Final Goodbye
To all my friends here on the CSN site. Due to circumstances beyond my control I must bid you all a fond farewell. You all continue to fight for life. Love Your sister in this fight
TV news reporter with breast cancer
http://www.cbs4.com/lauriestein Hello everyone, I am a 36 year old TV news reporter who was diagnosed with stage 2b breast cancer in June, 2003. I just wanted to let you all know that I just finished a 5 part series that shows everyone everything I went through...as well as other young women with breast cancer. I also…
Opinion Wanted
I just did my 1 year checkup with inconclusive mammography/ultrasound. My surgeon and a radiologist solicited by my family doctor suggests a MRI is indicated to resolve inadequate information from the radiology. My file has been reviewed by the local cancer institute and the radiologist there says it is unecessary in my…
Aromasin and Joint Pain
Hello...I am about 20 months after chemo and am on Aromasin. I have been experiencing pretty bad joint pain on this medication. Does anyone know if this pain is a result of permanent damage or is just a side affect that will eventually go away. I feel like I survived the cancer to live in this pain. Not much fun. Any…
I know that you guys are so knowledgeable and at this moment I have no primary care physician. He did somthing unethical and I had to take a stand. But nonetheless, I need someone. My job is awful and I have been all to hell all weekend. My BP is 133/105 last check and has been to 159/103 tonite. am I in any danger? I have…
After Taxol?
Hi! I had my last taxol on 2/16. (after 12 taxol, 6 a/c) Now I'm wondering how long it takes for some of the side effects to go away - especially the swollen feet! Dr. gave me a diretic(sp?)for it but they are still swollen. What about eyebrows? I'm so tired of drawing them on! Any thoughts would be appreciated. jill
Hi I haven't been reading or posting in quite awhile but scrolled back looking for news of bunnie. I am so sorry to get your news. Please check your previous posting. Be strong, my hope and prayers are with you.
I had my areola and nipple tattoed yesterday! I'd appreciate anyone's experience as far as healing goes, how long, and how your color stood up. Thanks. Susan
Scholarships for Children of Breast Cancer Survivors
Hello there. My mom is currently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. This has caused immense financial hardhip for my family, who was already hovering just above the poverty level. I am a high school senior looking to go to college. I live in NY. Does anyone know if there are any scholarships in NY for children like…
after five years
I have been reading on another chat page that the chance of reaccurance increases after five years. Where are those figures coming from and does it iclude us gals who are ER Postive? Here I thought after five years we could go and celebrate a bit instead of even worrying more. God Bless. Linda
article on BC
Hi everyone, There was an article in the Kansas City Star newspaper this week. I tried to paste the full article into this message but for some reason it would not copy. It reads that the menstrual cycle and ovulation hold a key to good results with bc surgery.There is a review of the study of this report in the LANCET.…
article on BC
Hi everyone, There was an article in the Kansas City Star newspaper this week. I tried to paste the full article into this message but for some reason it would not copy. It reads that the menstrual cycle and ovulation hold a key to good results with bc surgery.There is a review of the study of this report in the LANCET.…
Where to begin dating after BC.
Im 44 and single going through breast cancer. Im so lonely for a relationship but really dont know how to go about getting comfortable sharing my story with dates. so i sit home getting more depressed. i know i need to go out and i do want to but the fear of rejection is overpowering. Time is the greatest healer i know,…
Hello My Friends & Sisters
Hello All, It has been a very long time since I have been in here. I have also lost so many contacts because like me my computer was very ill again. I have been in remission for a whil untill recently but this time it is not a recurrance of all the previous cancers. In 83 I lost a almost full term baby & this was in…
Hormone Negative
I'm having a hard time finding other women who are hormone negative, like me. I'm also Her2neu negative. Most of the literature I read says that I have a poorer prognosis because of this, which makes me depressed. I was diagnosed in Oct. 2003 w/stage 1 BC. I had lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation. I'm 40 yrs. old. Any other…
just thoutht i would let evreryone know i went for2nd oppinion this week there isnt anymore they can do my tumors have growen in the brain and more of theam, i also had a seizure this weeek,i am defintly ready for this to be over two years is long enough.Bunnie
New to this board
My sister-in-law recently was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has had her breast removed and lymph nodes and the lymph nodes were clear. However because it is a very "nasty" type of breast cancer they are starting her on chemo, ACT, I believe. One is Taxol and the other two I cant be sure of the names. My question is, do…
Need some help
Dear fellow survivors, I am visiting over from the colorectal page. I am a 22 year old rectal cancer survivor. I was wondering if any of you ladies would be willing to jot down a few words about your experience. I am doing a 60 km walk to end breast cancer in August and I'm putting together a donation letter. You certainly…
I am just starting arimidex. I am not experiencing much joint pain but am wondering what I might do to protect my bone health. Is glucosamine/chondroitin a good option?
Breast Cancer has Spread to Her Lung
Hello to All.. I'm new to this site, And myself do not have cancer.. However the most important women in my life does, My Grandmother.. She found out in 1983 she had breast cancer and later took chemo and radiation and had her right breast removed, and then did great (other than being sick from chemo) then back in 1999 her…
Good news/ bad news
Went over the results of my latest bone scan with the oncologist. The good news is the areas that were radiated look great. The bad news is they found a lot of new mets in my ribs. Bad news - the onc thinks the femara has stopped working. Good news - he's switching me to faslodex beginning next treatment and I won't have…
Just starting taking TAMOXIFEN / And guilty feelings of feeling good.
Hello there, I just starting taking TAMOXIFEN on the first day of 2005, and would like to hear about your experience with it, so far I feel fine, except that sometimes I feel pain in the lower abdomen, is that normal? My period also stopped, but sometimes I feel bloated and discomfort. Also, I'm done THANKS GOD with chemo…
Mastectomy/Prosthesis Bathing Suits
I have two very expensive (size 10) bathing suits to use with prosthesis that I would like to give to a new owner that could use them. Does anyone know anyone that would like them. They were very expensive ($100 each) and I hate to throw them away.
barium for bone scan
Anyone have any suggestions how to drink all that barium before the bone scan. It looks like so much to keep down...doctor saays I need it along with other studies to monitor how we aredoing but last year I had a scan without a contrast material. Just wondering....Thanks...
TRAM and Thoracic Epidural
I am scheduled for a TRAM in March. The surgeon said he wants to include the thoracic epidural (besides general anesthesia) for pain management. Can't find much on the web. Anyone have one, did it help with post op pain? Did you have any side effects? Appreciate any help you can give me. Future
Keep on keeping on
Sorry I haven't been around for a few weeks. I got a job! It just sort of fell into my lap, but I am really enjoying it. I am busy managing a small office and learning stuff everyday. I never thought when I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with bone and lung mets, that I would ever have a fairly normal life again.…
Need help for Friend's Depression
My friend's been on Zoloft for the last few years. She was recently diagnosed with bc, had a mastectomy, and is currently in chemo. Now the Zoloft isn't working even with increasing the dosage. She's going to see her doctor in a couple of weeks, but is trying to find out what other bc survivors have been using. Anyone…
procrit and side effects
I had an injection of procrit yesterday, after starting AC chemo last week, and being anemic (also very low white count, so I'm on cipro also). Today my hips and hands ache, and I've got a burning pain in my esophagus. Anyone else on procrit that can give me any ideas about these side effects. I looked at the procrit web…
metastic breast cancer
Is there anyone out there with metastic breast cancer? My breast cancer spread to my bones, overies and most likely my lungs. I am currently taking only Arimidex. I would love to hear from anyone in a similiar situation or anyone who knows someone with advanced breast cancer.