeting with a surgeon tomorow to see if it is operable. He is 76 and…