Brachy radiation therapy
Hi finished treatment July 2nd , has anyone out there had the treatment with the catheter? I have burning flashes still inside. somedays more than others. I was wondering if this is normal? I feel like I'm being paranoid and don't want to call my doc. for nothing.
Missing some radiation treatment.
Hi, I have 20 more radiation treatment to my left breast. they took a very tiny canerous tumor out dec 22., the lymph nodes where clear. bone scan clear and chest x-ray. they say i have a 5%chance of it reacuring. so my problem is this. I have treatments everyday m-f.i have had 15 treatments so far. they are making me…
daughter terrified but sooo greatful for all messages
I keep comming back here looking for all your replies.They mean so much to me and mom it gives her more hope.To the one who had lukemia i say to you we lost our cousin tommy years ago he was 20 years old diagnosed lukemia bruises appearing out of no where understand this was a cousin through marriage but a life long…
First Chemo Visit
Hi, Everyone, I had read all the threads on Ever1's "Starting Chemo" and was just wondering how it went for her. I had mine on 3/31. I decided to stick with the oncologist that I had started with (see "Surgeon/Oncologist Disagreement") though my trust was compromised. Very sick that evening, very queasy the next day, then…
daughter terrified
my 65 year old mother just had her breast removed she was told by one doctor that she has 2nd stage in her lymphnodes cancer anyhow she was told no chemo no nothing would help her.Then she seen an oncologist same day said chemo and radiation WILL HELP.she has had 2 small strokes a mild heart attack..but TOUGH HIGH…
fellow survivors stage 3
Hello, I'm new to this cite. My double masectomy was on January 27, 2005. I will have my third chemo treatment Monday March 28, 2005. I am 41 and otherwise in great health. I would like to conect with someone else in a similiar situation. I'm clasified as stage 3 because my tumor was so large and I had many positive nodes.…
cancer &massive computing
One in four of us will at some time suffer from cancer. The high mortality rate, the suffering experienced by patients from the side effects of existing treatments, and the high costs of treatment all contribute to making cancer a priority for drug research. A new way to help http://www.grid.org/projects/cancer/ A landmark…
I will keep everyone posted, I have been cleared
My oncologist and through lots of prayer, I have been released from my Tamoxifen 11 months before my 5 years were up. This is being done in order to prepare to have a baby, so please keep me in your prayers.
I am new to the board
I was diagnosed with DCIS on December 22 after a core needle biopsy. I had an excisional biopsy in January but the margins weren't clear and pathology indicated a grade III so I had a mastectomy 3 weeks ago. The delay was because I got additional opinions before going for the mastectetomy. Some people were very dismissive…
Tumor Marker Up
I haven't been here for a very long time. I was hoping that I had moved away from the cancer phase of my life. I was DX in 2000. Stage II. I had lumpectomy, Chemo, radiation, and tamoxifen. I have another 1.5 years on the Tamoxifen. My recent tumor markers were up. Since they had been up two checks before my oncologist…
hello again
Just wondering if a bone scan which is normal could be wrong? I hurt alot in my lower back like a chronic ache. It could be muscle spasms .but it has now been 3 weeks....Should I be concerned?
2 weeks post op bilateral mastectomy with latissimus dorsi flap with expanders
Hi, I am 35 years old, had bilateral mastectomy with latissimus dorsi flap an expanders done 3/14/05. I had hodgkin's disease when I was 19 years old, the effects of the radiation are believed to have caused the breast cancer. I thought I had my turn with cancer, but I was determined that I would get through this just like…
chest pains
i'm in my 2nd round of chemo and seem to have chest pains does anyone else have this problem? my dr seems unalarmed? is it normal if the chemo i'm taking is the most agressive?
Surgeon/Oncologist Disagreement
Hi, Everyone! I was diagnosed with a grade 3 tumor, 3.5 cent., significant necrosis, 1 and a half months ago. I had a lumpectomy and a sentinel node biopsy. The node came back from final pathology as having "metastatic microscopic cells". But during the surgery, the cold slide came up negative. My surgeon explained that…
I've got good news as well!
Last year at this time I had my first Bone Density scan (DEXA) and was diagnosed with osteoporosis of the spine (-3 BAD!). Well I'm glad to report that a one year follow-up scan showed I am now considered in the range of osteopenia (-1.5)! I guess all that exercise, calcium supplements and that pain in the neck Fosamax…
lymphedema ?
