Going in for Implant Reconstruction
Hi all. I hope someone out there has some information for me. I have decided after 8 years to have a saline implant. I am going in tomorrow for the first stage which is the insertion of the tissue expander. I Previously had a mastectomy which removed all the tissue from my left breast.I have been through 5 previous…
Does stress compound lymphedema? Please advise?
EBledsoe (can cancer hurt?)
Hello! I tried to reply to your post from the 19th but the site is being screwy. Well, yes, cancer can hurt... it doesn't always but there are those of us who have experienced pain due to their cancers. As Linda said, please, please get thee to the doctor quickly. What you are writing is FAR too familiar to me... I waited…
I have been to a few Cancer Conferences here in Canada and have since learned that there is funding available through our Cancer Society for those needing help. Everyone thinks the Health System is good here, but not every province is equal. I am just fortunate enough to live in the province or I should say move to a…
Nutrition Help
Hi, Everyone, I am sure a lot of you heard the news a couple of weeks ago suggesting a link between fat intake and reoccurence. I was hoping that I could get some suggestions regarding reduction in fat intake...any cookbooks that anyone can recommend or any "cancer nutrition manuals" you would like to share. In addition, I…
CyberKnife. New Hope.
If you have been told that you have an inoperable tumor(s), please look into CyberKnife, This new treatment is painless, non-invasive, no side-effects, no frame required radiation surgery that is allowing previously inoperable tumors to be treated. For more info, go to www.cksociety.org. I do not work for CyberKnife or any…
Good news
I had a surgical biposy last Friday for suspicious calcifications. Today, I got the path results back and everything was benign. Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous post. I was so frightened and I was certain that I would be facing chemo again [I'm hormone negative.] I'm 40, 20 months past first dx of bc and 1…
Can we talk?
Madame Pinkie, could you please e-mail me. I would like to talk to you. E-mail is Texylin @aol.com
anyone out there with suggestions for treatment?'Will give more details as soon as I figre out how to do this network thing!!
Post Treatment Protection?
Hi Ladies, Could use your experiences. I am 10 months out of treatment (surgery, chemo, rads) and unfortunately still not feeling so good (fatigue, back pain, breast pain, arm pain, etc. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda --You know the drill.) During treatment and now after, I am working from home much of the time. I complete all work…
Gaining access to chat rooms
Help I cant gain access to chat rooms. I have bee naway awhile help somebody get to jose. Thanks Kelly
Cancer And Beyond
I feel awkward offering up this info on this site, but on the other hand if I don't share this I wrote it to no avail...having said that to say this... I have written a book called: Cancer And Beyond The Things You Want To Know About Cancer But... Nobody Will Tell You. It can be found on amazon.com type into the advanced…
Hello Everyone!
I noticed some new people here & add that I have missed out on so much as my war with cancer has continued but i am still here. I get out of the hospital & found a new place to to live so it has been a while for me on the computer. In case you were wondering where I have been. I had a blood transfusion in the early 80s in…
Regarding radiation...is it really necessary?
Hello, I recently had lumpectomy on my left breast to remove stage 0 cancer in duct (in situ). The doctor said the surgery was a success and the margin was at 6 and clear. No lymph nodes were involved. Anyway, she still recommended radiation and perhaps medication as an after treatment. By the way, the pathology report…
Tamoxifen vs. Arimidex
Haven't been here in a good while but I have an "issue" and I know you ladies are always good for an informed opinion To rehash, dx in Dec. of 2002. Large tumor, 5/17 nodes positive, ER/PR +, AC for 4 cycles, Taxotere for 4 cycles and 6 wks radiation. Pretty standard. Started Tamoxifen in July of 2003. I had my last period…
Ovarian Ablation?
My oncologist wants me to think about having my ovaries out, due to having alot of cysts while on Tamoxifen, and to reduce the risk of recurrence (estrogen positive tumor) I'm 40 and leery of the side effects of instant menopause. Anyone have this done? How was the after effects?
Does Cancer Hurt?
Help - I have been told that cancer does not hurt but: I had a hysterectomy at the age of 33 due to cervical dysplasia and severe endometriosis so I no longer experience the breast pain and tenderness prior to my cycle. In addition, I do not drink caffeinated beverages or eat chocolate so I am sure it is not brought on by…
2 Years Out
Hello everyone. I just wanted to share my 2 year anniversary with all of you. May 19, 2003 I received my final radiation treatment. Today I feel pretty good, not too achy, not too tired. I'm hot all the time - sweating, even. But I am healthy and trying to get past the cancer. My friend is just finishing her chemo and she…
Bitter taste due to Chemo....
Hi All! My mom just had her first chemo treatment last thursday......she is finding that she now has a constant bitter taste in her mouth making her food taste bad and causing her to not eat. Can anyone provide suggestions of certain foods they found quite tasty despite this bitter taste? Or is there anything they found…
Eating a low fat diet
I heard on NBC this morning about a study that was done with 2400 people who had completed treatment for breast cancer. Half of the folks on the study ate normally and the other half had low fat diets. The low fat diet group had a 24% lower rate of recurrance than the group that ate a higher fat diet. Thought this was…
Re: hot flashes
Hello My name is Marilyn and I'm wondering if any one has problems with hot flashes if so what can a person take if your doctor can't put you on anything because they are afraid it will bring your cancer back. I had cancer two years ago in February and went through a total of 4 chemo treatments and I have horrible hot…
You are all so encouraging, keep it up & thanks!
Hi everyone, my name is Judy. I had written here when I was first diagnosed. Some of you responded to my message, thank you very much. Since then I have just been trying to understand all that I need to know about this. I am 46 & was diagnosed with breast cancer in Nov. It is tubular carcinoma which is a more rare type &…
I am new to the chat room, and two years ago I was diagnosed with ductile cancer, 20 of 23 lymph nodes positive and estrogen and progesterone negative. I went through chemo and radiation after a modified radical mastectomy on my left and an, opted for, simple mastectomy on my right. It has been two years since my…
recurrance of bc on breast incision scar?
I have heard a rash on the breast incision scar could mean a cancer recurrance. How about a lesion which looks like a pimple or boil on the scar?
Individualized Treatment
Neil Love, M.D. reports in a survey of breast cancer oncologists based in academic medical centers and community based, private practice oncologists. The academic center-based oncologists do not derive personal profit from the administration of infusion chemotherapy, the community-based oncologists do derive personal…
Any1 her2nue+ with met breast cancer
Hello to all u wonderful people who r so strong. I'm looking for any1 that can share some experiences that they r going through that is Her2nue positive with met. breast cancer. I am a year into my Kemo's and will be until which Im wishing for a miracle. But I would really like to see if there is anything else out there…
Question for the Forum
Good Day Everyone: I understand the 5 year mortality parameter allusion in this article - but can someone explain the 15 year longevity reference that is also mentioned here: MSNBC.com Breast cancer treatments improve survival Chemo, hormone therapy help women live longer, research shows Reuters Updated: 9:08 p.m. ET May…
Jackson-Pratt drain: How long can they stay in?
Hoping someone can help me with this question. May 03 I had a right modified mastectomy followed with chemo and radiation. On 16 April 05 I had a left simple mastectomy and right latisumus flap; expanders on both sides. Started with 4 J-P drains -- still have 2 in on the right side and one is driving me crazy. What's the…
Having Trouble Bouncing Back
Hi, It will be a year since my last radiation treatment in June 2004. I had lumpectomy/chemo/rad treatment. I am finding the aftermath harder than the diagnosis or treatment. I don't feel like the same person (which isn't ALL bad; I had some life lessons to learn). I'm tired and achy. I'm beginning to wonder if it is in my…
I Am Very Scared
I am 40 and I was dx with bc in 10/03 in the left breast. I had the standard lumpectomy, chemo, rads. My mammo of the right breast now shows increasing suscpicious microcalcifications. Radiologist wasn't too encouraging. A biopsy is scheduled for this week. It is 3:10 am and I can't seem to breathe. I always knew that I…