Recovery Quesion
I'm a week out now from my surgery and things seem to be going fine. I do have a couple of questions, however, related to two things that I have observed. Just want to see if it's normal or if I should be pulling out the hair I no longer have. 1. Over the course of the week, on three separate occasions, I had a tiny, tiny…
I just started my magnesium citrate for my surgery tomorrow. This stuff taste terrible. Does everyone have to drink this and why?
Pathology Report
Got a call from my surgeon today. He said it was chromophobe RCC. I looked that up and it's apparently a rare form of RCC, diagnosed in only 5% of cases. What's strange is that it seems to be hereditary, but neither of my parents, nor any of my four grandparents had (to my knowledge) kidney cancer. Of course, since the…
Unpredictable... (Sung to the tune of "Unforgettable"...) I got my surgery date. Or not. It will be September 6. Or sooner. The surgeon says about 30% of his patients have to change their initial date for surgery because their EKG indicates a referral to a cardiologist is in order first. So their spots become available.…
Back pain
I had a right partial nephrocomy on 8-1-16. Two years later I still have back pain and freaking out about next screening in a month. I am also a 32 year old father of 3 yr old twin girls so I'm already stressed. what I've read on this board has hepled me a lot thank you everyone for sharing there experiences. Hope to read…
Margins - do we understand the story about margins and implications?
I have heard alot about clear, negative and positive margins. In my case, I did not have clear margins and yet the doctor professed he got it all and is positive that there is a low level of risk for recurrence. In fact, with stage 1 (localized and less than 4cm), he states that he favours doing nehpron sparing surgery…
Hi i had surgery 5 weeks ago. when i got my pathology it had questionabl margins. it showed ink at margin, bu My doc said that when he took it out it fragmented a little which caused it to look positive to the pathologist, but it was from ink seepage?? he said he then burned the margin more to give him more of a margin and…
Surgery July 1st
hi friends! My surgery is scheduled for July 1st and 12:00. Doctor said he believes he can do it laporoscopic. My mass is 2.6 cm and report says a very minimal amount appears to be in renal sinus. He thinks he can save most of the kidney. How long do these type of surgeries normally last? He said I should be in hospital 2…
New Member
New member here, so I'll tell my background. In December, 2013, I had a routine physical exam that uncovered some microscopic blood in my urine. My primary care doctor referred me for a CT scan, assuming a kidney stone wold be found. What was found instead, was a 1.5cm lesion on my right kidney that was suspected to be a…
Truth or not
My cancer diagnosis wasn't actually a total surprise when I heard it. I had an ultrasound done for kidney stones, then got called back for another. Callbacks are great when auditioning for a part, not necessarily great when folks are looking at your innards. Ultrasound #2 was only on one side and higher than the first. I…
I haven't been able to post. My apologies, but I just wanted to see if it would work. I've been trying for 2 days. Keep getting a "sorry" page with an error message to email to support. Todd
Go to the doctor?
Ok well I've been here before, last year I was worried I had kidney cancer due to microscopic blood in urine bilateral flank pain and pain in the back and stomach. Well after seeing my doctor and getting a ultrasound he said everything is in working order. After being told that the flank pains and what not all seemed to…
Checking In - Hoping Uncle Ned Has Time for Me
Is this uncle Ned stuff getting old yet? Lol. My quarterly scans coming up on Monday. Won't get a result until the following Monday. Would love uncle Ned to stop by. I'm glad he can be in multiple places at once! Something strange has happened since my last scans and this one. I've actually stopped worrying and obsessing…
Road trip!
