Opdivo and Low Sodium?
Has anyone experienced low sodium levels with Opdivo? My Mom has had 7 doses of Opdivo and was hospitalized yesterday with low sodium. She is improving with IV's. Has anyone else experienced something similiar? At this point we do not know if it's related to Opdivo or something else entirely.
Killer T Cells
Murder most fine My wife, a respected viral oncologist, sent me these. If your on Optiva or even IL2 ( I think) this is what should be happening in your body right NOW. The good guys wear green https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntk8XsxVDi0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYfIF3_5xEk --
I have been diagnosed with saromatoid renal cell carcinoma mastaside - looking for new treatments
I was diagnosed 1.5 years ago and given 3 to 6 months to live and I am still here. I started with sutent and that worked well and then stopped. I am now going on drug treatment called gemcitabine. This may be the last treatment for me according to the VA, I am looking outside the box. I am looking for any research…
RCC with lung mets ( updated cleaned up post)
Hi all , this is my 1st post here, back in 2011 I was diagnosed with left rcc and had the kidney removed. Jan 2016 at my 5 year check up they found 2 lung mets in my right lower lobe. I had a traditional thorectomy and had my right lower lobe removed April 1st, I am now on day 5 in the hospital going to be released today.…
One week post-op/thanks for help/questions
Hi All. I am here! Here being home after the hospital stay (which was a bit longer than intended due to cath issues). One week out and I feel not-so-great. Maybe this is because I am very, very active normally?! Also refusing pain meds, so that's my own fault. Anyway, thanks for all the advice. So glad I have my body…
RAPN-my experience
Had a robot assisted partial performed on me 3/23/16. This is my experience. Surgery day was pretty scary but once in the hospital the staff really helped ease my mind. My family stayed in the pre-op room with me and met the doctors. I got the magic cocktail and was whisked away. Seemed like no time had passed and they…
having left flank pain, ultrasound tomorrow, worried
My last series of scans was two months ago with NED report. Brain,abdomen,pelvic C.T scans were clear. Everything was fine till last week, since then I have on and off left flank pain( my right kidney was removed due to rcc) the pain was persistent but not sharp, but it got worse since today morning, still don't need…
here's my story
Jan 1st I went to the e.r with pains which I thought was kidney stones. I had a ct scan done and it showed a mass (4.5cm) in my left kidney. Drs told me it was an abscess, gave me antibiotics and sent me home. I went to my primary Dr who suggested I do another ct scan to check size, I went for that ulrasound Feb 16. It…
Really new but catching up quickly
Hi all, I hope that it is ok that I post here. I am an Australian living in Singapore. Forty-four year old Mother of two adult children, who live in Australia, and have been recently diagnosed with kidney cancer. Less than two weeks ago I went to the doctor to ask about a lump in my side, the next day I had an ultrasound…
Social Security Medicare
My husband’s insurance will end at his company at the end of June. Please let me know if anyone has Social Security Medicare. If you can point me in the right direction on If to apply, when to apply, how to apply. How much does it cost? What plan option did you choose? Are you happy with it? How long did it take to get? He…
Its a year since i had my surgery so far so good the only problem i had is the bulge i have its the size of football may be smaller we scand the area six months ago no herein and the surgent said its the price you have to pay.... any had this problem please share your experience i still have the feeling of tender and the…
Been gone awhile
Hello Everyone, Ive been gone awhile from this sight. I needed time to be away from the cancer thing. Sort of a denial I guess. I wanted to give you an update on me and my son. I have been NED since my last scans (Feb). I'm coming up on my year mark here in June. Lately I've been struggling a bit with what I hope is just…
Starting Sutent again.
