radio frequency ablation
Anyone have any insight on RFA for lung nodules? It seems logical but not exactly front page news. Most literature seems to be dated, did it prove to be ineffective?
New Diagnosis - Stage 4 Kidney Cancer with Metastasis to lungs -- please advise :)
This is my first post, and it's going to be long. I apologize. My husband started feeling bad right before Christmas. We originally thought that his back ache was because of our new memory foam mattress topper. He also started throwing up bile, and was sick at his stomach alot. He lost about 20 pounds the first month of…
Here I go again!!
Hi Everyone, Looks like I am going back to surgery, CAT Scan showed something in the lung. Seeing Drs. on Friday and surgeon on Tuesday and my Birthday is Saturday! So lets get this thing out and let me celebrate another year! I will try and post on Wednesday when I have all the facts of everything! But I can promise this…
Here's a very complete guide for kidney cancer patients wh wants to start exercising from Kidney Cancer Canada. http://www.kidneycancercanada.ca/media/995743/kidney-cancer-guidebook_final-online_compressed.pdf Dave
How can I see all my topics?
Hi all I need to see one of my earlier topics, do you know can how can I see the list of them? Forough
Mri vs ct
Hi everyone, I just had my first appt with medical onoc. I am having 6 month follow ups for 2 years and yearly after that. My question is if a MRI is as good as a ct scan for finding possible mets? I am having mri with and with out contrast and chest xrays. He wants to check my liver and said mri is better than ct scan to…
Borrowed post
As many of you are aware I also post on several Facebook groups for Kidney Cancer survivors. One post yesterday by a Newbie ater being nephed is woth sharing. After he was wheeled back to his room he asked the nurse why there was so much pain on his side. She replied that he just had his right kidney removed and that his…
haven't posted much because my iPad and iPhone present problems in writing to this forum. so if my posts are incomplete or garbled, it is not me but the damned formats. so many posts that I would like to contribute to but somehow they don't post well. will keep trying Sarah
Pity party II
I just completed first 28 days of Sutent! Today is my 4th day off. I naively thought SE would diminish. I have a lot to learn...I spent today in the hospital getting infusion for dehydration due to nausea etc. Was told by oncology nurse may take 10 days for Sutent to fully leave my body. Then start over 4 days later. To…
This morning
I got up this morning feeling great ready to tackle the day, and to educate my students when all of the sudden I started coughing...and coughing...and coughing, then blood started coming out of mouth and for 20 minutes I was coughing up blood and blood clots. Now I have coughed up blood before since I became stage IV but…
In The Begining
It was a warm Spring Sunday afternoon in late April or early May, 2002. It was time to install a stone walkway in the back of the house. No sooner had I finished than I was yelling at Icewoman for pouring some, candy, syrup or food coloring in the toilet turning it red. I think she had done that a few weeks earlier as…
Pity Party
I was sick yesterday most of the day feeling crappy, and nauseous all day. I had to deliver boxes of books to our local city library and I felt extremely weak and fatigued. I actually had to have my wife help me load boxes of books in my truck. So last night I was pissed off at the world and I was so closed to calling my…
A newbie to posting but have used the wisdom, support and RCC education found on this board since Feb. On 1_28_16 I had a radical left nephrectomy. Tumor was 13 cm. Surgery was 8 hours. One month later biopsy of left lung showed 1.3 cm and .4 mm nodule were cancer. So I'm stage IV. First 28 days of Sutent 50mg completed…
Student SE
Thx for the warm welcome Iceman! When initially posting I forgot to ask for advice I need. As you can see one of several Sutent side effects I have is insomnia. Another is mouth sores. Magic mouth rinse works temporarily. Problem I'm having is finding a toothpaste that doesn't burn my tongue etc. Have tried Sensodyne on…
Good News to Share
I got my scan results today and happy to report NED. It's been 14 months since my last tumor was discovered. I definitely felt relieved. Today I asked my doctor if we could relax the scan schedule. I'm getting a chest/abdomen/pelvic CT every 3 months now. Have been since my last tumor 14 months ago. He said no. I asked him…
Question about staging
Im confused about this and I know I need to talk to the DR but thats a few weeks out. Here is what my staging sheets says. 8-11 cancer/subtype L Kidney RCC,clear cell,Grade 2 Date of diagnosis 8-11 STAGING T 1 (5.9) N x STAGE 1 2011 R lower lung reccurance (2016) metastisized (2016) M 0 Goals of thereapy Currative intent…
Two Year Check up Tomorrow
Getting really nervous about my scans and x-ray tomorrow. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and wish me a nice visit from Uncle Ned. Won't see my doc until Friday but they posts results of tests online so I'll be an anxious mess checking daily. I don't know why but I'm really more scared this time than last…
Hi - my name is Laura and it was not a kidney stone
Hi I am new. I went to the ER thinking I had a kidney stone. No, I had a mass on the left kidney (big one) and my ER doctor said most likely its kidney cancer. My life stopped on a dime -- sounds familiar I am sure... Short version: Radical Left nephractemy (sp), removal of one lymph node. Chest CT indicates 3 spots on…
Single Kidney - Kidney stones ??
