May 2016 Update

jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member

Hello, All,

It occurs to me that my posting on the forum has quieted a bit over the past few months... a 6-month-old will do that to you!  But I figured I would let you all know how we are doing and also let you know about one big life change that will happen in a few weeks... 

First, as some of you may remember, Jacob was born with bilateral clubfoot, which caused him to undergo some castings and a minor operation to correct.  He then had to wear a brace for 23 hours a day for about 3-4 months.  Well, I'm happy to report that Jake is out of the brace full time and only has to wear it at night now and his feet look great!  We were lucky to have a world class doctor who specializes in clubfoot right here in Philadelphia.  Jake is doing great!

The wife is doing great, as always.  We have just been enjoying life recently and loving on our super-happy little boy.  All this kid does is smile.  We are truly blessed.  

As for me, well I'll be CHANGING JOBS after 21 years at McDonald's... That sounds bad but I was a Store Manager for 9 years, so it wasn't like I was a grill cook for 20 years.  Anyway, I'll be joining up with another company that I'm sure most (but not all) have heard of... WAWA!  (If you're out of this region, think 7-11 or Sheetz, only BETTER).  It just affords WAY more opportunity, benefits and such and it's a no-brainer to make this move.  

From a health perspective, I'm doing great.  I had great surgeons and even though I underwent a 7-inch scar under my ribcage to remove my gallbladder, I don't really have any residual pain.  The next scan coming up in September will start the 1-year scans from that point going forward.  I'm just plugging forward and I refuse to let cancer stop me from doing anything.  I know that I was extremely lucky to have it caught early.  But it wouldn't do anybody any good to dwell on it and become a worry-wart.  So I'm not.  

I'll try to be more active on the site, especially for the newbies.  Glad to see that so many of you are still doing so well!  

- Jay 



  • pamstayner
    pamstayner Member Posts: 111 Member
    Good news brings on more good news...

    I am happy you are doing well health wise.  Going to one year scans is a good thing in getting your life back.  Good luck with the new job, and love that little tyke, they don't stay little long.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    Good news brings on more good news...

    I am happy you are doing well health wise.  Going to one year scans is a good thing in getting your life back.  Good luck with the new job, and love that little tyke, they don't stay little long.


    Did I miss something



    I kept reading and reading your post, but I missed where Jacob is going to college.




  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited May 2016 #4
    Hey Jay, so glad to hear from

    Hey Jay, so glad to hear from you! Thanks for thinking of us!

    Your little guy, Jacob is a JOY! What a doll..and so smiley keeps one going!

    Glad to hear about your promotion, YAY JAY!!

    Hugs to you and yours!


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited May 2016 #5
    What a cutie......

    .........both of you....haha!  Great news all around.  For years I worked in a Pediatric ICU and I learned so much from those kids.  Your son is a perfect example, kids take everything in stride and just get on with living life, no matter what they are dealing with.  What an inspiration, and he's only 6 months old.  Amazing little reminder to keep things in perspective huh?


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited May 2016 #6
    Thanks for sharing these

    Thanks for sharing these great news! So happy about all of you, and especially about Jacob! His smile is amazing!


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited May 2016 #7
    Happy to hear everyone is

    Happy to hear everyone is doing well. Best on the new job! And yes, Jacob is absolutely adorable :)