Radation Fatigue

Iam out of radation treatment about 8 wks.I am so tired,today I moved 5 cases of pop and Had to sit down ,I thought I was going to fall down.It seems in the morning I can do little, but as the day goes on I get a little stronger. How long can this last . Thanks John


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    It takes quite a while to get back to

    to full form....that is a fact.  It does get better every week....just a little better....it happens in degrees.  3 weeks from now, you might be moving 8 cases of pop, and realize you didn't have to stop to rest.  For a while, do some walks....walking is good exercise, and it's good for the soul....it builds up your whole body....start out short walks, then add some distance.

    It took me nearly a year to feel that I was back...or close to back to my normal self...


    PS....8 weeks out of treatment I don't think I could have even lifted one case of pop....no kidding!!

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Welcome to the H&N Group

    Welcome to the group and also sorry you need to be here. I never had to have chemo or radiation, just surgery. Your recovery will be much slower than you think. It is not messured in days and weeks, but weeks and months. It is slow and you need to relize it will get better but slowly. You are better now than eight weeks ago.  Most likely even a little better than last week. You will get there, you just went through one heck of a fight and won. Do 1/3rd of what you think you should. Push a little but don't over do it too much as it can set you back some.


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Slow and Steady


    I agree with what P-51 and Bill mentioned, measure your recovery in weeks not days. My Radiation Oncologist told me that the Radiation can play havoc on us for as long as 1 year. Don't forget, we go thru a "Cooking" phase right after our last treatment for roughly 4-8 weeks so you are just now getting out of that phase.

    Listen to your body, if you feel the need to sit down and take a nap in a recliner for 20 minutes, do it. You will build yourself back up, remember, you aren't recovering from the Flu, you have been down a bumpy road these last few months.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here 

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Ever had sun poisoning?

    That's what radiation is like - it just totally wipes you out. please don't be too hard and judgemental on yourself or your body. Give yourself the needed time and kindness to recover.