I was suppose to start my treatment with Sutent 3 weeks ago but because I had a blockage in my windpipe it was delayed. So far I have had 8 radiation treatments on my windpipe and 7 more to go but they are gobng to start my Sutent on Monday because my breathing as gotten a little better. (I think) I am still worried about…
here is a new one I don't remember seeing here. Last week while doing minor yard work, my right knee swelled up significantly. Unable to put weight on right leg. Very painful. I was very confused as the integrity of my knee structures appear unaffected. Yesterday I realized that this may be gout. I'll get blood work today…
Reassurances and a few suggestions needed
Hi all, I had my first visit with the RCC specialist oncologist today (2 weeks/3 days post op - full radical nephrectomy) and he has suggested that I start on Votrient rather than Sutent due to the 'kinder' side effects, the grading and aggressiveness of the cancer. Start of treatment is delayed until Monday as Voltrient…
New here/surgery Coming up March 28th
Hi! I've been lurking on this board as I waited for more information about my own situation (if I don't join, it can't be real!!). Found incidental complex cyst back in August, followed up in Feb and it had grown. MRI showed enchancement, etc. Went to Urologist who then sent me to different hospital (in Boston) for…
I’m taking icemantoo’s advice and elaborating a little on how I handled the ‘initiation’ into this club and some other thoughts. It’s taken me a little while to move past the surgery and come to terms with the cancer diagnosis. I think you all can identify, and maybe someone will be encouraged by this post (sorry, it's a…
Going to the Dentist
John (OnePutt)
It is with deep regret that I have to inform everyone: John Oneputt has passed away last week. It was very sudden and unexpected as John was in good health regarding his cancer. Alice informed me that it may have been a sudden heart attack. His doctors have also attended his services. Alice is not in the frame of mind to…
Officially 5 big ones!
Curiosity just had me check out some of my old records. It is official. March 12, 2011. Diagnosed with kidney cancer. Nephrectomy march 15th. Nothing but a barrel of laughs ever since. Still can't get that damn song out of my head. Although it has changed from a tune by the phantom of the opera played on a harpsichord in…
Solid Kidney Mass @ 25 years old.... ALM? RCC?
Hey All, Thanks for accepting me onto the forum - i've found reading your posts extremely helpful as I wait for more tests. I'm hoping for some insight/others experiences/ advice on some news of a mass in my right kidney. I had 2 ultrasounds which found: 2cmX1.7cmX1.2cm - Homogenously hyperechoic renal mass, suspected to…
Footstomper, where are you?
We miss you and hope you are doing well. Hugs Jojo
New Guy On Board
I am new to the group. I found out I had kidney cancer by accident Jan 13 2016. I went to my famly doctor with some unexplained back pain. After the X-ray did not show anything, he ordered a CT scan. It came back showing a large 7cm growth on my left kidney along with imflamable lymp modes. He sent me to an urologist. He…
It has been a while since I have been on this site. I see we have several newbies and I offer my welcome to all. To the rest of the group, HI! In February I had my third major back surgery in three years. This was by far the most complex and the hardest to recover from. I am getting there but it is slow going. That,…
How to Post Pictures
Hey, guys, I've gotten a couple of questions on how to post pictures inside the post here on CSN. It's not very user intuitive, so I'll go step by step. I would recommend opening your post in a new tab on your browser so you can switch back to this one for reference. 1: The picture must be online already (like on Facebook,…
Happy St. Paddy's Day to all!!
Anyone having a nip or two......or twenty of Jameson's, or the like? Slainte!! (pronounced - slan cha) That's Gaelic for "cheers" or "good health"......more importantly, good health. Donna~
crazy question about stitches
So, its been exactly 4 weeks since my partial lap. I had a two week followup with the surgeon and he said everything looks good and I have to come back in 3 months. When I was there I showed him that there was a stitch sticking out and he said thats ok. They are now rubbing against shirts. I assumed it would dissolve and…
25 Years Old with Tumor on Kidney
Hello, I am 25 years old and will have surgery in three weeks to remove a golf ball sized tumor on my kidney. It all started 3 months ago. My first day back to work after my wedding and honeymoon I fainted. My blood pressure was extremely high (190/110) and I went to the ER. I've never had blood pressure issues. After a…
New to Forum
Just a quick good morning to everyone. New to all of this and looking forward to learning and contributing.
Treatment on hold
I was all set to start my treatment with Sutent this past Wed. but they noticed that I would get a rapid heart beat without to much exertion .We are trying to find out what is causing this. Has anyone had this problem before or after starting treatment? Sierra