Scaring myself or something I should have checked?
Hi all, I had left neph last July, stage 1. I Have noticed on some FB pages that a few people were DX with a pulled muscle that later was found to be RCC mets. I was DX with a pulled muscle in my back, it was extremely painful until I stopped excersizing, used a hot water bottle, and took muscle relaxers for a few days. It…
New to CSN on (Kidney) Collecting Duct Carcinoma
I have seen several of the same people on both the Cancer Survivors Network and Kidney Cancer Association blogs. I'm throwing myself in concerning my husband. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer in November 2015. After a kidney biopsy it was more specifically determined to be a collecting duct carcinoma with metastases to…
CT results
Appt went well!! Scan showed decrease in lower lung left lobe tumor from 1.2 cm to .7cm with Sutent. . Oncologist brought up surgery to remove it. All blood work was great! Any thoughts on this surgery from those who have gone through it?? All prayers, positive thoughts and good wishes were so appreciated!
Full Nephrectomy vs Partial Nephrectomy on a 1.3 cm tumor
Has anyone have any opinions on if having a full Nephrectomy vs a partial lessens the risk of recurrance of a non aggressive 1.3 cm tumor? Also, have been told that the smaller the size of tumor, the risk of recurrance is even lower.
Not enough Platelets
89, need 100 (I think these are thousands). How do I get them up? All suggestions welcome
Opdivo Ct Results
Hi Everyone good results on Opdivo after 5 years NED. I have being on Opdivo for 6 months. "There is no evidence of recurrence or metastases''. I have an infusion every 2 weeks ( no side effect to mention). I live in Tasmania (Australia) A brief history. 2011 August right nephrectory tumour 1) 110x70x85 tumour 2)…
Getting fond of Uncle Ned
Hello Friends, I had my 6 month check yesterday - and Uncle Ned came to visit! Very happy news. Unfortunately, my liver is twice its normal size, so another appointment with a hepatology doctor is in line for me. Not too happy about that, but it is certainly something I can work with. Hoping all is well with everyone! Been…
So far so good
So, the 16 week scans show stability. Both lung mets that they follow are exactly the same... 11mm and 19mm. Opvido is holding. I agree with Footstomper, because there are no side effects, it seems so unusual to feel this good, and be stable too. We escaped the Sacramento valley heat, and are at Winchester Bay on the…
18 months scans
Just received my 18 month scans results, NED, no changes from last scans 6 month ago. The lungs nodules did not grow. Liver to watch cause it's a little fatty! I love the good news! Cheers to all of you! Dave
New here
Hi my name is Kerry. I'm a 47 year old female. I'm recently diagnosed as of a month ago. I have a 3-4 cm mass on the back center of my left kidney partially sticking out. I am still in shock. I have been in a funk since I found out. We found it while during a ct for my appendix the beginning of April. MRI confirmed the…
Ive been on 3 rounds of Sutent and anxious to see if it's helped with tumors in lungs. I have CT scan Friday. This is my first experience with this. I'm not doing so well... Thoughts of gloom and doom have crept in. I'm lucky to have appt Monday to get results so won't have to wait long. Trying to put on that positive face…
Blood in urine >a week after partial nephrectomy
Hello everyone - You have all been so great as emotional support, and I can't tell you how much I have appreciated it! Now I need to tap into your medical knowledge/experiences. By all accounts, my partial nephrectomy (May 23rd) went well, and I just had my staples taken out yesterday. Everything seems to be healing well,…
Fingers crossed
Getting a scan on Friday to see if this new Optiva stuff Ive been taking is doing its job. Trying to approach the CT scan with an modicum of equanimity.
A Concise Guide for Sutent User Newbies (new users)
A Concise Guide for Sutent User Newbies (new users) * Sutent does not "work" for everyone, but it does work for a LOT of people. No one knows for how long it can work because it has only been on the market for a few years. * I have stage 4 RCC with a lot of small mets in my lungs. I am one of the people for whom Sutent…
Sutent Side Effects
Hi guys Sorry to trouble you but Nick is finding that he feels really queazy and sick first thing in the morning. Because he has been told to have a 2 hour no eating window before taking the tablet and a 1 hour window afterwards, he takes the Sutent at 8am in the morning and then waits an hour or so to have breakfast. But…
Radical nephrectomy and total hysterectomy with incision done together
My surgery date was 5/11/2016. Still having pain and itching/ burning around and under incisions. Kidney was worse than hysterectomy! This was my first surgery ever, at 53. I feel like I should be able to get around better than I do,but I get tired and start hurting even if I'm up moving around for just a little while.…
Moved but not gone.
