My Mrs and research
Ive posted here before that Mrs Stomper Phd is a researcher in Viral oncology. At a meeting at the National Institute of health today they were dicussing my cancer. A fellow researcher asked her if she had read his paper in Science (a VERY well respected, peer reviewed publication. The study discovered that cancerous mice…
Stage 4 MRCC
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney Cancer with metastasis to the lungs last Jan. 27, 2014 and was given 6 months to live.....Miracoulously my 13cm tumor on the right kidney shrunk to 6cm and had a right radical nephrectomy last Sept. 18, 2014......P the metastasis to the lungs have almost also resolve completely prior to…
4 cm grade 1 clear cell
Hello, first sorry for my english , I .m not a native speaker, I live in Japan but Im from Europe.…I m 36 years old, I discover incidental my cancer.…here , I have annualy screening.…last year I was pregnant and I skip the abdominal ultrasound my bad! .…I have 4,5-3,5 clear cell, grade 1 , was a shock for me because I…
Monday the 9th i had my CT scan and chest x-ray today i saw my doc all test came back clean..... I wish the same to every one
Partial Nephrectomy
while taking blood thinners, has anyone ever had to have this type of surgery? What are the do's and dont's? How did you prepare?
what to expect now
My surgery was 6 weeks ago, complete nephrectomy, right kidney, RCC. The tumor was 7cm located in the middle of the kidney just clear of the main artery. Stage 1, slow growing, contained within the kidney, good pathology, did not seem to have spread. I read where someone ran a low temp for awhile. I'm doing the same, and…
I just have been told that my MRI has shown a tumor on lower lobe of right kidney. Urologist want take the tumor out in one month. What is involved? What should I expect?
Unexpected visit from NED today!!
So yesterday, Mothers Day I woke up with a UTI, visible blood, etc. Although I was started on antibiotics pretty quickly, it was enough to send me into a total emotional meltdown because I've also been experiencing intermittent left flank pain. So today I followed up with my PCP, explained my anxieties & thankfully she…
Thank you to everyone for your responses to my post. I will be here often with many questions. I have a 1.8 cm tumor on my right kidney. It will be removed with open surgery. I am 67 years old and just don't know what to expec? Thanks again!!
A quick update before the real update
Morning all, I am off for my first 6 week PET-CT scans tomorrow since taking Votrient. Anxiety levels are actually pretty low - the results will be what they will be without me worrying about them. This casual attitude could well change over the next 48 hours waiting for the results, but if I have to change treatment…
RCC causing Hyperparathyroidism?
Hi guys, Have any of you had a parathyroid gland issue clear up after removing your Renal Cell Carcinoma? I was scheduled for parathyroid surgery due to elevated PTH (diagnosed primary hyperparathyroidism) and now that I had my partial nephrectomy 3 months ago, my PTH levels are back to normal levels! My endocrinologist…
Sorry this is a bit off topic but ...
It has been a good long while since I've posted anything here. Actually for the past few weeks I didn't even think to come read the latest posts like I used to do on a daily basis. All the more reason I feel bad for even considering to post this, but I've got no other place to put forward this request. Can someone tell me…
Heart problems linked to Kidney Disease and vise versa?
Hi everyone! I'm back after yet another surgery (unrelated to kidney cancer) that blew the lid off of the pain scale sending me once again into afib. The pain was worse than the worse kidney stone pain I've ever had! I started having afib every time I suffered an acute kidney stone event and was never able to bounce back…
New here and awaiting biopsy
Greetings - Looking for a little support/positive stories on which to focus . . . Had CT scan on Tuesday, which identified a 3.5cm "cyst" on left kidney. Ultrasound today suggests its a mass, and not filled with fluid, which is - apparently - highly suggestive of kidney cancer. Recommendation is that I follow up with…
Update & Clarification
Went to my urologist/surgeon/oncologist (jack of all trades) for first blood tests 4 months following my partial open nephrectomy and got clarification on my TNM score: T1a N0 M0 Grade 3. When he told me this in the hospital, my befuddled mind thought he said stage 3. Boring I know, but shoot, I'll take 1 and be thankful!…
Scan Results
I got the scan results form Monday the chemo I have been getting for the past five months OPDIVO is still not working. The tumors all continued to grow, one in particular that has been causing the bleeding in my lungs and me to cough up blood grew the most. I met with a radiation specialist this week and our goals was to…
Kidney Removal
My husband was diagnosed on April 18 with Stage IV renal cell carcinoma. He has a 13 cm tumor on his left kidney. It has spread to his lungs. It is "suspicious" about being in lymph nodes, but needs further testing. The oncologist we saw in our town, stated that he would not remove the kidney because they could only treat…
Should I biospy
I had been experiencing extreme fatigue, ankle and feet swelling and just general sick feeling. I had a CT w/contrast and it was recommended to follow up with renal ultrasound for further eval. The U/S revealed a 4cm "structure" with internal separation. My GP says a biopsy to be safe because CT shows "hyperdensity".…
How to stay positive?
I have posted in here several times concerning my husband and his stage IV clear cell RCC but today I am asking for me. As the caregiver how do you stay positive and upbeat for your husband or loved one? I try to stay positive but can find myself crying while riding down the road with him in the car. Any thoughts from any…
Anyone on steroids and systemic treatment?
In 2007, I had my left kidney and adrenal gland removed due to renal cell cancer. I have been cancer free until October when rcc mets were found in a lymph gland in my chest and in my right adrenal gland. The lymph gland was successfully removed with surgery, but complications kept the adrenal gland tumor from being…
Happy Mothers Day Ladies
Been attempting to add this thread but somethings preventing it from posting. Anyway, hope you all had a great day! Donna~
having open partial nephrectomy on Monday
I just had my pre-op stuff yesterday. I am almost 53 yo. When I was 16 I actually had surgery on that kidney (left) due to an issue with the ureter, so I already have a lovely 8" incision on my side. Doc will be going through that scar again (ugh). Cannot have robotic due to location of tumor (in the middle of my kidney).…
Bloody Cough
I have been tested and retested the last few days. My team feels that radiation may be my only hope to stop the bleeding in my lungs but they are skeptical as this method seldom works they said. The other option that was kicked around was removing half of my right lung. I said no to this since it would not save my life…
Radiation and immunotherapy combination can destroy both primary and secondary tumors
I hear over a year and a half ago this was a promising up and coming way to treat cancers previously "untreatable" with radiation. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-05-immunotherapy-combination-primary-secondary-tumors.html
Did any one have a bulge after the surgery?
Did any one have a bulge after the surgery? the one I have doesn't really bothring me no pain but after a hard work it feels like very sensitive and it looks bigger... I had my surgery on the mid of April
Food and diet
Just wondering what kind, if any diet changes have been made by everyone. Trying to eat more fruits and veggies. Just hard for me! Any suggestions?? Kim
Geez People
Ok, I was at work and some people mean well but do not realize the impact of their words... or the real possiblity is that I am full of anxiety, worry, etc. and I twist their words. So I had surgery 8 weeks or so ago and a co-worker came to check on me as we both keep missing one another due to travel. She asked very…
Cough remedy needed
Mets on lungs are causing an irritating dry cough practically all the time. Just come off Nivo due to progression and have started Votrient. If that doesnt work and cough gets really bad then onc says radiation will help. In the meantime -I would love to here from anyone who has experienced a successfull remedy they can…