I'm leaving Illinois tomorrow and taking a road trip with my daughter to Calif. I'm picking her up from OHare and we will take the south western route back to her home. I've got my Sutent, wipes, Tylenol, Tomms toothpaste, Magic mouthwash and Immodium! I may have Stage IV RCC but there's a lot left to see and experience!!…
Failed both Votrient and Opdivo
I am hesitant to post this, because, once I do, it becomes real. Had my three month scan after starting on Opdivo and my cancer has progressed signifcantly - to my liver, to my back deltoid muscles, to the soft tissue in my left flank, extensively in the chest lymph nodes and there is some shadowing in the left temperal…
Radiation III
So the doctors are postponing IL2 for a week because they feel that the radiation left me a little to week. The doctors feel one more week of rest might be beneficial since IL2 can be so harsh on the body. I think that it is a good idea but I was finally ready mentally for the IL2 on Monday but I can wait I guess. Mark
Surgery Findings
Hi everyone, This last surgery was very rough. I had to have left upper portion of my lung removed and also had my heart opened up to remove RCC from those body parts (which I am running low on). Doc also removed 5 lymph nodes around the area and 2 tested positive for RCC. Oncologist said we will continue to remove with…
Surgery next week
Hi all, First, I wanted to tank all of you for answering my questions. The info has been very helpful. Surgery is 6/29 and I'm getting pretty bervous. Today was our last day of school and tomorrow is my last day. I resigned teaching position for now. I've had a hard year health wise and want to rest for awhile. I do have…
Just Diagnosed
hi ! I am a 36 years old female with a lovely husband and three beautiful litt girls. I went on Father's Day to the ER because a horrible pain in my upper middle stomach that would go through my back. After a ultrasound and ct scan they found out that I have gallbladder stones and my gallbladder needs to be removed but…
clothing for after surgery
Hi all Trying to get things settled before my surgery on 6/29. I'm wondering what type of clothing you found most comfortable after the surgery? It will definitely be hot and humid here. I 'm thinking tshirt dresses maybe the easiest? tshirt and shorts? Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Update: I am having a…
Anyone else?
Anyone else think we stand, stumble or sit on the edge of a whole new world of cancer treatment and prognoses. I dont know about you, but I'm feeling incredibly lucky.
Radical Nephrectomy - I'm Trying To Stay Optimistic
Hello from Vancouver, BC! I've been following many of your discussions, challenges, victories, and the community at this site is amazing. A 5cm tumour was recently discovered on left kidney a few months ago. After a follow-up test, the urologist concluded that it's growing and a radical nephrectomy to remove the entire…
Fourteen year Ultrasound
Had my 14 year Ultrasound today. Get official results next Monday. For what its worth the tech said the small "cyst" they have been following on my other kidney for the past 13 years is a "nothing". Plan to barbequet a Filet Mignon next Monday in case Uncle Ned stops by. Maybe add a beer for refreshment (I don't drink…
Happy Fathers Day
To all you dads out there. Hope you have a very special day! Donna~
Radiation II
I finished radiation on Monday with no idea if it worked or not. My radiation doctor said they can't scan for one month because the radiation can work for several weeks beyond the treatment. My esophogous was injured and my chest feels like I have a ball in stuck in there. The doctors say this is temporary and will stop…
During labor the pain is so great that a woman can almost imagine what a man feels like......... When he has a cold. Icewoman
Hi, I was here last summer with questions...
Hi. I was here last summer after finding out I had two complex cysts on my left kidney and a simple on the right. I'm a 35 year old female. They were found incidentally when getting a CT scan due to ovarian cysts. My first urologist was a jerk and said don't worry. I got a second opinion. My current docotr is amazing. We…
New Diagnosis ChRCC
Hi everybody! I have been reading these boards for over a month now, and your posts and encouragement have really been the only way I have made it through.... I am a 44 y/o active female with no known health issues except migraines. On May 9th I was told that I had a mass on my right kidney 1.3 cm, and that it needed to be…
Looking for info
I want to first say that I have not been diagnosed with kidney kr any other type of cancer. I had an ultrasound last week for my gallstones. The images get posted to my radiology account so I can view them and I saw that I have a spot on my kidney that measurements were taken of. Now I know this could be a cyst. I would…
Updating Bio Information
I'd like to make a plug for keeping your bio information up-to-date. Please take a moment and do this. It can save all of us a lot of time. You, when posting, you don't have to repeat all your history. The rest of us can go read about your condition and history without asking lots of questions. It's just an all-around good…