Mona Vie

mk1117 Member Posts: 46
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Does anyone have any information to share about Mona Vie? My husband works with someone who has a family member recently diagnosed with cancer (I don't know any specifics), and he swears by this product. From what I've found online, the acai berry looks like it has benefits from all of the antioxidents. The biggest issue I can find online about Mona Vie is that people don't like the company's distribution methods - which are based upon building distributors pyramid-style. I'm just curious about the product itself - does anyone have any information or opinions to share?




  • apache4
    apache4 Member Posts: 272 Member
    Pyramid schemes
    The pyramid selling always raises red flags for me! I believe that the acai berry products can now be found in health food stores. It is fairly new, but has been gaining more space in the news lately. As always, one should check with Dr. before starting something.
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 551 Member
    I have been drinking it a
    I have been drinking it a littele ach day after checking with my onc. I did not drink it during chemo but do now have one small glass in the morning along with fruit, wheat toast, 1 egg and green tea... Kinda boring but I do not have to think much.. I am currently NED ( Stage 4 from 9/06)
  • mykidsmommy
    mykidsmommy Member Posts: 76
    Good Ol' Costco
    I have been buying an acai drink - called Bona Vi at Costco - much cheaper and all the same goodness - In the fridge section - I hate to jinx myself , but since drink it - I have fought off many colds my little kids have had - pretty good for a lady fresh out of chemo ? So that is my two cents!
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Mona Vie
    Hi. A friend gave me a bottle of Mona Vie and it is still sitting where I left it 5 months ago. I am terribly scared of supplements and herbals on top of the regular meds I take, so I have only eyed it from a distance. However, I have heard only good things about it, so I may take the plunge! Heaven knows, I could use the energy!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    also was given Mona Vie & Mellalucca
    I have also had two different friends give me Mona Vie. One friend gave me 8 bottles, which I'm sure is quite expensive. She claims she isn' trying to sell me anything, but she just believes in it so much. I've drank a couple of bottles, but haven't been consistent. I probably will consume the ones I've been given, but I have noticed that the acai berry juice is definitely available in other less expensive forms. I'm not really sure how helpful it will be- probably couldn't hurt, though. Personally, I never like to buy anything that has the pyramid type of method. I've passed up on Mellalucca products as well (anyone familiar with them?), just because of the way the "require" you to join and make a minimum purchase each month (which they automatically ship to you & charge you for). I'm not trying to knock Mellalucca, but I just never, never sign up for anything that automatically ships and charges!