Lung Cancer
Thanks Loulou for your prompt info. It is comforting to hear from you as I also have stage IV lung cancer with met. in my spine.I had chemo for almost a year and also had radiation on my left lung in combination a chemo drug. Things have improved quite alot. Did anyone ever hear of a scan called positron emission…
Lung Cancer
Thanks Loulou and Yakimom for your reply. I was told earlier by my doctor that I could not live more than six months after being diagnosed as NSCLC stage IV. Somehow I managed for the last 18 months with one year of chemo and radiation. Recently, I had a PET scan and they said they could not see any sign of any tumor. I…
Lung Cancer
Thanks Loulou and Yakimom for your reply. I was told earlier by my doctor that I could not live more than six months after being diagnosed as NSCLC stage IV. Somehow I managed for the last 18 months with one year of chemo and radiation. Recently, I had a PET scan and they said they could not see any sign of any tumor. I…
Lung cancer
I am also a lung cancer patient who is a non-smoker. Has undergone chemo and now seems ok. Wish to discuss with others.