
tesa Member Posts: 123
Mymother completd her tests at the onclogist called and said the paranasal recurrence was in the eye orbit. and now is growing along the nerve toward the base of the skull!!! He saw on mri. I am scared to death. We haven't heard from surgeon but oncologist said it will be too dificult to operate. He said its clear on mri. I know we're at best hospital but any ideas...she's 83 but in good health otherwise. Any good surgeons for head/neck spread to base of skull along nerve. I am desparate and losing my mind. Please help someone


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tesa
    Yes it sounds bad and I am sorry to hear this about your Mom. But sometimes you need to make very tuff decision like this in life. What are her chances with surgery and without surgery doing only Chemo? Push the doctors and question them on alternative to this type of cancer, once you have all the info in your hand make the choice that you believe is the best. Your Mom may be 83 and if she is in good health, she will pull through this and become a survivor.

    Keeping your Mom in prayer
  • tesa
    tesa Member Posts: 123
    Hondo said:

    Hi Tesa
    Yes it sounds bad and I am sorry to hear this about your Mom. But sometimes you need to make very tuff decision like this in life. What are her chances with surgery and without surgery doing only Chemo? Push the doctors and question them on alternative to this type of cancer, once you have all the info in your hand make the choice that you believe is the best. Your Mom may be 83 and if she is in good health, she will pull through this and become a survivor.

    Keeping your Mom in prayer

    chemo supposedly does not
    chemo supposedly does not work with is only option. Thanks for the prayers were you able to get radiation twice. was it in same area?
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    tesa said:

    chemo supposedly does not
    chemo supposedly does not work with is only option. Thanks for the prayers were you able to get radiation twice. was it in same area?


    Yes I was able to do radiation twice, all to the right side of my head directed at the right side of my noise and the beam moving across my face to the left side. I was told by my doctor that my bone structure fit some chart of there that allowed for me to fit in a 2% window of people who can take it twice. The side affect of all the treatment are really bad and sometimes the pain gets me down and a little depressed. But I am still alive and made it through the worse part of my life. I have a complete new love for my savior Jesus and seeing my grandchildren growing up is a real joy in my life now. I still work a full time job although I have been demoted twice now because of the inability to do more then one thing at a time (Pay is still the same) so I can’t complain. Cancer took a lot of things always from me but it also gave me a few good things I did not have before and that is TIME with my family, time with the people I love, and mostly time with the God I believe in.

    Your Mom will always be in my prayers and you will too.
  • buzz99
    buzz99 Member Posts: 404
    So sorry to hear that you, your mom, and your family are struggling with such issues. We have been cautioned about major surgery for Buzz if it turns out his cancer has returned. Surgery might be horrible for your mom with no guarantee of recovery. Sometimes surgery is not the best answer. Wish I could put your mind at ease. Hopefully you will get some answers after you see the surgeon. My best to you and your family. Karen