Well I actually got into the chatroom and tried to catch a live few people but they were in idle mode..... Anyway I think I got it and I was thinking.... Tomorrow maybe we can meet in there and talk. I am still having trouble entering Humminbyrds chat and I have tried.... I have to talk to her again when there is less…
bone/foot pain
After a lumpectomy, radiation treatment and chemo, I have been on Tamoxifen since May 30 of 2002. Recently I've been experiencing a great deal of pain on the top of each foot. Could this be a side effect of Tamoxifen?
I am one year out from diagnosis/brca1/bilateral mastectomy/failed tramflap/chemo/radiation and numerous infections. Next wed I will under go a oophrectomy(removal of ovarian) and although I do have a six year old son its hard for me to deal with the fact that he will be my only child. I am only 27 years old and had hoped…
Back to Work after Masectomy
How long of a medical leave do you think I should ask for, after a masectomy? I know this is probably very variable, depending on if there are any complications (such as infection), or a need to take out more tissue if the margins aren't good, or I don't recover as well as expected...but do you think 2-3 weeks is a good…
Death and dying....a hot topic!
I can say without a doubt I'm going to heaven when I die, and I have no fear in regards to dying. Made out my will Oct of 2000 and planned out my funeral Nov 2000. What I want to wear, songs to be played and final statement to friends and family. Ex always said I had to have last word. LOL Told my boys back in 2001, "If…
In need of Prayers
To all my Sisters Well the time is now and the date is 02-18-03 I will be going into the hospital for my surgery. Please pray for me and Charlie as we are facing this together as a couple. But We know that God will be watching over me and that will get us through this. But if you get time please send some support for my…
I am a grad student at Arizona State and I am designing a Cancer Wellness Center for Women as my thesis for my Masters of Architecture. I am writing to any and all of you to ask what you feel, as first hand users, makes for a 'good' hospital/outpatient center and what makes a bad experience when it comes to the facilities.…
Having problems w/underwire bra for reconstruction, any suggestions for comfort?
I found out in 8/02 that I had breast cancer. Had a biopsy on 9/02 & lumpectomy on 9/02 w/nodes removed. Was then told not enough margin to start chemo. Had mastectomy on 1/27/03 w/reconstructive surgery. I had my 1st expansion on 2/11/03 with my next one scheduled for today (2/18). Can't seem to adjust to having to wear…
Sad news
I am kind of numb right now. My mom had a mammogram and ultrasound and they found another lymph node in the other armpit that will be biopsied on Thursday. I am so sad... Please pray for her. I am praying that God's will is for her to not have cancer in that node. She loves the Lord, too, but this is so hard (as you all…
A Newbie to the Support Group
I was recently diagnosed with a 1.7cm invasive ductal carcinoma tumor. I had an lumpectomy on 2/4. My surgeon thinks since it was a 3mm margin he recommends an additional surgery, but asked me to wait until I met with the Radiation Therapy to see if he agreed with him. My radiation doctor said he was okay with that margin.…
Swelling in stomach,back and underarms and now a low MUGA score?
I had bi-lat mas on 1-7-03. Since I have had an infection from bad tissue expander on left side. (Cancer side) So, had that remmoved on this Tues. My onco had a MUGA scan done on that Fri and now my score came in a 42! Could the built up fluid cause a low MUGA score? Has anyone else had swelling, not lymphadema? I did have…
Apology to all of you...
Dear All, Please accept my humble and deepest apology for my latest episode of acting so chidish. I am feeling so bad about it all that I have been beating myself up inside. I really don't know why I have been acting this way and although I asked the Lord to forgive me; it seems that I can't forgive myself. I should…
Mom's tests
Hello dear sisters, Went to the onc Friday with Mom. Stage II and has to have chemo and radiation. She'll have 4 rounds of that wonderful A/C cocktail and then 4 rounds of Taxotere (?) I don't know about the second one because I only had the A/C. Then radiation. She starts in two weeks. Onc said she get shots for five days…
reconstruction - permanent chest expander
I am undergoing reconstruction - 5 years after mastectomy. My plastic surgeon has suggested using a permanent chest expander and then saline implants. the good news is the expanders stay in place. Has anyone had this type done? I want to know about what I'll expereince afterwards. How long can I expect to be out of work? I…
It is Probably Me ..OK?
