bone mets

bpcbrinks Member Posts: 31
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello, I am new to the group and have some questions. I was diagnosed in March 2001 (at age 26) with 3 tumors in one breast and 6 pos. nodes. We did all the scans and couldn't find any other spots. I did 4 AC treatments and 4 taxol followed by 30 radiation treatments and tamoxifen. I have just been diagnosed with a bone met in my hip -- the doctor called to tell me the news on my birthday!! Can anyone tell how you got through this and stayed sane? It scares me to think of my four year old growing up without a mother.


  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    Hi brinks, I totally am with you. Had same issue, diagnosed 6/00 w/ 13 out of 27 + lymph nodes. 4 AC/4 Taxol and 33 rad treatments diagnosed w/ bone met to right arm 3 months later 8/01, rad, lumpectomy to other breast 8/01 and bone met to lumbar spine 10/01 rad. I'm on aromasin, herceptin and zometa. I have dealt with this and am still here by the grace of God. I will say I had to undergo all of the conventional treatment, but it is my faith in God that has kept me alive.
    If interested in knowing more email me here or visit my web site:
    type address directly into address bar NOT a search engine.
    I have 2 boys 13 and 11, and went through a divorce 11/01, so I know just what you mean about being here for your child/children!
    Look forward to hearing from you, God bless and remember there is great power in prayer! hummingbyrd
  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member
    Hi and Welcome,

    I am so sorry to hear about your battle. I was not as young as you when I found my first lump. I was 35. I am now 48 and going through my third battle with breast cancer. It doesn't matter what your age, it is always hard to hear the cancer has spread. When my husband and I were given the news, I'll admit it devasted us for a few days, then we hunkered down and said, "No, this is not going to defeat us." We have a great faith and turned our energy toward God and His Word and focused on the positive. I hope that you have a strong support system at home, but if not, we are here for you. We have several members that have faced recurrence and are still here to give you hope. No sentence is final as long as you have breath to keep fighting. Cancer is beatable. Is it scary? Sure. Will you have days when you don't feel like fighting anymore? Sure. But when those days come, just look at your family and get up one more time. A couple of months ago, when the oncologist called to tell me my tumor was growing again, I didn't miss a beat. I just said, "OK, I'm ready to do battle again". It doesn't get easier, but you are armed with knowledge about what is ahead and I think that really helps. Find a good support group and take each day as it comes. God's grace is sufficient for that day. In John 16:33 Jesus says, " I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble (not maybe, but you will). But take heart! I have overcome the world." I pray you find the faith and courage to overcome, because Jesus has made it available to each one of us.

    God Bless,
  • anjolee
    anjolee Member Posts: 6
    hi brinks,i hope you are hanging in there and are o.k.i know how you feel when it comes to your kids.when i was first diagnosed 11 years ago i was so scared and thought my life was over.i was so worried about my children.i was recently divorced at the time so i was a single parent with a 6 year old and a 13 year old.the first thing i did was arm myself with as much info as i a lot of books,bernie siegal was one of my favourite authors,helped me understand the mind body connection and how we really do have the power to help control our destinys.i was good for 9 years,thought i was home free then found that the cancer had my hip,shoulders right femur,lower spine a couple ribs,so the battle was on again,and here i am 2 more years later with fourth stage and going strong.of coarse having a wonderful oncologist that has been with me every step of the way has been be can fight this and still have a happy productive life.if you would like to talk to me you can e mail me at anjolee@AOL.COM.its been 11 years now and i plan on being around for many more years.if there is anything you would like to talk about please dont hesitate to write.good luck to you.angela