News is good
After nearly a month of check-ups, tests, etc. with various doctors, I think I can breathe freely for at least another 6 months or more. Nephrologist-Check: The one kidney is hanging in there at Stage 3B and is stable. Don't have to go back for 6 months, instead of every 4 mo. Eyes-Check; new Rx for near vision so I'm…
Pain 8 weeks post op
Hello everyone...I am a newbie to this board. I am about 8 weeks post op from a total right kidney removal. A large mass (think tennis ball) was discovered on my right kidneythat turned out to be stage 3 cancer. So far they have discovered no cancer spread (thank you lord!), but I still have some lingering "pain" around…
Almost 6 year follow-up and found cyst
So I went today to get my follow up done . I will be 6 years in January. Looked in portal....Chest xray good, thyroid good, but ultrasound reads "right midsole parapelvic cyst 1.7 x 1.1 x 1.0 cm". That's since last January. Needless to say I'm scared again. Have to wait to hear from Dr. Anyone else have a cyst?
Scanxiety again
Hello everyone, was glad to see several NEDs lately! Hoping for the same for my husband. His chest x-ray is coming on Friday. He hadn't had one for 2 years already. As he was Stage 1a Grade 1, doctor stopped doing follow ups after 3 years. Now husband does it on his own initiative (luckily scans are rather cheap in our…
5 year scan coming up this week.
Hi just asking for postive thoughts and prayers for my CT scan this week. They will check my remaining kidney and the pancreas to see if the spot there has grown any. Thanks for all of your encouragement and support over the years!
I stumbled upon this site a few weeks ago when doing research after the incidental discovery of a small renal mass during treatment for another condition. I received encouragement by reading your stories and thought perhaps that I should share my own story in the event that someone else might need similar encouragement. I…
I was reading my scan results
It did mention I had a 1cm lung nodule that was stable should I be worried about it doctor didn't mention it
Feeling lost
Hello everyone, I just recently had an ultrasound to find out if I had a cyst or solid tumor on my kidney. I meet with another doctor tomorrow. but the lady from my doctors office said they were highly suspicious off renal cell carcinom. can they tell that much by an ultrasound ? Is there hope it could be non cancerous?…
Long term results
I am trying really hard not to be anxious about my future...some days I do better than others. I just had my six month scans (after radical nephrectomy in March) and it appears to still be clear. I say appears because my apppointment is not until 9/22, I am just reading the results in my chart. I am not looking at Google…
Partial Nephrectomy recovery
Hello everyone. I saw a post asking about recovery from Partial Nephrectomy and thought I'd post about mine. Mentally, not doing so well (posted about that). Physically: I'm about 6 weeks post op. The first couple of weeks the pain was awful in the abdomen (where the incisions were). Couldn't bend, sit up from lying down…
Does anyone else have their CRP monitored in relation to cancer diagnosis. My surgical onc doesnt check for it but my GP does. Mine has been steadily rising from before my surgery. It was elevated in every test but the last two it is severely elevated 27.5 mg/l and 30.5 mg/l. I've read this can be a marked for cancer. I've…
Nerve Pain and Numbness
I have been off of here for quite some time. more then two years out post surgery for removal of a 3.8 CM chromophobe RCC tumor from right kidney. Now I am experiencing nerve pain in both arms and down one leg radiating out of my lower back (sciatic Pain). The sciatic pain has now caused numbness in my right foot. I…
Looking for help !! Complex cyst that has changed
I have been being monitored for a complex cyst on my kidney 11mm for a few years now. Yearly ultraounds, bloodwork and urine tests It was going good till this years ultraoud.. The pathologist says that my 11mm complex cyst has stayed the same size but that the septaions seem to have thickened and that it warrants an MRI.…
Uncle NED came to visit!
