New here, Mom just diagnosed stage IV
My mom was diagnosed with stage IV adenocarcinoma lung cancer with mets to the liver (One spot) She will be begin treatments this week Carb/Taxol. If the tumors shrink she will be a canidate for surgery. Is there any survivors of this cancer? What is she up against? Is adenocarcinoma slow growing cancer. Her tumors are…
New update: mom w/ advanced NSCLC, mets to bone
Hello, I have been off the discussion board for about 1 week now as we've been waiting for all the reports to come back in. We celebrated 1 small victory when the liver ultra sound came back clear so we are very grateful that her liver is clean. Today, however, we received the preliminary PET report and it showed that the…
New: advanced non small cell adenocarcinoma
Hello, this is my 1st time joining a chat room ever. Yesterday we found out my mom has non small cell adenocarcinoma and we are waiting for the PET results to find out the stage. Because the CT scans showed there are lesions in her liver and that it has mets to the lymph node we were told this code be stage IIIB or…
NSC Lung CA w/Brain mets & Breast CA
Hi Everyone! I've been browsing over all of postings and the advice and hope that you give to one another is so inspiring! I am looking for some advice and recommendations for my mom and hoping some of you could help... My mom was 44 and diagnosed with breast CA in Sept. 2002. During her preop workup, they found a 4mm…
Small Cell Lung Cancer Remission
Hello. I have limited stage small cell lung cancer that I have been told is now in remission (after chemo and radiation). I finished radiation on August 1 and had a scan a few weeks later. I felt fine until 2 weeks ago at which time my shoulder blade on the side where the tumor was is sore and hurts. My doctor doesn't…
Question about chemo
My mom started her first round of treatment today. They are giving her gleevac and cistoplatin. She is stage IV. Is there anyone that can share info with me that has taken these same treatments. Thanks
still smoking
i dont know how to express my concern for my mother in-law. she has made it through chemo and radiation for stage IV throat cancer. has had 2 bouts of pneumonia and went to 83 lbs. now she is about 90lbs. so this week she was diagnosed with lung cancer non operable and the only thing to do is chemo. this is the catch she…
Possible lung cancer??
In March of 2002 I had a chest X-Ray which showed some heaviness in the upper right area of my chest. From that, I had a CT scan and it was found there was a 6 X 9 mm nodule in the upper right apex. I was instructed to have another CT scan 3 months later which I did, and the results showed the same (no change). I was also…
after surgery
I had my left lung removed in 2001. This was followed by frozen shoulder which is better, but I still have some tingling and other odd sensations in my left breast and side. Has anyone else had this and is this just something that I will have to get used to
small cell lung cancer, extensive stage
My sister has been newly diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, extensive stage. I am interested in informations on others' experiences with treatment options, side effects, and how long it has been since diagnosis. I would also appreciate any other comments about their experiences they would care to share.
lung cancer
him my name is vanessa i am a daughter of one that had just me told that he has lung cancer and it is at a stage 3 at least and it might me in his a gland in his stomcah. i am only 15 years old. if any one would like to chat with me i would realy injoy that. if any of you could tell me a good way to get support and not…
Quick question
My Mom had a really bad cold last January and when she wait for her annual appointment the doctor gave her pumps as she hurd a wissle, and suggested she go for a lung xray after two weeks of using the pumps she had to go back and the shadow was still there now she is sending her for a scan, is this how your cancer was…
Non small cell lung cancer
Hello, new to this site but hopefully can get some help from someone..My mother has been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer in the middle of chest. We know that it's not in her bones or any other part of the body at this moment. We found out yesterday that her blood work was perfect...My question to anyone who has ever…
need help!!!!!!!
Has anyone been on the new FDA approved drug Iressa? If so did it help and what type of cancer did it respond too. Just wondering. My husband just started it two weeks ago and so far no bad side effects. Just hope it helps. If anyone can let me know anything about it, I would appreciate it. Thanks, cb
West Ga Cancer Support Group
For those interested, I facilitate a Cancer Support Group in the west Georgia area. Contact me at garylittle49@earthlink.net for further information or in any way I can help you. God bless you all.
what were your symptoms??
I'm very curious as to what everyones story is on their symptoms?, anyone who would care to share with me is very much appreciated. thanks!
Reaching out!! - Please respond!
My husband was diagnosed with nsc stage IIIB lung cancer in february 2004. His lung mass is not resectable and has a lymph node involvemnet in chest. He has already gone thru 33 radiation treatments and 28 chemo treatments of Taxol/Carboplatin. All along thru CT scans the mass had been skrinking and responding but this…
Science Friday will be discussing the Drug Companies and whether they are interested in Cures or Profits tomorrow. The program usually airs at 10 AM in my area;check your local PBS station. bud
My dad is dying from lung cancer with metastisis
My dad is 65 and was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in April 2000 and on January 16, 2001 it was found to have spread to his brain with two tumors. I would like to hear from anyone who can share information with me. Thank you
Please answer me...thanks so much
Good evening. My mom has a really bad cold (something like brochitis) last January and she had antibiotics to take, she had pumps too but never bothered to take them. She had her annual appointment a montj ago and the doctor noticed something different when checking her lungs (in the breathing) so she asked my mom if she…
rare cancer?
my dad was recently diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor poorly diffentiated of the lung, does anyone know what this is? and can u do anything to treat it?
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at krp@hiwaay.net My name is Kevin.
cancell or cantron
a friend of mine who had bil breast cancer took this a she is fine after 6yrs, it is an alternative supplement they use it a lot in other countries, has anyone else ever heard of this, and if so with what success?
my father's lung tumor is it cancer?
memorial day weekend 2004, my dads doctor found a 9cm mass in the left lung, the ct scan reaffirmed this, the pet scan lit up only here, no biospy was done the surgeon said it had to come out regardless of it being benign or cancerous and would tell him what it is after the surgery, my dad refused, and wanted to know…
ct scan guided biopsy
my dad is getting ct scan guided biopsy thurs the 26 of august, is this primarily safe?
kidney cancer of the lungs
In Oct.2002,While preparing for a hernia operation the Doctors found a baseball size tumor on my left kidney.It was removed and all presumed well.Now,in oct.2003,after a ct scan they found spots on my left lung.After a biopsy was done the Doctor's told me I had kidney cell cancer of both lungs.I have been going through…
My Story
Hello, my name is Billy Boylan I am in my softmore year in college and I wanted to let people know what can come out of losing both my Mother and Father to cancer. I was 10 when my mother died and that was hard on the family. My dad began to drink quite offten. My sisters moved away and i was left alone. Coming up in a…
Carcinomatous Meningitis (Lung)
Leptomeningeal Carcinomatous (Carcinomatous Meningitis) The most common cancers to involve the leptomeninges are breast cancer, lung cancer and melanomas, and now, because of dose-intense combination chemotherapies, even ovarian cancer is more common. Unfortunately, cancer cells are too small to find on any scans unless…
"Chemo Brain"
My family has just become aware of the above term. We are seeking anyone who may have experienced symptoms as follows: Racing, repetitive thoughts (as in overactive brain), brain noises such as whirring, chirping, wind-like sounds. These started and have progressed after extensive chemotherapy and radiation due to lung…
Follow up after complete lung removal
My wife has had her right lung completely removed as of 5/3/04, all of the pathological tests of the lymph nodes and tissue samples came back neg. We were told she would have a chest xray every 6 months for the next 5 years. I asked about a prventive maintenance program and our doctor mentioned adjunctive chemo treatment.…