not diagnosed but undergoing testing

hammerjockey Member Posts: 1

Hi everybody I am new to this forum and have a few questions.Since 2012 I have had some weird symptoms that no one can figure out(facial flushing,digestive problems,weight loss and gain,and generally feeling lousy)Have been checked for neuroendocrine tumors at Univ of Iowa,St Louis Univ and Barnes Jewish.In 2014 even went to Mayo to see if they could figure it out.I had 3 cts and abd ultrasound along with a few oscopies in 2012 ,ct in 2013,ct,abd mri,octreotide scan,some more oscopies in2014,ct without contrast,abd mri and a push enteroscopy in 2015 and pelvic mri this year.None of them showed anything other than a lesion on my prostate.The abd mri in 2014 first picked that up and pelvic mri this year confirmed it so I thought this is what has been causing all my problems,but biopsy came back negative.Then I read my urinalysis reports from 2014,15 and 16.Two in 2015 and the one this year showed microscopic blood no one had ever said anything.Now along with afore mentioned symptoms I am constantly needing to urinate,sometimes not very much comes out especially if I drink water,beer doesnt affect me believe it or not.I am also fatigued,have horrible back pain(mris have shown bulging discs and spinal stenosis throughout spine),low energy and sometimes I feel hot but no fever.I am getting kidney ct friday and bladder checked tuesday.My question is has anybody had this much workup and the kidneys and bladder always being normal and then have something pop up.I am a 49 y/o male and have chewed for a long time.Sorry for the length and thanks


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Lets not jump to conclusions


    You have symptoms which could relate to any number of things. With blood in your Urine part of the protocal is to check for kidney and/or bladder cancer. Lets hope you are denied entry to our club, but we will welcome you if need be. Let us here from you after the kidney CT results are in.



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Has anyone checked your thyroid?

    Seems to me if there was something on your kidneys that would have been detected with the abd ct's & mri's you've had done.  I'm not a doctor though.  As far as the blood in your urine, has there been any mention of stones?  Have you had a cystoscope done as well?  My husband suffers from occasional kidney stones which were first detected because of blood in his urine.  At that time we were told he either had stones or urinary tract cancer of some sort.  Luckily for him, except for the pain he goes through, it was stones.  A few years later I was the one diagnosed with the kidney cancer, gosh darn it!

    As Icemantoo said, let's hope you are denied entry here, but please keep us posted as to future findings.


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Blood In Urine

    I've heard (from a doc) that some people have small amounts of blood in urine and no root cause can be found. It's a symptom that can mean lots of things. I think with age kidney function declines and this is something that shows up along with that.

    If you had kidney cancer, it almost always shows up as a large, visible tumor in the kidney. It should be visible on a CT. I've never heard of anyone posting here that has kidney cancer but never a visible tumor in the kidney.

    Stones. UTI. Cancers of prostate, bladder, ureter, kidney. All of these can have blood in the urine. I've had stones, UTI and kidney cancer.

    Still, should be something visible on the kidney if you belong in our club. Sorry you're having symptoms and can't figure out what they are. However, I hope we have to deny you entry into our club. :) Hopefully they find out what it is, or better than that, you just get better.
