more questions

critter12 Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
ok so i went to the oncologist yesterday and he gave me some aquafor (?) to use.
he looked at me and said that he hasn't decided yet but he may not resume my radation. i have been off for 3 weeks now. he said that they don't have conclusive evidence that restarting is beneficial after a period of time and we are doing it as a precaution.
Man, i am not sure i am ok with this. they didn't take any lympnodes because my cancer was in early stages and non aggresive, non invasive. now only 1/2 of the radation.
what do ya'll think?
they are putting me on the tamoxifin. it's just that i want to do everything i can so i don't have to ever do this again.
thanks again!


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Not to add to the confusion, but....

    Tamoxifen is usually started AFTER rads are over...side effects can conflict with the rads...can you get a second opinion....the one doc I trusted (he saved my life TWICE) was my rad/onc....
    And, yes, Aquaphor was what I mentioned that I used in my last response....the only side effect I found from it was that I had to throw out a blouse I mistakenly wore that was polyester...sigh...BIG UGLY grease spot....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • LorettaB
    LorettaB Member Posts: 51
    If you are burned from the radiation, BIAFINE is a great burn cream. But I was prescribed it when I showed signs of burning. I do believe that my rads tech told me NOT to use Aquafor because if you put it on before you have rads, it will increase burning. It was free when I went for rads which tells me the maker or distibutor had an "in" at your rad oncologist. If you have a great rads oncologist, they will give you pure aloe gel that is hard to come by. I got if from mine and it was wonderful.

    I don't know enough about the pathology on your original tumor to tell you anything else about your BC.

    And tell your doctor when he just looks at you and says he hasn't decided that he better damn well make up his mind or you go look for another doctor or get a second opinion.

    Also, the more information you learn on your own, the more you're prepared to talk to your doctors about your BC. I have learned from experience that not all doctors are equal.

  • katcam
    katcam Member Posts: 83
    i agree with Kathi - i was told to wait and start the tamoxifen after i finished rads. i would check with the doctor and get a 2nd opinion. hugs. kat
  • prayerangel
    prayerangel Member Posts: 147
    katcam said:

    i agree with Kathi - i was told to wait and start the tamoxifen after i finished rads. i would check with the doctor and get a 2nd opinion. hugs. kat

    I agree with the other girls. I kept having to have my radiation without stopping, even though I was burning more each time. The oncology nurses were always there with free creams and other topical meds. What Stage were you diagnosed at? I have heard of lumpectomies with no removal of lymph nodes. Do you have "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book"?
    Keep researching and researching, I see women who aren't educated in their disease, kind of get pushed to the side.
    Best of luck. God bless.
  • