Surgeon/Oncologist Disagreement

LorettaB Member Posts: 51
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi, Everyone!

I was diagnosed with a grade 3 tumor, 3.5 cent., significant necrosis, 1 and a half months ago. I had a lumpectomy and a sentinel node biopsy. The node came back from final pathology as having "metastatic microscopic cells". But during the surgery, the cold slide came up negative. My surgeon explained that the chemo would take care of this.
On my first visit to my oncologist, she looked at my file, noticing that I have a extensive family history of breast cancer. Her opinion was this...go back into surgery and take out more lymph nodes. I agreed.
I go to my surgeon's office to get the pre-admissions forms and I find out that the decision made between my oncologist and surgeon was that ALL of my lymph nodes were coming out! I called my surgeon and he said that he did not want to do this surgery and this is what my oncologist recommended. A big red flag went up and I agreed with my surgeon that he would only take out 5 more. This is what we did and sure enough, all the nodes were clean.
In the mean time, my oncologist's office never called me even though I called 2 times about this decision. They never called me about my CT and Echo results. When I finally got a response, it was not from my oncologist or the nurse but someone I had never talked to before. She asked me if I wanted to start my chemo. I said yes. Then she asked me what type of chemo drugs was I scheduled with. Another red flad...why is SHE asking me what type of chemo drugs I am having?

What I need from everyone is their opinion...should I find another oncologist who may not be so busy with so many patients and trying to do as many cancer trials as she can?

Thanks so much for your input!


  • krisrey
    krisrey Member Posts: 194
    Hi Loretta,
    I am so sorry you have this added frustration with the doctors....this is one thing a cancer patient does NOT need.
    Just to let you know.... my sentinal node biopsy came back negative too during my lumpectomy, but during the final path it came back as one positive node. There was no question about it from either my oncol or my surgeon that I go back in and remove more. They removed 6 or 11... I can't really remember right now, but thankfully all came back negative. I like having an aggressive surgeon and onc because I don't want to take any chances. I also like that I didn't have to chase after any answers. After my lumpectomy then back for clean margins and do the sentinal node, then again for more nodes, my surgeon had all my appointments set up for me for consults. I had a oncologist and a rads doctor, along with meeting the nurses in the oncol and rads. If I were you, (and this is only my opinion) I think I would seek another opinion to help you feel more comfortable with the decisions you have to make. I find it odd that they called you back and asked what chemo you will be taking...You should be meeting with them and discussing your options.
    Good luck and let me know how you make out.
  • Future
    Future Member Posts: 133 Member

    My answer is consider a different oncologist. You will be working with this physician for several years and you need to have one that you trust and are comfortable with. You are an individual and need to be treated as one. You need medical staff that is responsive to your needs. If you look at other oncologists you may want to ask if they have case managers - that way you are usually dealing with one person and they are your advocate. Why am I so adamant, I am a cancer survivor and a nurse. It bothers me when I see my profession becoming desensitized.

  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Hi Loretta:

    I agree with the others here. I'd get a different oncologist. One who's behaving like this at the outset...well it can only go downhill from here.

    Perhaps she is annoyed that you didn't follow her advice about all the nodes coming out? Too bad, because you made the decision with your surgeon which was in your best interests and that's that. If she cannot respect patients as people with options and rights then you're in the wrong office. It wasn't her decision really. She may make recommendations but I've heard of no onc. who'd advise anyone to have ALL their nodes removed!!! The risks would be incredible. Unless you actually had tumors in your nodes, and they were a matted mess of disease, there'd be no reason to do such a barbaric thing as taking them all.

    Your surgeon sounds compassionate and concerned and that's a plus, but this onc. sounds all wrong.
    I'd keep my distance from someone like that.

    Keep us posted and best wishes!

    Love, light and laughter,
  • ruthie1
    ruthie1 Member Posts: 3
    go to someone new, goodness, what a run around! this made me think to, do i take everything they say to me as gospel because i'm just starting chemo to, bald hate the treatments have had 2, work @ a bank hate the wigs, lol