Hi everyone, I've been a good sport about my bc treatment (mastectomy, A/C and taxol chemo, just starting radiation)and my outlook has been pretty positive. BUT! I have developed lymphodema and I'm feeling pretty whiny about it. I'm still bandaging and the bandages make my wrist and elbow really sore. I feel itchy all the…
HELLO SISTERS, I know it has been a long whilr since I came here & I don't have the eyes to know what is going on with everyone at all. I hope this doesn't make me appear selfish but I won't take long>(i hope)< Anyway I ent to apppropiate board first & nobody responded to it in 3 eks so I decided to pray for them & it took…
I have been told in the past that I have some calcification in my breast. I hear conflicting things about it...is it something to be concerned about or just keep an eye on in the future?
Good News!
To those of you following my dilemma with genetic testing. I received a call yesterday from the VP of customer service with Myriad Labs. They investigated the complaints from my letter and determined mistakes were made and said I'd been put through enough. They are writing off the entire amount! HUGE weight from my…
starting chemo
Hi Everyone! I will be starting chemo on 3/30. I will have 4 rounds of Adriamycin & Cytoxan two weeks apart, followed by 4 rounds of Taxol, two weeks apart. I am feeling scared & have read lots of postings on this site and was very glad to find the site. If anyone would like to share their experience or has any…
It's been a while...question about Zoladex
Hey Everyone, I do hope everyone is doing good. I have been good. My little Skylar will be 3 in July. I took him with me to the Oncologist yesterday and everyone flipped over him. He is my Miracle. Anyway...my doc wants me to start the Zoladex shots every 3 months. Can anyone tell me your experience with them? I am…
Hello - Update on 2nd opinion!!
Hello everyone!!!! I Thank You all again for being there for me even though I an new to you site!!! I saw the Surgeon last Thursday. He felt that it wasn't anything serious. He looked at the films and ultra sound. He asked me if he could use the films for a conference that they were having that afternoon with other…
Reconstruction with expanders - What do you do?
I had a right modified radical mastectomy in May 03 with no reconstruction at that time. I am now having a simple mastectomy on the left and reconstruction of both sides in a couple of weeks. Because of previous abdominal surgery the plastic surgeon doesn't want to do double TRAM. He's planning to do latisimus dorsi flap…
I was just wondering . . . how many of you have had a reoccurance (or second primary) breast cancer? I've brought this subject up with my oncologist and he tells me I have little to worry about. My b/c was DCIS with 5 mm invasive. I had lumpectomy and radiation. Just wondered what other's experience was with reoccurance.…
Radiation and White Blood Cells
It is my 2nd week of Radiation (I am a 57 year old in good health, other than having Stage I IDC). My lab work just came back, and my white blood count is now 3.5 (it was normal in a prior test). Can Radiation do this to you? How far does it fall? Should I be worried? Thank you for your advice, Roxanne
Jaw pain
I'm just here to vent. It always feels better after discussing things with my bc experts online!I finished treatment 8/04 (stage IIImast/recon/chemo/rad); have had on-going issues with nerve pain under my arm which has been controlled pretty much with various drugs. A few weeks ago I hurt my back and went to my pcp and she…
beast swelling
has anyone experienced swelling and redness in the breast after surgery, chemo and radiation. it has been 5 months since i finished my radiation. the doctors say that it might be lymphodema in the breast instead of the arm where people usually get it. i am concerned because i have never heard of this. i started with a rash…
New here - depression question
Hi all - I was diagnosed in Nov. 2002. Mastectomy and chemo, followed by Tamoxifen which I recently quit due to side effects. Problem is my mental state is the worse it's been since diagnosis. Just can't seem to find my happy place anymore, having general feeling of dread on a daily basis. I started Prozac 2 weeks ago, it…
small tumer, large problem
I am looking for someone else who has had experience with a small, less than 1 cm tumer that has spread to distant sites. How it was found and how it is being treated. I just found out how invasive my cancer was in feb, It was originally thought that I was a candidate for a lumpectomy and now I found out I am already at…
Thank You!!!!!!
Hello Everyone!!! I just wanted to let you all know that after much thought and the replies from you guys. I have decided to go and see an onocolgist (spelling) surgeon. I feel better that way at least he will know exactly what he is looking at. I hope that I an over reacting but the way my mind has been racing with…