Dear ladies, take heart . . .
Yes, I am a man, but I have a sister with an amazing medical history that includes almost every medical disaster that can befall the human critter except heart disease (her sister and I take care of THAT family trait). In childhood she suffered from all the diseases children suffered in the '30's, save polio, culminating…
anyone here est neg with femara ?
i'm wondering why my chemo oncologist precribed femara for 5 years then when i changed med group and got a new onco why he says no to femara ??? i am est neg stage 2 lower aux node infected infilturating duct carcinoma any one have est neg and taking femara ?
Hello, I just took my first chemo iv treatment last Thursday and I will be taking my second one tomorrow. In the meanwhile I am taking Cytoxin three times a day. For the past three days I have had a terrible cough. It is a deep hard cough and I am coughing up mucus and such. Does anyone know if this is a side affect or is…
Trying to learn to cope again
I am 8 years 3 months out from extensive breast cancer, found out that I have bone metastasis, in my spine, both hips, sternum, shoulder and one leg. How do you learn to take time for you and care for yourself when you have been taking care of everyone else? To deal with the pain in your hips and back and not being able to…
I think I am STage 4, am I a goner?
Hello. Had mastectomy on Wednesday, 4/16 and had 20 nodes removed, 4 of which looked, just by the eye anyway, to be positive. Waiting for pathology results. I have a 'spot' on my right lung that appears to be malignant. Don't know what to think. Some doctors are optimistic, the surgeon that removed breast is not. Used the…
Humminbyrd & All I miss YOU!!!
Dear Guys & Hummingbyrd, I am so missing you all. I have purchased a Dell computer, and I will be utilizing it by the 6th of next month. Ay least I will be able to join your chat if it is still running Humminbyrd. I can type a bit faster now that the weather is clearing up. I just want to come home & be a source of strenth…
Recurrent Breast Cancer (within 1 year)
Has anyone out there had a recurrence of breast cancer after chemo and radiation. I have a new lump that was biopsied and I only finished radiation in Dec2002. Feeling doomed!
I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer (21 of 26 nodes affected, cancer in the liver and spine) after being on Tamoxifen for two years as a cancer preventative! Although there is no definite proof, the doctors think that the Tamoxifen actually triggered this (also, the cancer is estrogen positive) I've just finished…
I need someone to talk to--positive sestamebie scan today
Hi. I'm Andrea. Just yesterday I was watching Lifetime tv about the Yme hotline. I knew that something had came up in my recent sestamebie scan that wasnt normal but I had went through 4 breast biopsies from the ages of 12 through 19 that had all proved to be fibroabnomas. I never dreamed that the doctor would today tell…
It's Back
Hello. I'm new to this site. Just this morning I got the word on my biopsy. The breast cancer I thought I beat 8 years ago is now in my other breast. I guess it's the same, I don't know yet for sure. Eight years ago I had stage 3A cancer, did lumpectomy, radiation, conventional chemo, hi-dose chemo and a stem cell…
sewing pockets in old Bras
hi has anyone taken there old bras and put pockets in them so the dont have to buy the bras with the pockets already in them the only ones i can find with the pockets in theam are big wide bras and they are not very comfortable if any one can help answer my question it would be greatley apprecaited.thanks bunnie
update on shooting pain hernia?