It has been a long time since I have posted on here. Quick background- had my left kidney removed ~3 years ago due to MEST - wasn't cancer after all. I know I'm not a cancer patient but I'm having a hard time finding answers online for people with a solitary kidney and was hoping someone could provide a little insight.…
One Year Anniversary
Hi there, I wanted to reach out and let you know today is the one year anniversary that I was told that I had cancer. Due to this site and support from you all, I was able to have hope when hearing the dreaded words. Footstomper was the first to reply to me and let me know I was going to be ok, and then followed by Iceman…
Help with questions for onco appt
Hi Guys, Background first.. I had partial nef on 2/16, 8 weeks ago. Stage one. I had the surgery done by a urologist who I really liked, but not a onocologist. He wants me to get a renal scan which is scheduled to be done in May. I go back to him on June 1. Went to my GP for the followup that the hospital wanted me to do…
Hi all! Just joined this forum. I had an RCC removed in July 2014 At the age of 26. To say it shocked me would be an understatement. I've found that the yearly checkups just about kill me as far as the anxiety, the waiting, the wondering if it has done back, etc. I feel like I have PTSD from it. Have any of you suffered…
I saw my oncologist/hematologist today
the one DR I dont like, turns out he had good news for me, he had the pathology report and blood work from my right lower lobe lobectomy 15 days ago, Im clean, with nothing else found in my lungs, lymph nodes or in my blood. He now he has changed his tune and doesnt want me to start Sutent, which I wasnt going to do…
After years on my own I'm happy to have found you!
I feel like my experience with kidney cancer has been a long, solitary journey through a scary landscape that keeps changing. I feel such great relief to have found this cancer survival site that includes a board dedicated to kidney cancer. I've only had time to read through a couple of posts and already my heart has been…
Doc 99.9 percent sure my sis has kidney cancer.
I have a sister who is 59 years old has been sick for several years in and out of the hospital with lung diease. At Thanksgiving time she started to say she was having pain while breathing, short version, a new doctor she went to had an MRI done and noticed a tumor about the size a large muffin, come to find out the…
UPDATE: NED Monday, Scan day. I am going to vent a little. . .
I'm a little nuts right now. Bear with me!! So my husband was supposed to go for his scans at a later date, but he gave me the wrong date and they are now actually MONDAY. I found out today. So, not only am I suffering from raging PMS (sorry if that's TMI but man I am an emotional mess, watching Steel Magnolia's is NOT…
Go Uconn!
Our Uconn womens basketball team plays for it's 4th national championship in a row tonite. No team has worked harder than Uconn. There are things you see in their game that are never seen in the mens game. The patience, the unselflessness, the floor positioning and the extra 2,3,or 4th pass. What an awesome bunch of kids.…
NED once again!
Hey, all, Another 6-month follow up in the books, another NED in the books. Looks like Uncle Ned will hang around through the summer. They said everything looked good with kidney function and everything else. I'll take it! - Jay
Opdivo test back
I got my first test results back from Opdivo use, it was not good news. All of my tumors grew and more formed my ONC suggested that we give it another cycle and see what happens, this based on information given to him by Bristo Squibb Myers, but we are all skeptical it will work. I am part of a phase IV study so that is…
Sutent has run it's course
Two and half years of good Sutent results may be coming to an end. Today's scan shows lung met growing fom 7mm to 10.2 mm in six months. Several new bilateral 4.5mm noldules although I suspect they are the same ones that were reduced by the Sutent in the past and noted as " too small to measure ". You would think the…