Lobbyist, thanks for sending Uncle NED my way for a visit. I'll send him on his way to the next member having scans. In all seriousness, I had my CT scan, chest x-ray along with a doctor visit today--everything was clear. That makes 5 years for me. They want me to come back next year for one more scan then move to every…
6 days post partial robotic nephrectomy and I'm feeling a lot better. Those first few days were brutal! No one warns you about the shoulder pain from the gas!! It was worse than the incision pain. Doc said everything went well and the mass was well contained; I guess that's good news! Waiting on the pathology report has…
NED at 13 months
What a rollercoaster. Had a week filled with anxiety and panic, and all for naught. Chest CT and Adbominal MRI both NED. Surpassed the 1 year mark and am still NED at 13 months. So incredibly thankful. Praying for many more.
Surgery Thursday
Met with the urologist today. Surgery scheduled for Thursday. Im going to be honest, I'm a mess. Although I am so grateful my surgery is scheduled only a week after finding my mass. I'm still in such disbelief and I am scared s**tless. I'm so afraid this mass is an aggressive cancer and I have a long battle ahead of me. I…
NED on my 5th year CT scan!
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well under this pandemic. I would like to share my NED result after my 5th year CT scan (but not till Sept to be 5 years). Somehow, my scanxiety was much higher than the last couple of years. Maybe because understanding the recurrent time is usually later for the early-stage survivors. The…
Has anyone had a Complex Septated cyst that has changed on an ultraounds to have thickened in between the septations?? And if so did it turn into anything serious ( cancer)? Its 11mm.
Recovery questions
As of today I am 2 weeks out from having a hand assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. I was doing fine as of Saturday...still having pain and still taking pain meds but it wasn't crippling. Sunday the area around the top most incision started to hurt so bad I couldn't walk without holding my stomach and it still hurts…
Septated cyst with interval thickening after watching for 8 years
I was in for an ultreasound around 8 years ago and they found a complex septated cyst on my kidney. We have been yearly watching it with ultrasounds and bloodwork and urine tests.. And it stayed the same size and everything the same till this year.. I had the ultraound this week and it came back saying that it thickened in…
Pathology results are in
Well, here they are. Apparently a rare subtype of RCC? Has anyone heard of this? Anxious for my follow up appointment on Tuesday, so I can stop googling ? FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Right kidney, partial nephrectomy: - Renal cell carcinoma, eosinophilic solid and cystic renal cell carcinoma subtype Specimen laterality: Right. -…
Surgery tomorrow
Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy tomorrow and I'm scared but hopeful that maybe I will get a good report and just be able decompress from all that has happened this last month.
So I donated my kidney 12 years ago to my day. He is diabetic and was on a transplant list and the transplant was successful I only suffered high blood pressure following the procedure. This last year in november I was in a wreck and found out I had a 4cm tumor on my remaining kidney. Was told the day before thanksgiving…
I am really struggling today
On July 21st a ct looking for problems in my gallbladder found a 4cm mass in my right kidney. A week later I had an MRI and a week after that I was sitting in the Urologists office planning surgery. I know the CT and MRI showed no evidence of metastasis and my kidney function looked good. Surgery is scheduled for Aug…
New and depressed
I am new to the board. Have been reading everyone's story and response. Unfortunately I am here because of my 42 year old son. He just had a radical nephrectomy on the 15th. Still in pain and recovery. I have read a lot on the new treatments but only a few people are helped by them and kidney cancer is still one of those…
Scared - Could Someone Look At My CT Scan Please?
Hello, I am a bit scared. If possible, I would love anyone's input regarding my CT Scan. I would truly appreciate it! CT scan in August 2021: A paritally exophytic structure at the upper pole. The right kidney is higher attenuation than a simple cyst and measures up to 1 cm. This was previously present and measured up to…
Just had a vacation
Took a week off came and seen family never thought of my cancer once what a relief to feel normal again with no worry's well now back to reality it was so nice when it lasted
New here, sonographer found her own mass, suspected kidney cancer
Hi everyone. I'm really glad I found this board! I'm 35, a sonographer and just found a 3cm mass on my right kidney, near the renal pelvis. I found this incidentally as I was just scanning myself as I do sometimes. I hadnt scanned my kidneys in about 4 or so months... and decided to take a peak... well there it was. I…