Just got back from the plastic surgeon who said that the mesh from the transflap sometimes gets bent in such a way it hits a nerve and causes a sharp pain. Anyway, its not a hernia. It will eventually go away. Thanks for encouraging me to talk to the doctor. It always helps to let go of worries we don't need. Thanks
Hi! I need some help. I just had reconstructive surgery on my breast. I had a mastetomy in November and just had my implant put in a week and a half ago. I am in pain. The implant seems to be leaning on a muscle or something and causing pain. Is this normal? how long does it last? Your responses would be appreciated. Thanks
chat room
Hi Everyone, I too would enjoy a chat room. As some of you already know, whenever I connect to the one on the CSN site, I'm disconnected from the internet in a matter of minutes. I'm not sure what's up, must be a problem with our internet service provider. If anyone has another chat site they use, let me know and I'll…
26 year old chemo,mastectomy,rad
Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I have posted a messege on this site. For any new comers who have questions, feel free to ask. I am a wealth of knowledge now. I had 6 months of chemo. AC and taxotere. I have had double mastectomy, and now I am receiving radiation treatments. Only 10 more to go. I am still in the…
golf balls ..update
Thanks to all of you gals who replied to my earlier question. I still have the golf balls under my arms ...double masectomy (simple/modified) on March 19,2003. My surgeon said she will remove them surgically in about 6 months. She claims that the hanging "golf balls" are present because of my weight. I started chemo…
gettin' thru it
Hi everyone. I am 50 years old. My gyn found my lump last august during routine yearly checkup. Had fine needle aspiration - results were suspicious for cancer. Sept 9 had biopsy and found 2.7cm aggressive tumor with clear margins. The surgeon sewed me up and told us to see the breast cancer people at Moffitt Center in…
need some advice
My grandmother raised me and we are very close. She was diagnosed with inoperable breast cancer three years ago. The sicker she gets the harder it is to be near her. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Am I hurting her by not going to see her as often? I'm merely a teenager trying to cope with the chances of losing my closest…
Good News
I just wanted to share some good news with you guys. Ya know Ive been on Chemotherapy since Jan. 9 and have been getting those procrit shots since the end of Jan. My doctor is amazed with my blood counts now, the Red being higher than when I started chemo. Everyone at the clinic keeps asking what I am doing, the only…
waiting for biopsy results
After two weeks of treating what we though was cellulitis, with no improvement, I had two types of biopsies on Friday - a skin punch and a core like I had when i was first diagnosed with bc. My surgeon is concerned that it could be inflammatory breast cancer, but also says that vasculitis (whatever that is) is a…
please help
My breast cancer is back in the same breast after a lumpectomy in 1993. I now have fluid going into the pluerel cavity and it has collapsed the lung once. The first time they drained off 3 liters of fluid. The second time it filled they went in and put a chest tube in for 6 days. Before they removed the chest tube they put…
Boyfriend left me
Has this happened to anyone else? I am 45, my husband died 8 years ago of brain cancer. I have breast cancer in situ. My boyfriend, whom I love and thought loved me, held my hand at the surgeon's appt., took me to surgery, called me 3 times a day after surgery to see if I needed anything. Then, 10 days later, just when I'm…
tamoxifen anyone on this drug?
After I finished my chemo treatments started taking tamoxifen because my cancer is hormone fed and they had to regulate my system with this drug.After taking it only 2 months I started to bleed and i hadnt had a period in over 8 months.I called my doctor who took me off the tamoxifen but by the next day I was in the…
Chemotherapy treatment
I will be starting chemotherapy in a few weeks. The hospital where I will receive treatment is a little over an hour away. Any advice on how to make that trip bearable on the way home? I assume I will be very nauseated. Do you normally begin feeling sick right after treatment or a few hours later? Appreciate any help. Kathy
Side effect of stomach gas
Hi. I've had my third of 4 treatments of chemo and after each one from day 3 to about 6, I experience stomach gas and I burp, burp and burp constantly. My doctor gave me some stomach medication but nothing helps. It makes me extremely sick (not to say unsociable!) and both the doctor and I are at a loss as to how to…
Shooting pains in my groin area
Has anyone experienced this one? I was on Taxotere and I am still taking Xeloda. Every once in awhle, I will get a shooting pain in the groin area of my right leg...any clues on what that is all about???? Please help if you know of anything. Would be very appreciative. Thanks, Carol
blood in........
Hi all i am new to the site, had mastectomy of my right breast on 2/28/03 with lymph nodes involved ( doc said more than 3) currentley going thru chemo had 2 of 10 the oncologist said because of me loosing a sister with breast cancer and because of the kind i had ( not sure what she meant and too afraid to ask ) she would…
post surgery tramflap and skin sparing mastectomy
hI im 2 weeks post surgery . Ihad a bilateral mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction. My diagnosis was dcis stage 0. I do notneed chemo or radiation. I feel good. still a achy getting around. I am driving and moving about quite well. i get tired in the afternoon. I also had bilateral sentinal node biopsyies and removal…
It's ok to ask for help
I have been struggling for the last week with concerns about asking for help when I start my chemo. I am a single, very independent woman and I don't want to ask for help if I don't REALLY need it. The problem is I don't know whether I am going to need it or not. So last night I called my sis and talked to her and BOY what…
Shooting pain?Hernia
I am not on taxol yet, but I am having shooting pains that sometimes make me unable to walk. I had bilateral mastectomy and an abdominal trans flap surgery early Feb. When I mentioned it to the plastic surgeon right after surgery she said it was probably internal stitches and could be expected, but its getting worse, not…