Knot in throat i
I have found a white spoit on the left side of my throat ,I am a week from My first scan after treatemt (With rad).I having the feelings that my throat is closine.But it feels like flum stuck,that I could cough up but I can"t. ..You All, Have done this ? Is it me. worring and in my mind .I hav e gone through some feelings…
Second go 'round w/ SCC
My FIL was diagnosed with SCC and underwent a supraglottic laryngectomy on 9/19. Unfortunately, he went through SCC 15 years ago in which they did a radical neck discectomy and he received his full dose of radiation at that time. His current pathologic stage is pT4aN0. Clean margins, but his pathology report indicates…
What is the protocol for spam on the message board
It really ticks me off that people use this message board to spam...like for tv shows etc. I have noticed an increase in the last few weeks. especially when their message starts with a cancer related line. They are taking advantage of people. What is the proper protocol to alert the administrators and block these people…
Cisplatin and Radiation begin Tuesday question??
Hi, I am getting weekly cisplatin. The first dose is scheduled at 5 pm and my time is blocked out until 1 am. I know everybody is different but how long did your chemo take? My dose is smaller given weekly but wow. Feedback appreciated. Karen
Just thanks
I just wanted to thank everyone for their advise ,still tired but helps to hear I am not the only one that is where I am at. I have a doctor A surgen and he told me the sugery (SP) was a 10-12-hr operation. He recomened cemo-Radition first.I had no idea what was going on. But He said chemo-radation is no picnic .Boy was he…
Fentanyl patches and hot showers are a fatal combination!
I was on a Fentanyl patch for a while. But weaned myself off it because I needed my hot showers so badly to clear my thick mucus. You might already know this. But just thought I'd share this with everyone in case people are unaware. Hot showers can trigger the patches to release too much drugs too quickly. The overdose…
Raised blister like bumps on tongue
Hello all, It's been awhile since we've posted here. Dale is 5 years post operation and 4 1/2 years after all chemo and radiation. All clear and really no matters to address since all treatments. He had stage 4 throat cancer on tongue and 3 lymphnodes. HPV based. He has some small, raised bumps on his tongue. maybe about a…
I learned a new abbreviation today...
I knew that NED meant no "evidence of disease". What I learned today was the abbreviation CR - "Complete Response"! That means the PET was all clear, NED and no trace of the tumor...all gone. It was more than we hoped for - my husband's reactions to chemo and radiation were so severe, and he is still battling mouth sores…
very Tired
First day 2nd post,Very tired I don;t know if this a information site or pity site, Don't care. History age 62, Ran 13 marathons 21 1/2 marthons,200+ trithons(sp) bike 45 miles a week,Can't run any more Bad back),8 weeks out from radation, It seens like the more time the more I am tired.I am getting really depressed.My…
Radation Fatigue
Iam out of radation treatment about 8 wks.I am so tired,today I moved 5 cases of pop and Had to sit down ,I thought I was going to fall down.It seems in the morning I can do little, but as the day goes on I get a little stronger. How long can this last . Thanks John
3 year anniversary-pyriform sinus ssc
Posts: 1 Joined: Oct 2015 Oct 13, 2015 - 4:19 pm My husband finished treatment three years ago today. He was diagnosed with ssc in his right pyriform sinus. At the time he was 55 and a non smoker. He has always exercised and had a very healthy diet. He had his treatment at the University of Chicago and we would highly…
My Uncle had Oral Cancer after surgery jaw getting harder & harder day by day
My Uncle had a Surgery of Lower Jaw cancer & it had been remade by Doctor. After two month of Surgery every thing was fine but now suddenly Lower Jaw started to get Harder & Harder day by day. (IS THIS A SIGN OF PROBLEM OR WHAT CAN ANY ONE SAY THIS TO ME)
New Guy Starting Chemoradiation treatment tomorrow... Yikes!
Hello All, I am am new to this site and a first time poster. I would first like to say a quick thank you all of you who are on here and continue to post valuable information and answer other various questions concerning all things H&N cancer related. I have already learned a lot from all your many posts and I really…
PET Scan Results
Praise God! No recurrance! The doctor said it looks like inflammation and they will recheck in three months. I am praying for good news from the rest of you. Bill echoed my feelings so well in his earlier post. As one of my favorite passages says, "I thank my God for every remembrance of you!"
