Quick tips for Erbitux/Avastin?
Ok, guys, I KNOW you have done this MILLIONS of times before...but I would appreciate some tips for my friend who will be starting Erbitux/Avastin treatments in a week...Dealing with side effects...(MaryKay's pink stuff, right?), etc. I figure I will send her a microfiber throw to keep something soft and warm against her,…
good news for friend and more waiting for mom
Well, the good news is my good friend who is a breast cancer survivor (dx stage 3, 1 round of chemo & mastectomy) received great news that her cancer has not returned and she is still NED. She has a cyst on her kidney that the doctor wants to keep a close eye on but nothing further. As for my mom's pet results, the darn…
Friday Riddle - EARLY
Which triangle has a bigger area: 1. A triangle with sides measuring 300, 400, and 500. 2. A triangle with sides measuring 300, 400, and 700.
Weird (girl stuff) side effect
I just finished my first round of FOLFIRI a few days ago and I guess all is well. Certainly different than FOLFOX. Mouth sores, fatigue, sore throat, rash...and a sore bottom? Not just my very bottom but all the way up my 'happy place'. Started 3 days ago and is finally getting slightly better. Anybody else? Any…
family member of someone just diagnosed today - what can we do long distance for her?
I just found out that my cousin has been diagnosed with colon cancer. the news is devastating because she is only 39 years old and mother of two teenage boys. my sister and i are just shocked and want to do something to help. For those of you who have or had this cancer, what things would you like to receive in a care…
Mona Vie
Does anyone have any information to share about Mona Vie? My husband works with someone who has a family member recently diagnosed with cancer (I don't know any specifics), and he swears by this product. From what I've found online, the acai berry looks like it has benefits from all of the antioxidents. The biggest issue I…
I have had my second Folfox treatment post surgery and am really feeling tired already. I have six more to go and hope I can make it. I am trying not to lie around too much; that seems to make me even weaker but if I am up and working on stuff, I will suddenly get weak in the legs, out of breath and my head gets swimmy.…
26 Years.....
My husband and I will be celebrating our 26th Wedding Anniversay on Wednesday, 24 Sept at the Poconos (this is where we spent our honeymoon), so I will be unplugged until Monday the 29th. I sit here and think back 26 years. It amazes me how fast time flies when you sit and think, but when you live in the moment it moves…
Radiation side effects & arthritis
Hello! It's been a while since i last posted! I was diagnosed stage IIIB rectal cancer in August of 07 when i was 38 years old. I received six weeks of 5FU pump along with seven weeks of radiation. Had resection surgery in January 08 (clear margins, with four out of fourteen lymph nodes involved), and began FOLFOX6 in…
How do you
Just wondering - how do you go about your normal life when you are going through treatment for Cancer. My husband had his colorectal tumor removal surgery and is recovering, he will be starting chemo at the end of October; mean while he's acting like nothing is wrong and has planned a short vacation for us in Lake Placid.…
Power Port & 5FU treatments
Hi everybody, Two things: 1. I had a Power Port put in on 9/17/08. Is it normal to have a have a feeling like chest pain? It is like what I feel if I am outside in really cold weather and breathe through my mouth alot. The pain is located up near top of breast bone. I assume this is where the tube was placed in the vein.…
Stage IV/PET Scan/NED
I just wanted to share my news! I was dx'd Stage iv cc in Oct '07, had 2 surgeries, then started FOLFOX in Jan '08 and finished in June. From February, my CT Scans have shown NED. I had a PET scan done last Wednesday and saw my oncologist today--I'm still NED!! Keep on fighting! Rebecca
Medical bills
I am a 2 year survivor of colon cancer. I have many outstanding medical bills due to having cancer and I know I cannot be the only one. I worry about my bills all the time and I just wonder how other cancer survivors deal with this problem.
Newly diagnosed with rectal cancer
Hi everyone, I have just been diagnosed with rectal cancer on Aug 28. The last week has been tough to say the least. I found out from a colonoscopy after I had blood in my stools. I am 36 years old and married with 2 lovely girls (1 1/2 and 4 years old). My wife is a stay at home mum and she has been a pillar of strength…
Question for those who have had a pretty easy time of chemo
I came across an article yesterday where a cancer patient was so ill from chemo and was depressed and having crying jags as well until she asked her doctor to switch her anti nausea meds from ativan to emend, and it made a world of difference to her, and she was able to cope. I have made no secret of the nightmare i have…
More parents ponder cancer gene tests for kids
Very interesting article: http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20080921/48d5c6c0_3ca6_15526200809211191647496
oxaliplatin in arm - Yeouch!!
