Message for gdpawel
I am so glad you have stuck around to continue to share your ideas with us. Seeing your name again had me check out your profile but you haven't one, I am sure yours could be worth a read. I did find Anne's Flight though and thanks for that, quite a story. I guess I wonder what you think we should do if the drugs cause so…
Has anyone had this combination? What was your treatment schedule? Side effects? Thx
Changing Identity of Medical Oncology
Under previous law, Medicare covered chemotherapy as well as radiation treatment for cancer patients, but did not pay for oral-dose anti-cancer drugs, unless they were available in both oral and injectable form. Medicare Part B covered a total of seven oral-dose anti-cancer drugs under this provision. Older Americans were…
PET Scan for Bone Mets
Can someone share their experience with me -- I just learned I have mets to Bones -- only showed up on a PET Scan -- CT scan and Bone Scan were fine. Am starting Taxotere, Zometa, and Xeloda -- question is since PET Scan is so radioactive -- how often can you safely have one -- so I can judge success of the drugs? Anyone…
Taxol side effects -legs weakness
Dear List Members, Kindly advise after effects of chemotherapy with TAXOL A friend of mine, 60 years old, finished a treatment of 12 weekly sessions of TAXOL. and is suffering sever fatigue, numbness and pains in the legs which prevents her from walking freely, heavy tears and irritation of the eyes. The intensity of the…
Response to gdpawel
Mr Pawel, I don't know what your real motives are for coming back and back to this forum with your negative input. We are a group of women who give one another support and constructive information based on our experiences. Each of us is going through a life altering experience. We try to give each other HOPE, and the last…
Is Taxol Old Treatment?
I've read several of the old messages re: some of the side effects of Taxol. I've completed 4 cycles of AC & am scheduled to begin 4 cycles of Taxol. I've heard recent info that some expert MDs are no longer using Taxol for BC. Does anyone have any info? Thanks for your help. Treatment day is nearing. Vicki
Re: gdpawel
Whew! OK here goes, this may offend some of you and I apologize if it does BUT...I've been tracking articles now for about a year. I firmly believe THERE IS A CURE FOR CANCER BETTER THAN CHEMO! It's all we have at this point because its all 'they' will give us. Think about it CANCER esp BREAST CANCER is BIG business. There…
lost friend
I have been looking for a good friend, best friend, who used to come to this site all the time. She (Marie Lacava or maryinwind) lives in Italy I live in the US. Last we spoke she was going back to the hospital for a recheck on surgical site, as she just had a neck mass (bone mets from breast) removed. I have not heard…
mammograms after mastectomy
DCIS, high grade - bilaterial mastectomy 4 yras ago - no reconstruction, no spread, no drugs, no radiation, no chemo! Extremely fortunate to have had a top-notch radiologist and to have been in Houston, TX. An educational series I attented in TX said researchers were advising follow-up mammograms occasionally for DCIS…
I think I'm cracking up.
I can't hold it together anymore. Last year I was Dx with DCIS in the right breast. After 4 lumpectomies I had a mastectomy and reconstruction. Made the exchange to the permanent implant in February. Just started to breathe a little bit. Went for a sonogram on left breast, sent for biopsies of 3 cysts. Had the biopsies, 2…
Last week I went for my mamogram every six months and the doctor called and informed me that she wants me to take a ultrasound, she said she and the radiologist seem to think that what they are seeing is a lymph node. Well I went for the ultrasound and the radiologist came in to check me out and I asked her if there was a…
Ok,,,,I am wondering if I am in denial. I rarely think about the cancer, and I am doing the same thing with the diabetes diagnosis. Has anyone here just bumbled through and kept eyes front, just not really dealing with the whole thing? I am so afraid that is what I am doing. I feel like I am getting ready to hit the wall.…
Has anyone heard from Wendy? Hoping all is well in your world! ~marty
Bunnie is gone...
From Dean & Amy's website: April 17, 2005 12:40 p.m. Amy went to heaven. She was surrounded by her family. She will be missed. Funeral service will be Saturday, April 23 10 o'clock Prineville funeral home followed by a graveside service. Then we will all meet at the Elks Lodge at 12 o'clock.
