Recurrence symptoms?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 yrs. ago, lumpectomy,radiation & on Arimidex. The breast is now turning a purplish color & occasional pain. Can anyone share any experience with recurrence in the same breast & the symptoms?
also having a bad day
I am new to this site and have been reading some of the messages. I was diagnosed with DCIS in December. My surgeon had me see a radiation oncologist, an oncologist and a plastic surgeon so I could weigh my options. On Feb 10th I had a skin saving mastectomy with a tram flap( no lymph node biopsy was recommended).…
Welcome to you NEW to the site.
I haven't been spending as much time here now that I am back into full gear working and all. I find that I have less energy to do things of life. I find it is just work trying to get through all we must in a good days work. I am very fortunate to be able to carry on and finally able to enjoy this life I have been left…
Bad day today
Hello all, I am awaiting a mastecotomy in another week. I have waited over a month for this due to problems scheduling. I have met with an oncologist and will start chemo about a month after surgery. I have ordered a wig and a prosthesis. I don't know what else to do. But heres the problem. I have these bouts of crying.…
mosis 50
hello Mosis, for some reason I do not have a reply option so must start a new topic. Please don't be hard on yourself for bouts of crying. This cancer dx is about the most stressful thing in our lives right now. Your emotions are at surface level and can erupt at any moment beyond your control. The anxiety of waiting for…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
After 5-6 different chemos, nothing has helped, cancer has moved to liver, lung and shoulders. I'll be going to University of Chicago and Memorial Sloan Kettering for new options. Any suggestions on questions I should ask - probably will be clinical trials.
muscle flap procedures
Hi iam 34 and just had a mastecomy.Iam thinking of reconstructive surgery but not sure what kind.Has anyone had the muslcle flap done?and if so what do you think of it.would appreciate any comments.thanks
genetic testing
this is my first time using a chat room, i am desperatly trying to find out how to have myself and my five year old tested for the breast cancer gene. I lost my mum at christmas and her older sister died a few years ago from the disease. Another sister has just had her second breast removed. I would like to find out if i…
Breast Calcifications
Hi - I am a recent uterine cancer survivor. A mammogram in December showed calcifications in both breasts, and it is recommended that I have a repeat mammogram in June. Does breast cancer start as calcifications? I have a strong family history of breast cancer, and I am in a higher risk category now because I've already…
How do you knowe
Ihave had some different things going one and I would like to know how you know
recently diagnosed-need support
I am a week out of my bilateral mastectomy with cancer in my left breast. I had 6/19 nodes test positive. Soon I will meet with my oncologist. I am looking for support from many of you that have been where I am at so early in this journey. Please share your story with me to help build up my hope and encourage me.
Breast Cancer
Hi, I am a breast cancer survivor. My five year make is coming up in May however I received some disturbing news when I got an x-ray on my arm a few months ago. They found a cyst in my upper arm bone. I am very frightened. I have a few questions and would appreciate any advice. First, the internist they sent me to felt my…
Auxiliary Dissection
Having surgery 3/20 - would like to talk to someone who's been through this - regarding recovery, possiblities of lymphodema and nerve and muscle damage?
dose dense chemotherapy
I recently read about a clinical trial that showed dose dense chemotherapy was effective in treating breast cancer with +3 positive nodes. I am meeting with my oncologist next week. Is dose dense chemotherapy available if I would want to use it?