New Granddaughter
My number 7 grandchild came to be a part of our family yesterday. She weighed in at 8lbs \13oz and 19 inches long. I now have 5 Girls and 2 Boys; just 10 years ago I did not believe I would ever see this day. It sure makes an old man happy
3 year anniversary-pyriform sinus ssc
Posts: 1 Joined: Oct 2015 Oct 13, 2015 - 4:19 pm My husband finished treatment three years ago today. He was diagnosed with ssc in his right pyriform sinus. At the time he was 55 and a non smoker. He has always exercised and had a very healthy diet. He had his treatment at the University of Chicago and we would highly…
what can help reach and keep remission
I am almost 3 weeks after treatment and I am still struggling for the side effects, mainly on mouse soar, throat soar, etc. This is tough and the contents in the site helped a lot. But I actually want to bring a topic on what we as a patient can do to reach or keep remission. I always curious about what others in this site…
Larynx Radiation - BIG Lump Sensation
Greetings... I am a 39 y/o male and I was diagnosed with very early Stage 1 Laryngeal Cancer recently. I've never smoked, and do not drink... so everyone was shocked that my simple vocal "polyp" turned out to be cancerous. I'm thinking it may be due to Reflux, which I've always had, but my ENT thinks it's more likely due…
What is LPR? GURD that goes higher up........
WHAT IS LPR? This is just an FYI, as I have GURD and LPR: During gastroesophageal reflux, the contents of the stomach and upper digestive tract may reflux all the way up the esophagus, beyond the upper esophageal sphincter (a ring of muscle at the top of the esophagus), and into the back of the throat and possibly the back…
NED for me
Greetings all, I began using this site 6 years ago after my daughter was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and then shortly after my wife with Lung cancer. Although I lost them both to cancer the information I gathered was invaluable so when I was diagnosed this past December 2014 with SCC I looked up my password and entered…
neck dissection after effects
Besides the issue that I'm having with the radiation side effects that everyone here has been very helpful with on advise on my other post, I have another issue I would like to hear your comments on. If you don't mind. I had surgery done for the tumor at the base of my tongue and right tonsil and then a dissection to…
mouth sores and swollen neck
I finished Chemo and Radiation Therapy about 2 months ago. About 2 weeks ago my throat has gotten swollen around and below my adams apple making it a challenge to swallow. It doesn't help breathing much either. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I am wondering if it might be Lymphadema. Any input would be…
Joining the Tonsillectomy Club and the Triple Endoscopy Club
Hi, I guess I dont have an unknown primary anywhere. They did see the pyriform tumor and then my PET scan lit up my left tonsil and something in the base of my right tongue. My lymph node was on the left. So tomorrow they are going to do the surgery. Then they think they want to do concurrent rad and chemo, only doing a…
I am Starting in our Week Three
It appears like it's beginning to get interesting. I was doing effectively until a couple of days ago once the mouth sores arrived in a significant way. One i'm all over this the roof of my mouth has been excessively painful for a coupoe of days. [Content removed by CSN Support Team]
Lymph Node biopsy...
Remember the enlarged lymph node from my MRI?? Well, today I saw the ENT, and it's gotten larger...not much, just larger....so he felt we should biopsy it. Now I have to wait a week to find out the results. Oh brother....pray for me, guys....you know I'm no good at the waiting around part of anything. p
Thoughts and prayers...........
In the two years I have lost how many I tell someone you are in my thought and prayers. It is true you really are, but the list has gotten soooo long I just hold up the pages and look up and quietly say, you got this right. With this site and the many people I have met here you all feel like family. So many that have been…
Just diagnosed with OSCC, 30 yr old, looking for advice on care
received tongue biopsy results Thursday that I have squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. Had a CT scan which showed that it has not spread to lymph nodes. My best estimate is the spot on my tongue is 2 CM and about half way back on the riget side. So just self diagnosing I would say I'm a Stage 1 or at worst Stage 2. I'm…
NPC with adjuvant therapy
I was diagnosized with NPC stage IV on July and still in treatment. My family and I was shocked and thanks to God I found this site and noticed a lot of NPC servivors. I got motivated to fight this desease! I have a question need you help. My medical oncologist suggested cocurrent chemotherapy but without adjuvant chemo.…
NPC Survivors
Hi, My husband finished up chemo/radiation treatment for NPC stage IV over 2 months ago and are are anxious for the 3 month mark to do the PET and CT scans to see the results of the treatment (he only had one CT scan during the treatement - and it was at the half way point). He still has some of the same symptoms he had…
New here;husband has nasalpharyngeal cancer ;can someone relate?
Hello All, My husband has recurrent nasalpharyngeal cancer after being recovered for four years. He is undergoing chemo and radiation. I believe he needs support from someone in his age group( he is 44). I want to offer him suggestion of viewing this site. Although Im sure any cancer patient can relate to him, he seems to…