Started my new XELOX regime yesterday. My oncologist and I had discussed whether I needed a port installed again. He suggested that I give it a try without -- I'm only scheduled for 6 cycles, 2 hr drip each time. Big mistake!!! The oxaliplatin really hurt and my arm is still very tender/painful/uncomfortable. Yeouch! So,…
Hi folks, Quick recap: Rectal cancer diagnosed in 2005 treated with chemoradiation and local excision, recurrance in 2006 treated with resection with permanent colostomy and more chemo. Just got my CT scan results which shows no sign of cancer and CEA remains stable at 1.3. Had been nervous as I was having some left hip…
Progress Report
Hello, I have just finished # 7 chemo and met with my doctor to discuss the CT scan I did on 09/15. I would like to share some good news with my fellow stage 4er. recap: I was dx stage 4 rectal cancer in the end of May 2008. The lesions in my liver are too big for surgery, so I start with Folfox+Avastin in June. The recent…
Live within driving distance to UCLA?
You and your family and friends are invited to attend: Conversations About Colorectal Cancer at UCLA (It's Free) When: Saturday, October 4, 2008 9:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Where: UCLA's Center for Health Sciences Finding HOPE (Healing, Options, Peer Support & Education) *Learn about the latest in oncology, surgery and…
2 Years Today!!!
Hi all, Today was 2 years since my stage III rectal cancer diagnosis. To celebrate, my husband and I went and bought a new Jeep. It was my way of staying positive that I will continue to be healthy and make car payments for 5 more years!!! Tomorrow is my CT scan and while I am normally nervous, buying a car was a great…
Friday Riddle - ANSWER
This week's winner is kimby. CONTGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) RIDDLE: Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and gray, I'm read from both ends, And the same either way. What am I? ANSWER: Eye
Ileostomy reversal
I've had my ileostomy for almost a year and also had a colostomy at the same time. I had the colostomy reversed in June. The procedure done was a "pull-down" or a "pull-through". They basically stuffed my colon inside my rectum (I have about 2 1/2 inches of rectum left). They're just waiting for my insides to heal and then…
Question for Stage III Survivors
Hello, I posted a few weeks back regarding venous invasion. I didn't get too many replies, so I thought I'd try again. I was just wondering if there are any of you out there who were diagnosed as stage III with venous invasion and are currently NED. This issue has become a prickly pear for me as I'm trying to stay positive…
My husband's surgery
Hi everyone, As most of you know, my husband had his colon tumor removal surgery on Monday and I just wanted to give you all an update. As of today (Wednesday) he is out of bed and walking the halls of the hospital. Still not eating or drinking as they said his stomach is not making enough noise yet. He is in pain, but he…
Can't Have Medical Procedure Unless NED
Next week I am having endovenous laser ablation on my legs to relieve pain and swelling from varicose veins. The doctor is a phlebologist (vein specialist) and he was very specific that the procedure could not be done if I had "active" cancer. I told him that I was diagnosed in March 06 with Stage 1 cc and since my…
sessile (flat polyps)
hello all, My hubby had a colonoscopy today - his first after surgery over a year ago for CC stage 3. He had one polyp removed in the sigmoid colon and it was sessile and according to the report, of benign appearance but we'll know more in a few days after biopsy. it was 6 mm. is that large? what concerns me is the fact it…
Hair or rather lack of, need some advice
Hi Everyone, I hope that you are all doing well! I posted somewhere earlier about my hair rapidly falling out. Next week I have an interview for a fieldwork placement for school. The placement would be at a school, grades Kindergarten-12. I would be doing group counseling with the children. My question is: Do I wear a wig…
Waiting on PET results
I don't post often but it always helps to read everyone's posts--this a great source of support. I was dx'd Stage iv cc in Oct '07. Two surgeries and then started FOLFOX in Jan '08 and finished in June. All of my CT scans from Feb on have been NED with the last one after I finished chemo in June. I had my PET scan this…
I'm back...WHEW!
So, just got back from Holland last night...with a raging case of stomach flu (NOT a good thing to have on a 10-hour plus, nonstop flight...lol!). The house in Holland is now secure, and ready for us to put our 6 months here/6 months there plan into place...don't know if or when, I still have my mother here, and she is not…