DCIS & axillary lymph node dissection
I am scheduled to have a mastectomy next week and have decided to NOT have the axillary lymph node dissection since the probability of lymph node involvement is so low. Has anyone else made this choice? What was the response of their oncologist? How did they deal with the uncertainity of not knowing if the lymph node was…
My mom has Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer
I really need just plain old support. She is a fighter, but her Oncologist told us it is so aggressive. She is no longer on chemo or other treatment. She is in hospice now. He said her time is short. She fought this battle so hard and still is fighting. I just want to talk with other people who have gone through this with…
reconstruction after radiation
I'm new to the group. Was dx in Jan. 2001, underwent 4 treatments of adriamyacin cytoxin; underwent lumpectomy in June 2001 then 3 treatments of taxol and 33 radiation treatments and am now on tamoxifen. Completed radiation 11/28/2001. Finally had reconstructive surgery 11/23/02. Here's where the problem lies. The radiated…
First meeting with Oncologist
I have my first meeting with an oncologist tomorrow and I am very nervous about it. I am scheduled for a mastectomy at the end of the month and my surgeon wants me to meet with the oncologist prior to surgery. What do I need to ask? I have Stage 2 Ductal Carcinoma. I have found out that there is so much I don't know and…
Radiation after Chemo?
I am currently undergoing chemo - will finish in 3 more treatments. I had a mastectomy in December on my left side, with an AND. Tumor came back as ER positive, HER2 NEU extremely positive and was a total of 5 cm. However, the bulk of the tumor was DCIS and only .9cm was invasive. And, it had spread to 2 lymph nodes. I…
Unusual lymphedema
I have lymphedema, but not in my arm. It is in my chest wall below the breast. It looks like I am trying to grow another breast. I have tried massage therapy with no success. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if they have found any relief. I try not to wear a bra any more than necessary .
Second Time Around with BC
I am new to this site and am mightily impressed with the courage and hope expressed by people who are admittedly just as frightened as I have been. I had my first bout with the disease in 1995 when I was dx with infiltrative ductal carcinoma in my rt. breast...had a radical, lymph nodes were all negative. Followed up with…
Help eliminate cancer
I am looking for people in the Los Angeles area interested in supporting ACS in a Relay for Life event. I am a recent survivor looking for others to join me in the fight.
Race For The Cure April12,2003
I am thrilled to be a part of this event in Indiana. It is Refreshing, especially as a 10 year survivor, to see how many Survivors there are in the area as well as how many supporters there are. I wrote a poem in the gallery under" A Race For The Cure". I hope you all like it.I am not trying to be vain, I just get fired up.
Just reading the posts inspires me to say that we are the luckiest and most formidable group of women in the world! Any employer would be privileged to have us around! I think there should be a rally to keep breast cancer survivors EMPLOYED in addition to alive. What good is it, going through all this pain and suffering to…
Light for Peace...
Hi Ladies: Just wondering if anyone is participating in the global candlelight vigils for peace, tomorrow evening (Sunday, March 16th)? The vigils will begin in New Zealand and span the globe...all begin at 7 p.m. (Many churches are participating) If anyone is interested, go to: http://www.globalvigil.org for more info.…
Breast cancer survivor-Sister just diagnosed
Hello all, I am new to the CSN...I had breast cancer and now after chemo, radiation and recontructive surgeries I am doing fine. My Son and my Sister were my greatest support. Now my Sister has been diagnosed with lung and head cancer, I pray I can be as strong for her as she was for me!
finished chemo with new masses found the next day.
I finished by chemo yesterday and they found new masses in both breasts today. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
new here, just need to talk
Hi you all ,,I was just dx with Stage IIB breast cancer in January , had a mastectomy 3/3/03 8 days ago. This is very difficult to take in. The first couple weeks I felt numb,, now after surgery reality is hitting me.I still have drains in from surgery and supposed to get them out Friday,, I discuss treatment options and…
Waiting for Surgery
I found this site from television and just wanted to connect with women who are going through the same thing as I am. So far the worst part has been telling family and friends. I hate the look on their faces like you're going to drop dead tomorrow. I am prepared to fight with everything within and I plan to win the battle.…
Silicone or Saline?
I am new to site, 47 yrs old and almost ready for implants. I like the feel of the silicone implants but worry about rupture or leakage. Has anyone had experience with this? My doctor says she can catch leakage and it won't hurt me. What do you think? Thanks for any imput.