Hey Folks, Just checking in from the land of sun and fun in Florida. I havent checked in a while as I have been moving and starting a new job, but I have been lurking and keeping tabs on folks. The missus and I just moved from Nuevo Mexico to Florida and are now settling in. Beautiful area, but i have not had much time for…
Creatinine levels with partials
Just wondering what your creatinine levels are like with partial nefs. Mine is up seven points since right after my partiaI which was this past February. Still not out of range but wondering if creeping up some is normal with partials. Going to surgeon on June 1 for follow up. I will ask him then. Also, wondering if the…
New Clinical trial to see of Cabo will trump Sutent. This is great.
Cabozanitinub is going to start studies to see if it will become a FIRST IN LINE drug for kidney cancer. This means that there could be a drug to come out ahead of the one already prescribed first, Sutent. I think the article says a Phase 3 trial is going to start of the drug.…
Pain in middle of shoulder blades
New to site. I and a 48 year old white female. At the beginning of this year started having symptoms of fatigue and right side pain. March 2nd 2016, my doctor ordered a CT scan and the results showed a renal Mass 12 by 16. After much testing, my urologist determine a right radical nephrectomy was necessary. The surgery was…
Seeking long term Survivors of Stage IV Wilms
I have read a lot of success stories about Wilms Tumor where the tumor was diagnosed at early staging (I or II), but what about successs stories of Stage IV Wilms? I've met some Stage V survivors, but have learned that each tumor is staged separately in Wilms V and oncologists consider Stage IV to have worse outcomes. My 4…
Recently Diagnosed
I am a 35 year old female, recently diagnosed with a 4cm fluid filled malignant mass on my left kidney. I am so emotional at this point to where i don't how to think and feel about this. I feel as though this is a death sentence for me and I just don't want to deal with it at all. The urologist stated I will have to have…
72 hours until partial nephrectomy
Hello everyone - Seventy two hours and counting! For those of you who've had the partial neph, please let me know if you have any suggestions for preparing or recovering. I'd love to lose about 30 pounds and get in shape prior to the surgery, but that's not likely to happen. They'll do the surgery robotically, which should…
1.3 cm non aggressive tumor
Hello, I have been told there is a 1.3 cm tumor on my right kidney 70% cancer or 30% benign. I am opting for partial neph for piece of mind and to get on with my life. Does anyone know the chances of reccurance? my doctor told me around 4%. Those seem like pretty good odds.
hi everyone. I recently ended up in the er with belly pain and came out with unknown cause but now own a 2.5 complex lesion saying possible for rcc. Any advice would be good. The er suggested mri or ct scan with contrast to confirm. Positive for urine in blood. wbc indicating no infection. Weird thing on blood work red…
not diagnosed but undergoing testing
Hi everybody I am new to this forum and have a few questions.Since 2012 I have had some weird symptoms that no one can figure out(facial flushing,digestive problems,weight loss and gain,and generally feeling lousy)Have been checked for neuroendocrine tumors at Univ of Iowa,St Louis Univ and Barnes Jewish.In 2014 even went…
May 2016 Update
Hello, All, It occurs to me that my posting on the forum has quieted a bit over the past few months... a 6-month-old will do that to you! But I figured I would let you all know how we are doing and also let you know about one big life change that will happen in a few weeks... First, as some of you may remember, Jacob was…
I am now on sick leave for the rest of the school year as I have started radiation on Monday. I am living in the Portland area and my wife is still in Eastern Oregon (that sucks) but my team is hoping the radiation will shrink the big tumor and the rest as well. After three days the only problems so far is fatigue and a…
Help Understanding a CT Report
After getting a chest xray I was told I needed at CT of my abdomen due to the radiologist seeing a mass in the upper left quadrant of my abdomen. Did the CT with contrast and IV and what was found is possible aneurysm. Here is the radiologist impression There is an oval 3 cmm mass in the hilum of the left kidney. It has…
Hi everyone
It has been awhile since I have been on here to let you know how I am doing. In Nov last year I fell and tore ACL complete tear in my knee, well a lot of therapy never helped, and doc injected Synvisc one in knee 3 months ago and it helped with pain some but not a lot. He said he would have to do surgery at some time and I…