New to group, surgery on the 30th of this month
Hello everyone, I have been lurking around just reading posts, and must say what a great place for support. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer on the 28th of July and did the 28 days of Radiation and chemo with the pump. I hope that the tumor has shrunk some from the radiation so I wont need a colostomy.My surgery is…
mom in hospital
So. I wasn't crazy that my mom was having too harsh of side effects. turns out she is of the few that have the enzyme deficiency and can't metabolize campostar. I'm not sure why she wasn't tested for this. her onc said because it takes time and is rare. I need to get her to a major cancer center which i am working on. I am…
Completed Chemo Still Depressed?
Hi to Everyone. I'm new to this forum so if I do something wrong please let me know. I know this sounds really whiny and stupid, but here's the thing: I had a type 1 Stage 4 tumor removed from my colon in November of 2006. I completed Xelox chemo program (daily oral Xeloda and biweekly Oxiliaplatin) in June, 2007. I lost…
Dating and being a cancer surviror
I am 35, female and single. I have just finished chemotherapy which i went through for 6 months, for stage 3 cc. I am interested in whether there are other single people out there who have faced issues when dating? I would hate to feel that having had cancer puts people off dating me, but the reality is there may be people…
Girlie Question
Hi everyone, I have stage 4 colon cancer also in lymph nodes, I am getting ready for surgery in a few weeks, then more chemo. My question is for the ladies... I have been off chemo (folfuri 5) for 5 weeks, last month and this month I have skipped my period, to be on the safe side I took a pregnancy test which came back…
CT scan coming up Friday
Well it is my first 4 month coming up Friday and I have "scanxiety" already. I know we all wish each other well and talk about how you are not alone but when I get in that CT machine...sorry guys...I am alone....Back to brighter thoughts. Wish me luck and god bless you all Chip
Good to go for 5 years!!!!
Yea!!!! I just had my colonoscopy today, and my gastro said "No polyps, no cancer...come back in 5 years." WHEW!!! I asked him to sign the pic of my J-pouch...lol! Also, I used the prep that is all pills....OsmoPrep...and it was great! The pills are a bit the size of vitamins, and 4 at a time was interesting....BUT I got…
Rear's In The Clear!!
Had my 2 year anniversary colonoscopy for Stage III, sigmoid cancer. (Hey KathiM ... Today's OUR day!!!) N-E-D!!!!!!!!!!! N-E-D!!!!!!!!!!! CEA and CT scans were NED also! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheryl
Well, today was my husband's 1st. oncology appointment since his surgery. She (the oncologist) had the reports from the surgery and the PET scan results. She told us that he has mutiple nodules on both of his lungs (we were not expecting that), first they had told us there were only a few and only on one lung. The good…
signet cell
Does anyone know where I can find info. on signet cell carcinoma? My husband's cousin, age 20, had a mass in her colon and was diagnosed with this rare cancer? I can't seem to find much about it. Any help would be appreciated. Jo Ann
questions about fullforce chemo and acaiberry
I had stage 3 colorectal cancer diagnosed in may 2006. Had radiation and chemo then surgery which included an ostomy then adjuvant chemo of fullfox. I just returned from my oncologist on Tuesday. I have two lymph nodes in my groin area that have shown up on my pet scan. My cea number has increased from 29 in aug. to 47.…
New Chemo/No longer stable/pressure on "tubes" in liver?????
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in some time but still read often here's my story: My dad was diagnosed over 3 years ago in July 2005 with many BIG mets to liver and given 1 year to live. Obviously the doctor was wrong ... he started FOLFIRI + Avastin 3 years ago and has been on that continuously since July 2005. Some…
Appears it's back again
Hello eveyone . Hope you are all doing ok and keeping you all in my prayers. Unfortunately, it looks like we are going to do battle again with the beast. Results indicate a reoccurance in my husbands liver and although we are terribly disappointed in the news, we will continue to keep hope alive and wage the war against…
Bile Duct Stent Problems...Bilirubin & ALK going back up
Twice Dr's have tried to place stents in my moms bile ducts with no success. Her Bilirubin levels are starting to creep up again and her ALK phosphate #'s have gone up 150 points in 1 wk to almost 900. We are going to another Dr. to try and have the stents placed again and hoping that they will stay this time. The other…
27 year old female, stage 3- any other young ones out there?
