Questions about chemoradiation
i posted this as well on another forum so if it looks familiar... Hi, I am just wondering when you start chemoradiation with continuous 5 FU do they give you a much lower dose than what you get with the Fulfox treatments? I had my second Fulfox this past tuesday, and it did not go much better than the first. I feel very…
Back on Chemo yesterday and lost a friend
After finishing FOLFOX in March, a colostomy takedown and clean scan in May I now have mets to the liver and lung. I started FOLFIRI yesterday and we'll add Erbitux next cycle. Of course the goal is to shink/eliminate enough in the liver to make it resectable. On FOLFOX the 5FU was a tiny dose - it fit in a small…
Hurry up and Wait
Is it just me or are all doctors trained in the "hurry up and wait" method for recently diagnosed patients. I found out I had cancer of the rectum on 8/26/09. Eveyday that goes by I find myself thinking "everyday that goes without treatment is another day closer to death". Am I wrong to have these kind of thoughts? I met…
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
cea rising
Rough day today. I got results earlier than mom. Recap..Mom DX 07 cc, stage IV. Colon resection, omentectomy, ovaries removed, tumors debulked. I am her caretaker. 12 rounds folfox + avastin...currently 5fu + avastin. last four CEA tests 8.9, 10.1, 11.5, now 14.5. I always call ahead to get results. Mom doesn't know yet…
Spread to bones?
Hello everyone! Well, some of you know that i've been having problems with arthritis and osteopenia in hips and back due to chemo treatments. Well, i saw the orthopedist Friday, and it looks as though things are much worse than any of my other doctors thought. The osteopenia is actually osteoporosis, and it's so severe, my…
My Husband
My husband is Stage 4 with spread to liver and lungs - and I think I saw somewhere on the reports that they think he might have a lesion on his L4 verterbre. I know he has been complaining about a sore back lately - but I don't want to say anything as I don't want to upset him anymore. He just confided in me last night…
Cancer spread to lymph nodes - Can chemo take care of this (Dad has had disease since 2002)
My dad was diagnosed 5/02 with stage IV. He was thinking about getting radiation on lungs and liver (totally possible) until we found out that he has activity near his lymph nodes on ct scan (near esophagus). He is starting folfox + avastin + xeolda next week. Has anyone had chemo completely erradicate cancer in lymph…
I lost a friend today.
I just wanted to share my feelings with others who will understand. I was contacted by Leona a couple of years ago. She found my email address on a cancer website I had registered on. Her diagnosis was similar to mine, and she had questions for me about chemotherapy, side effects, and so on. We were comrades together in…
confused stage 3
Hi, My name is Pat I am 48 years old. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in march of this year, I have been doing chemo that the dr said I had to do. I was told that I had to do 12 rounds so far I have done 7 and I am struggling with this whole chemo thing I am having a hard time with this and am thinking of not…
Needing to hear from stage IIIa people please!
Hi, i was diagnosed in July with a malignant polyp that was in the rectosigmoid junction. All along everyone thought it was benign until it was removed by a polypectomy and had a small bit of cancer in it at the base. I then had a lower anterior resection where there was no residual cancer found anywhere. They removed 26…
Oxiplatin stopped
Due to the nerve damage issue in my hands this last treatment (#8 out of 12) the doctor didn't give me the oxiplatin part of the FOLFOX treatment. Has anyone else had to stop it and still have positive ending results (NED)? I was happy not to have it but just want to make sure it isn't going to hamper the long term…
stomache bloating
Hi I have had 12 rounds of 5fu, I have had the last 3 weeks off everything to prepare for surgery, does anyone out there have stomache bloating? I look like i'm 5 months pregnant!!! My eating habits have not changed since starting. I also don't exercise, but I never have either. Please let me know, if so, when does it get…
Very embarrasing question
Ok, so my husband and I were talking the other day and I asked him, do you think when you are on Chemo that we can still have sex? He said, well I thought that you couldn't exchange any bodily fluids with me at all when I was on Chemo. Now I'm not saying that we are planning on having sex during his chemo, he probably…
Just getting started...
I'm brand new to this forum and am grateful for your help, support and thoughts. My 75 year old mom was diagnosed about a month ago with Stage III metastatic colon cancer. She had surgery (colon resection) about 1.5 years ago and was told no further follow-up was required . Unfortunately my parents are of the generation…
Happy Birthday SPONGEBOB!
