Last week of treatment

Bulldogger1 Member Posts: 13
edited November 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I am down to my last 3 days of radiation and 1 have more round of chemo (erbitux) on Wednesday and I get ring the bell which half way through I did not know if I was going to make it.  Thankfully, I am here, although very beat up, and ready to get on with the healing side of this journey.   My mouth is raw and filled with sores and my left side of my neck is very burned and has a big rash which is one of the side effects from Erbitux.  I have lost probably about 35 to 40 pounds probably most of it was lost in the last two weeks as sores in my mouth made it harder and harder to eat.  I did not do the feeding tube which my radiologist encourages his patients not too unless it gets too bad. Luckily I was and am still able to swallow and eat soups, puddings, and of course drink ensure and boost.  My radiologist thinks the primary tumor in the tonsil is gone and the one in my lymph node on the left side of my neck is very hard and thinks it probably just hard because it is full of dead cancer cells.  I am praying all the cancer cells are gone but will do a cat scan in 6 weeks to see if there are any cancer cells left.  As I am getting closer to the end I am struggling with the mucositis.  It seems to get worse every day.  Is that somethingI will be dealing with the rest of my life?  or as the sores in my throat and my mouth start to heal will it get better too?  Does it usually take a couple of weeks after the treatment it done before the sores in my mouth heal from the radiation? 

I have also heard the week after your treatment is done is very tough because you are no longer doing your treatments everyday, but yet you still feel so bad from all the treatments and side effects.  Just wanted to get your thoughts on that.




  • Sonja.K
    Sonja.K Member Posts: 80 Member

    Congrats and I am right behind you!  I have twenty down and ten to go!  Isn't it wonderful to have more behind you then in front of you?  I am looking forward to your replies.  

    You got this!


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Good job

    You are correct.  After treatment you still have some time to 'cook.'  You will need to rest, hydrate and eat as much as you can.  Usually the mucus gets better in a few weeks but you will have some mucus issues for a long time.  Phrannie used L-glutemin in water to help with mouth sores.  You need to get protein, even if it is in powder in a smoothie.  So much of my weight loss was muscle loss.  It took some time to recover.  Ringing the bell is in your very near future.  You did it!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    As KT (Bev) says....

    the two weeks after treatment is over, you're still cooking....and those two weeks can be tough.  However, at that time you're also on the cusp of healing.....making for a better mental outlook than being at the other end of the tunnel.  The mucositis will begin to fade at the end of those two weeks, also.  Ask about Magic Mouthwash if you don't already have some....I noticed my Drs. offered some things, but there were other things that until I brought them up up, they never said a word.  Once I'd mention something (like the MM) Dr. would say..."oh's a script".  Also, make sure you don't have a case of Thrush happening along with the mouth's hard to distinguish between the two when everything hurts.....but they take different treatments to cure them.

    Whoo HOO.....on your last week.  There is an underlying freedom in knowing you can just stay home and heal without having to get dressed and go out every single day. 


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Todd, congrats on the last

    Todd, congrats on the last 3!!!!  sorry you are in so much pain and filled with sores.  hopefully now that's its almost over that will all get better quick.  Unfortunately, you will continue to cook from rads for about another 2 weeks once tx is over.  But then you will start to heal and soon you will be recovered.  It will most likely take about 1-2 months before you see/feel a real change but hang it there, it will get better. 

    God bless you and again, congrats.  can't wait to hear the bell ring so i can do the happy dance :0)


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    almost there


    In general, your life without cancer cannot help but get better (side effects too)..

    Keep moving forward!


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Congrats Todd

    So close to ringing the bell. Yes you will still be cooking for a few weeks, but you will be on the rosd to recover. It has a

    s l o w  pace at times but you just take one day at a time and only today matters. celabrate each milestone because they are major to us. You've come a long way and done very well. so be very proud.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Congrats on making through the treatment. It is a huge accomplishment although it may not feel like it. Most feel pretty beat up and even though you cross the finish line on treatment, set another flag about 3 weeks down the road as that is about when you will actually start to feel a bit better. And a big cheer for the ability to continue eating without the PEG. Especially now, your throat and mouth are going to be really sore and you will be getting down in weight so keep eating, staying hydrated, and take meds to manage the pain. Don

  • Bulldogger1
    Bulldogger1 Member Posts: 13
    donfoo said:


    Congrats on making through the treatment. It is a huge accomplishment although it may not feel like it. Most feel pretty beat up and even though you cross the finish line on treatment, set another flag about 3 weeks down the road as that is about when you will actually start to feel a bit better. And a big cheer for the ability to continue eating without the PEG. Especially now, your throat and mouth are going to be really sore and you will be getting down in weight so keep eating, staying hydrated, and take meds to manage the pain. Don

    Thanks everyone!!! I

    Thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate the encouragement and advice.  It is great to celebrate with yall as you know what I have been through.  This is definitely the toughest battle I have had to fight, so grateful to almost being on the other side.  I am ready to be able to eat burgers and fajitas again.  Thanks again!!


  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97

    Thanks everyone!!! I

    Thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate the encouragement and advice.  It is great to celebrate with yall as you know what I have been through.  This is definitely the toughest battle I have had to fight, so grateful to almost being on the other side.  I am ready to be able to eat burgers and fajitas again.  Thanks again!!


    Hi Bulldogger:
    Your post

    Hi Bulldogger:

    Your post flooded me with memories of my own LAST THREE DAYS.  My heart goes out to you.  Your on the home stretch now.  I was told I would continue to feel bad for two weeks after radiation.  In actuality it was at least a month that I was really sick once treatment ended.  I say this because I was frustrated thinking it should be happening faster.  I guess everyone is different.  It amazes me that you have been able to eat throughout the process.  Your a viking.  I had all the same ailments as you with the exception of the extreme weight loss.  Week by week you will get better.  I remember how happy I was when the last of those blisters on my neck healed.  It will happen.  P.S.  I too dream of burgers and fries.  

    Hang in there. 


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Todd

    Yes and no, the week or so after treatment was to me no different than any other, the radiation is still working in your body for weeks after but it just takes time to heal. I am glad to hear you are at the finish line so just keep running the race, you are a survivor now and glad to have you as a part of CSN


    Tim Hondo

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    Thanks everyone!!! I

    Thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate the encouragement and advice.  It is great to celebrate with yall as you know what I have been through.  This is definitely the toughest battle I have had to fight, so grateful to almost being on the other side.  I am ready to be able to eat burgers and fajitas again.  Thanks again!!


    bull, it is exciting to know

    bull, it is exciting to know you are almost done!  i can't wait for you to eat the burgers and fajitas!  let that thought keep you going.  you've shown cancer who was in CHARGE and soon you will take life back!  your time will be yours again and you will start to heal and find your new normal.  can't wait to do the happy dance with you when you ring that bell!!  fight on friend.

    God bless you,