Hi there, all the way from New Zealand! I'm a 27 year old female, diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in October 2007. I had surgery and have 1/3 of my bowel left- which works beautifully now! I finished 6 months of chemo- Xeloda(oral) and Oxaliplatin(IV) in June. As for depression- it smacked me in the face really…
Xeloda side effects
I know side effects are diffrent from each person but how are they for someone over 80 years old? Its day 2 for treatment for my dad, rad/xeloda pills. I know they say 2 weeks for side effects but just wondering if age makes a diffrence. Thanks Tara for your reply!! Blessings to All
got a good colonoascopy today
I had my annual colonoscopy today. It was a year ago I was diagnosed with stage II rectal cancer and had a local excision done to remove a big polyp that was too big to be removed during a colonoscopy I had last year. The surgeon who did the excision wanted to go back and remove my entire rectum and sphincter, she said…
Good News!
My husband was diagnosed with colon cancer (stage 3) in May 2006. He had a colon resection. Shortly thereafter, he had a recurrence and was restaged at stage 4. He had months of chemotherapy and another recurrence in October 2007 and another resection. After the October 2007 surgery, the surgeon told us there was no…
Difference between Recurrence and Spread?
I know there must be a difference... or is there really? If you have a recurrence of colon cancer, what is the difference between it recurring or spreading? If your colon cancer spreads to your lungs or liver, it is considered to have metasticized and I've heard people talk about the "mets" in their lung or liver. Is there…
Just Wondering
My husband still needs to get a port put in for his chemo. Is this done by day surgery? He was supposed to have it put in before he left the hospital from his colon tumor removal surgery, but I think they felt he had had enough at that point and did not want to put him through anymore right then. He won't be starting chemo…
RFA for liver mets?
Hi All . Thanks for your kind words and prayers. Although we are still getting over the shock that liver mets have returned so quickly, we remain hopeful as the surgeon who did the resection says we still have good options he believes available to us, and so for that I am thankful. We met with him Thursday and have…
Rising CEA and necrosis
Has anyone heard of a rising CEA being related to necrosis of a tumor? I have a tumor in the liver. The tumor is shrinking (per PET/CT Scan) but the "SUV" (standard Uptake Value) has risen from 7.3 to 9.3 and the CEA rose from 18 to 24 in less than 6weeks! I'm on Fulfori too. Could the shrinking tumor be related to the…
campostar & side effects..etc.
Recap, Mom dx 07 Nov. Stage 4 colon cancer. Surgery, followed by folfox + avastin. Discontinued oxaliplatin after 12 treatment, continuted with 5fu plus avastin. 1st ct scan May, disease stable, nothing new. CEA before surgery over 1000, 189 before start of chemo, got down to 8.9, has been on the rise over past month and a…
? for those with high CEA's
I'm stage 4 with numerous mets to liver and lungs. My CEA has always been bonkers. After a short break from folfiri/Avastin it nearly double to 429 after the first post-break treatment. Now, it is 361. My question is, for those in the long haul and with high CEA's, do you ever see it going down significantly and if so what…
Hi, Been reading for quite awhile lately as I dislike writing when things aren't going so well:( Have been praying for all of you!I was wondering how many treatments of Fulfori you have recieved? I'm doing my 10th on monday. Cea has been rising and PET/CT shows rising SUV to 9.3 on one of my liver mets. K-ras test is…
Secondary Bone Cancer
Hi I am new to the support group. I have just been diagnosed with secondary bone cancer. I would really like to understand the path this is likely to take or learn from other people who have had a similar experience.
Use of other doctors
I have been having terrible pain in my right hip. I have been controlling it with an old prescription for Vicodin that I hadn't used. I know I need morepain meds and wonder if I should just go to an orthopedist. I have been on SSDI for four years with arthritis diagnosis so I guess it is mainly a question of age or the…
Hi everyone, Yes, breathing is always a good thing! Hope everyone is doing great and staying positive. I am currently NED and will not have an appointment until December at which time I will have a CT scan. When I was having chemo, (5FU and Leucovorin) I experienced some breathing issues- was very wheezy at times. I do…
CTscan tomorrow, Friday
I'm having my 3 month CTscan tomorrow and will find out the results on Wednesday, Oct 1st. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that my scan shows nothing new. I'll keep you posted. Thank you! Hugs, Cheryl
dodged the hughest bullett on my life
Hi All, Well I'm a new person on this site. I wanted to find some place or somewhere to tell my story. Well you guys judge if it qualifies or not. I recently had a colonoscopy done last Wednesday. The reason for this was their was some bleeding going on you know where. Any way that aspect of things stopped with medicine.…