Ladies, While I am still limited to seeing the current posts ... I am not a blind one either.... I see all too well, and I don't like the nonresponsive attitude!!! I hate to come across this way, but where does it end?.. At what point is that when we decide enough is enough...??? I am only asking what I would hope? What…
new member
I had invasive ductal carcinoma in left breast with 7 positive nodes 7/26/01. I finished chemo and radiation in March 2002. I had preventive mastectomy of my right breast and removal of my ovaries in September. I thank God everyday for life. He has been very gracious.
Way to go Tara!
You go girl! Just saw your post from 2-12-03, can totally relate to you as a parent, being a single mom of 2 boys, and feel like ex is too irresponsible to raise them.....have to give him this, he does at least pay child support. Can't say that we've seen eye to eye on a lot of things LOL, but I am just plum tickled to see…
Hi! I'm happy to say that my bone scan was clear! I have alot of chronic pains, so I was really concerned. Here's hoping that you get good results on your next test too... Geral
To Jayne...
Dear Jayne, I got your email and this darn computer would not let me reply to it... I just wanted to say that you are very welcome and I am here for you anytime you need me.... I have been where you are and really feel it in my heart. I also want to add that I will keep you in my prayers as well as Mom. Sometimes it is…
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi everyone! Can we stop talking about death and think about living? Yes, I know it's something to think about and that it'll happen sooner or later but better later. Now let's get on with each new day so we can be ready when God calls us to Him. Let's think about this day, Valentine's Day. I wish all of you lots of love,…
Thanks for Sharing
Ink, Iris, Cathy: The replies under Hey There Ladies! were so thoughtful and honest on a subject so many fear that I printed them out! It is a good topic for dialogue and I feel more confident knowing that others think about the same issues I do. When I first got breast cancer, I immediately knew that I had relationships…
message from NewJersey25
Hello. This is NJ25's sister-in-law. She asked me to post a message to everyone. She had surgery as planned. She said the surgery went well. She says hello to everyone and will talk to you in a few days when she gets home.
New kid on the block
I am scheduled for a bilateral masectomy February 18th with reconstructive surgery. I had a lumpectomy in each breast with LCIS in the right and atypical hyperplasia in left. I have opted for the surgery due to my family history. My mother has battled this for 30 years and just last year it turned to invasive . She had to…
hemangioma r/o hepatoma or possible met
i was stage 2 a/c chemo 33 rad finished on feb 12th 02 i recently had an mri with the dye for blood flow and gastroent.dr now says they will need a ct scan to determine what this is im confused why cant they be sure with an mri isn't that the tell all x ray? im hoping this is just a simple clot of some kind that is not any…
relay for life-registering
Can anyone answer my question? My Mom is a B.C. survivior& she wants to be on my team this year, How or what does she need to do to be registered as a survivior? She wants to know
While we're on the subject of death...
What a coincidence that ya'll were discussing death under 'Hey there girls' when I had just printed info on the VA State Anatomical Program yesterday! A long time ago, I chose to be an organ donor on my driver's license which I still think is a great thing to do. When I had planned on doing that, I wanted my remains to be…
I had my baby!
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know that on Jan. 28th, I had a healthy baby boy! I delivered him at one day shy of 35 weeks due to the discovery that the chemo (AC) was not working for me. I will now be able to begin a new regime of chemo with different drugs. I wanted all of you to know that I appreciated all of…
Sad today...my sister's mother has had a recurrance of a stage 0 cancer. Found a lump in her underarm and surgery confirmed a malignancy. She visits the onc on Friday. Probably will have chemo and radiation. I will be with her to help her through this. My bone scan is Monday the 17th. Still have the pain. Had x-ray and…
Mouth Dryness and Bad Tastes-please read
Some people try different things to alleviate these symptoms--just be cautious--am a Dental Hygienist and have seen many patients go through chemo and try these things (like antacids, candies, gum etc) which help with the taste and/or dryness temporarily, only to end up with MAJOR dental problems--like rampant tooth decay,…