What can you expect with post-surgery recovery from partial robotic after initial first 6 weeks?

DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member
edited August 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

I have reached my 6-week post-surgery this past Friday - yippee. There has been plenty of info about what to do and not do the first 6 weeks, but I haven't seen or received much guidance for what happens from this point forward except scheduling scans & labs. So here is my list for after 6 weeks:)

  1. How long for complete internal healing? I have seen anywhere from 6 weeks to 1 year, but I would appreciate some actual evidence.
  2. How much weight can you lift now - exercise in general? For the first 6 weeks, nothing heavy, keep it under 10 lbs. but there are no recommendations for after 6 weeks.
  3. How long & to what extent will you have discomfort (how long kidneys may ache) from the partial nephrectomy?
  4. Any diet recommendations? Again, some articles indicate low potassium & protein, but the articles are "opinion" articles which I am wary of putting into practice.

Thanks in advance for the responding.


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Hi DB.

    In terms of exercise, my surgery was mid-June 2016. They gave the same recommendations. I did a lot of walking the first six weeks, progressively increasing the distance and the intensity (meaning hills). I was cleared after six weeks for regular exercise, with the admonition that I start slowly with lighter weights. I did go to the gym, but stuck with cardio for another six weeks, just to be sure, then started back in on weights.

    Diet was back no normal well within six weeks.

    Pain for me, other than numbness in my right hip (the side they operated on), was never an issue.

  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks for replying. Your comments are helpful & provide reassurance & direction.

  • tgpath1
    tgpath1 Member Posts: 97 Member

    I also read a lot about diet after my nephrectomy and was very nervous, but when I spoke to my nephrologist, she indicated that I really didn't need to modify. It's common sense and everything in moderation. The only hard and fast rule is that I can never take ibuprofen products again (both my urologist and nephrologist told me that one). I am sure you will be referred to a nephrologist to monitor your kidney function, I would suggest seeing what they say before restricting your diet.

  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you for your comments about diet &  ibuprofen products. I had not been advised about  ibuprofen products & will certainly inquire.

  • jumper82
    jumper82 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am finding the same problem, lots of information after the surgery but nothing getting back into a regular exercise routine. I think it is common sense that I cannot start back where I left off at the gym but a little direction on how to get back into a regular exercise routine. I talked with my Yoga teacher and she agreed beginning with light Yoga, I am into “chair Yoga”, then using exercise bands at the gym for about 2 weeks, if I am feeling OK, no muscle soreness, etc, I will ease into the weight routine with much lower weights. I also never was told about ibuprofen but with high blood pressure it is a no no for me anyway. Hope this helps you, I am nearing week 5 after and looking forward to getting of of the “limited physical activity” program.

  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks for your comments. I'm now approx 9 weeks post surgery. For me, Week 8 was when I began to feel as if I was stronger, less fatigue, overall better. I checked with my surgeons office and ibuprofen should not be used:/ No info about this was provided at the time of discharge. Regarding exercise, I added 1/4 mile every week to 2 weeks beginning week 2. I began 3lb arm weights week 8 & could still "feel" I needed to take it slow & steady. Simply because there was a degree of "achiness" - not pain, but a sense healing was still taking place & my arm strength was greatly reduced. Food, I stayed with the soft/FODMAP diet which seems to agree with me the best. Bloating is still occurring & according for doctor could last for several months. Hope your recovery goes continues to go smoothly.