Today is the great day that my dear husband Bob, AKA Spongebob, came into the world...today is his birthday! Everybody sing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPONGEBOB! Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Spongebob..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! ....and many more.... Love you!
No Help
I am still in the impossible position of being diagnosed with colon cancer in 9-07 but have received no treatment because I have no health insurance and our family income puts me out of the range of getting any financial help but of course I don't make anywhere near enough to pay for treatment myself. All I know is this is…
Colon cancer patients not getting follow-up care
Article http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20080908/48c4a340_3ca6_1552620080908-1879592725
Friday Riddle - ANSWER
There was no winner this week :( RIDDLE: What is that which goes with a car, comes with a car, is of no use to a car, and yet the car cannot go without it? ANSWER: Noise
How long will this Erbitux rash last?
Hi, I've now had two treatments of Erbitux/Camptosar/Avastin. I've broken out in a horrid rash from the Erbitux. I never imagined it would be this bad and painful. My entire scalp is extremely sensitive- not sure if this is from Erbitux or maybe my hair will start to fall out soon from the Camptosar? I feel like I look…
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: What is that which goes with a car, comes with a car, is of no use to a car, and yet the car cannot go without it?
Hello All, This morning Today Show featured a BBC story, which I discovered was old news after a little research, about a couple who utilized genetic testing of embryos to avoid giving birth to a child with the BRAC 1 and BRAC 2 gene mutation (predisposition for breast cancer, similar to HNPCC or FAP). Apparently the…
Recently diagnosed
Hello anyone or everyone out there. I am 51 healthy all my life until this past July. July 25th I had surgery because my dr. thought I had ovarian cancer, turns out it originated in my colon. I had a complete hysterectomy plus 10 inches of my colon re-moved. I have stage IV colon cancer. 13 out of 28 lymph nodes positive.…
My Brother-in-law is delaying treatment to pursue Alternative therapies. Help!
My brother-in-law has colon cancer. He has Kaiser Permanente insurance and has not been treated well so far by the doctors there. His little sister, who is in Florida is into "alternative medicine." So Tom now is more disposed to seek “alternative treatment” than continue pursuing getting help at Kaiser, especially because…
Fighting/Scared for the Future
So, while my husband and I are waiting for him to have his colon tumor removal surgery, it has given me plenty of time to think. And I know I'm supposed to be lifting my husbands spirits right now - and I do that, whenever he needs it. But you know when I'm alone and driving to work I get thinking, what's going to happen…
Standing Up 2 Cancer
Nice to know that there are lots of folks out there fighting for us. Ads to promote Stand Up 2 Cancer. The big cancer fund raiser on TV Sept 5th. Enjoy! Cancer interrupting your life? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGFBf8Budmw&feature=user Forgive me: A bit crude....but definitely what I feel like shouting sometimes....…
elevated cea
My mom's onc suggested to redo her cea level. She is on treatment 3 of her second round. First 12 were 5fu+avastin+oxiliplatin. After 12 her cea went from 189 to 8.1. The last few cea tests have fluctuated between 8-11. This last cea was 11 something and my mom is scared. Her onc ordered another cea and said that he might…
Not sick enough??
I've read (and heard before) that the sicker you feel from chemo the better it's working to rid your body of residual cancer. This worries me because I don't feel like I'm getting "sick enough" from the chemo. Granted, during the infusion, I feel pretty sick, but it's not debilitating. I still go to work every day (except…
Anybody have throat paralysis with Oxaliplatin
Just had my 3rd round of chemo Wed afternoon. Early Wed. evening I could not breath and had to call 911, chemo Dr. said I had a rare throat paralysis reaction to Oxaliplatin and now have to get allergy tested to see what my sensitivity is and next chemo treatment I have to stay overnight for monitoring. Anbody have this…
Great presentation to Dr.
At another site that I check regularily, a heroic colon cancer survivor who has dealt with a lot has used this form to chart his treatments. He says he used this when he had to change Dr.'s. I loved the simplicity and pacing of it and he made it available to others. http://hewletts.org:8080/archives/One Guy's Treatment…