Please help. I know 3 women who are terminally ill with cancer (not all breast)and countless breast cancer survivors. I would love to help them, but I do not know if someone is trying to sell me a bill of goods because they are self-serving and greedy. A relative is selling a product (I don't think I should print the…
Underarm skin flaps, surgery and lymphadema?
I am coming back here after a long time away- Yes, it will get much better for those of you who are new to this site! My situation is that I am 2 1/2 years cancer free but I was left with those dog ear flaps after my bi lateral masectomy. I did develope lymphadema in my left upper arm and dog ear. I am contemplating having…
leg pain
I had breast cancerover two years ago.Doing fine with that,am taking tamoxifin.For about the last week my left calf has really been hurting and my knee.It hurts to bend it or it just throbs like hell.Anyone else have this problem? What did you do? I am worried about blood clots due to the meds I'm on.The bad thing is we…
Prayers for Bunnie please
Received message from Dean, her husband, that Bunnie has taken turn for the worse. She is in my thoughts and prayers all the time now. Thank you and God Bless all. Roxanne
I'm OK!!!!!!
Hello Everyone!!!! I went to the surgeon yesterday to get the results of the biopsy. He said that the tumor was benign!!!! The Dr. said that I didn't react to the news as he thought I would. I told him that I am numb. I was preparing myself for the worse as I hadn't been given any good news for almost 2 years. I told him I…
I am asking for all your prayers, I took a mamogram this week and the doctor called and informed me that they would like to me to come in for a ultrasound. They seem to think that it is a lymph node but they want to make sure. I am praying that is all it is. I completed treatment for breast cancer in May 2003. Any help and…
38 years old - stage 3, HER2/Neu +
Hello - I was diagnosed three weeks ago, 6cm tumor, positive lymph nodes. Found out I was HER2/Neu+ but ER/PR -. Doing neoadjuvant chemo, Taxol + Herceptin. Is there anyone out there in a similar situation? I have 4 small children (6, 4, 2 and 3 months). I found the tumor while breastfeeding my 3 month old. Started chemo…
sentinel node biopsy
I am curious about other women's experience with this procedure. Mine was terribly painful and traumatizing. Seems that is so unnecessary with the availability of Versed. Could not get a satisfactory answer why that isn't used. Opinions and info, please!
hair loss question
Hi Everyone, I had my first chemo treatment 10 days ago & was wondering about hair loss. Does it just get thinner and thinner or does it come out all at one time? Thanks for your support in the past weeks.
after treatment
Hi! This is my first posting to the board, after having good feelings about what I've seen so far. In 2002, I had a diagnosis of stage 1 breast cancer, a mastectomy, chemo, and recontstruction. Am currently on tamoxifen. My onc (whom I really love) doesn't believe in any blood tests or scans for stage 1 breast cancer…
Taxol Side Effects
Taxol is given into a vein, but in order for the body to absorb the drug, it must first be dissolved in a solution. Taxol's history began fourty-three years ago. It was found to be virtually insoluble in water. It had the solubility of a brick. The compound wouldn't dissolve very much in any solution. Without a way to get…
inflammatory breast cancer
I was diagnosed with IBC in January. Have had two chemo treatments and already a trip to the hospital (5 days)because dr. wasn't watching my labs and my white count went way down. Is it common for chemo to include steroid drugs?
Bunnie, Been thinking of you...how you doing...if your up to it please let us know how your doing warmly, judiek
Biopsy done!
Hello Everyone!!! I am new here to a point. I posted here a few weeks ago when the mass was found. I had the second opinion and a biopsy was recommended. I had a core biopsey done yesterday. All went ok but I can tell you I was scared!! I didn't like the needle to numb everything. When they did it a second time to numb me…
Elivated Tumor Markers lead to a bone biopsy
Hi I posted a couple weeks ago about having high tumor markers and many of you gave me much encouragement. Well after a PET, CT, MRI and sonogram two issues have surfaced. I have a complex cyst on the left ovary and "activitie" in the thorasic spine T2 & T3. What all this means I have know idea. Chemotherapy put me in…