3 Years NED!
I just wanted to share with everyone that Kreg had his 3 year checkup yesterday and was told another NED! We feel blessed and thrilled! For any of you who may be new, this was Kreg's diagnosis and treatment plan: Noticed a lump on left side of neck end of June 2012. Doctor treated with antibiotics. No effect. Went on to…
Celebrating victories
When my husband finished his 35th radiation treatment I wanted to celebrate in a special way. Since I love to quilt I made him a signature quilt that was signed by his co-workers, friends and parishioners from church and gave it to him after the last treatment. I'm curious how others have celebrated victories and…
Intimacy after treatment
This is a rather delicate, personal question but one I need an answer to and you guys have always had the right answers before. Now that all the side effects such as excess mucous, etc seem to be subsiding I want to be intimate with my husband again. After two failed attempts, I am heartbroken that there seems to be a…
My First Post: mouth sores
Hello everyone, I have been on this forum many times in the past few months and have found it so very helpful, though never wrote or commented. Many times I felt very alone in this battle, even though I had the wonderful support of my family and friends. I just happened to search for head and neck and there you were:) Now…
donfoo and WMC meet......
It is really great when you get to meet face to face some who you have been talking to for more than a year. It was great to meet Don in person. I will say he is one special man. Thanks for taking the time for me, and I also had my 18 month check up......NED agian. I sure love to hear that NED Bill
How do you add a picture?
I noticed some of you have added a photo to a post and I would like to know how to do that. Couls someone explain pleaae? Barbara
Primary probably found... Pyriform Sinus Anyone have this?
Hi me again. I went to CTCA and the ENT there found a tumour in my left Pyriform Sinus. That is the same side my positive lymph node was on. He showed my husband and I on the endoscope. I have my PET scan Mon 10/12 and hopefully that is what glows. So its at best Stage III. Who knows the involvement. They are scheduling a…
Being strong
I just saw this and it reminded me of us as we started our little journeys .
Starting Week three
Hello everyone, I just wanted to give an update. I'm about to start week three of Cetuximab and radiation post tongue and lymph node cancer. It looks like it's starting to get interesting. I was doing really well until a couple days ago when the mouth sores showed up in a major way. One spot on the roof of my mouth has…
Aloe Vera juice
I did a search of previous posts and didn't find too much regarding the juice. A physician friend of ours gave us a bottle of aloe Vera juice to help with mouth/throat rawness. I am wondering if any one else has used this and how much daily etc? Barbara
Newly diagnosed SCC unk Primary so far Help?
Hi, new here. 48yo female, west of Atlanta, GA. I'm learning all I can. I have SCC unk primary. I have an appt with CTCA next Friday for evaluation, tests etc. I had a cervical lymph node level II biopsied that came back cancer. I also had ThyCa in 2003 but this seems to be unrelated although I had RAI with the thyroid. I…
Pill crusher
I'm starting a new topic just short and sweet. Get a pill crusher and a pot of jelly. Twist the crusher tightly put the powder in a little jelly on a spoon ( jam in uk) and place it on your tongue then have a sip of drink through a straw to wash it back, no more gagging on pills.
Winter around the orner
I have got through the last three years without a cough or cold. Two weeks ago I got a chest infection and I cancelled my throat dilation. I got better, now today I'm aching in bone joints in my hands, my head, my teeth, my eyes my nose is alternating between stuffed up and runny., I have a temperature of 38.1. I don't…
Proton Radiation for base of tongue HPV+ at Scripps in San Diego, CA
Hello all...it's my first post on here but I wanted to post because I thought our experience might be helpful to others and I have gained a lot of support and information on here as well. If you are reading this then I assume your life has been touched by cancer either as a patient or loved one and I'm sorry for that but…
now this
After all of this, during the past 36 hours my throat has gotten to point I cannot speak, or just barely audible.. Except for the discomfort maybe not all that bad. I naver have been exactly a chatty socialite, as you guys can probably tell. More hoarse than when I initially visited the ENT and was diagnosed in July.
new from England, 2yrs post op and having problem
Hi new here from England, two years post op( Oct 13) for stage 3 SCC left tongue,partial glossectomy, reconst from leg, neck dissection, 35 rads and have peg fitted. Have got through many effects and always exercise for tight neck. Really thought i was "on my way". For the past four months have had a feeling of pressure on…
burning sore throat
I have been cancer free for 4 years. Last month I posted on the board that I had just started having a burning sore throat. Several helpful people suggested that it might be caused by acid reflux. I have been taking Prilosec now for about three weeks, but I still have the sore throat and now ear pain (probably…
back...with more paranoia
So, I finished my treatment one week ago and things are calming down,.. still my taste has eveaporated again. No pain or anything residual from the treatment to speak of but one week out I am noticing the same issue that had me seek treatment in the first place. Scratchy, itchy throat, coughing caused by that constant…
Kritter up date 10-06-15
Hi everyone, I got an e-mail from Keitter yesterday that was not so good, She is down hurting trying to deal with the bad news the doctors gave her. They told her she had at best 12 months to live. Please keep praying for her, because the doctors don’t have the last word, the last word is with God up above. There is a…
On May 12th I was diagnosed with stage 4 right tonsil cancer with multiple node mets. May 27th I started 35 treatments of radiation with 5 treatments of Erbitux. Today, the 7th day of October, my Follow-up PET Scan shows no evidence of any remaining disease. Hmmm, the 7th, seems a familiar number to me. On the 7th day God…
Clinical trial
My husband Mike was diagnosed with Hypopharangial cancer (which had matastisized to several lymph nodes in the right side of his neck) the first of April. We choose to go with a clinical trial taking place at the University of North Carolina Cancer Hospital instead of traditional treatment. He receives weekly chemo…
throat cysts
I have been trying to tell my drs that it looked like something inside of my throat was looking wierd, so I made an appt with my fabulous ENT. Seems that I have a cyst on the left side of my throat and will have to have it removed. They will take skin from my wrist and graft it over the hole after they see if there is…
Check ups
For those that have been around the board for a while, you will know gthat I had larynx cancer stage 3 in 2009, had chemo and radiation and in 2014 ENT said no need to see him anymore as it was considered cured. Good. In 2012 a small nodule was found on my lung during a physical nuclear stress test. The nodule was very…
Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
Survivor Support Group in Richmond (Henrico) Virginia
I am the wife of a very recent (May) head and neck cancer survivor. What I learned very quickly was that my husband had a lot of post-treatment-cancer questions that I could not answer. In short, I understand that I can't understand. Of course, I investigated cancer survivor support groups here in our hometown, Richmond,…
Another Member Meet Up
It's always fun to hear about people in this group who get to meet each other in person. On a gorgeous fall day in Wisconsin, Sonja K and Mrs BD met for breakfast and good conversation. We have a lot in common, and a few ideas on which we are polar opposites. We both agreed though, the CSN group helped us get through a…
CAT scan confusion
My husband had the last of his 35 radiation treatments on 9/2. He has an appointment to have his first follow up CAT scan on 9/30. A friend who was receiving treatment at the same time as he was and has the same doctor was told to get his CAT scan 6-8 weeks after his last treatment. Do you guys know what the general rule…
Treatment done, now for the healing! And waiting
I just had my last radiation tx today so no more abusing my body for a while. I feel much better than I expected for this point, though they say it can get worse over the next week. I don't eat anything these days, the PEG was a very smart thing to do, but I find myself craving the day I can taste again. Even all, those…
Can my throat eventually close up ?
Hi there, It's been a while since I was here. I came across a friend's message regarding throat can eventually close up if you have had radiation ? Is this true ? My last visit to Dr about 6 weeks ago he said my throat had narrowed but didn't say anything more. He was very happy with the results. I've not really had much…
Cisplatin and Vinorelbine
I have parotid cancer metastasis to lymph nodes and lungs. After meeting w 2 oncologists, I was surprised to hear that radiation would not be in my course of treatment after all. I'm getting a port put in next week and starting chemo. It's going to be cisplatin and vinorelbine. Does anyone have experience with this? Am…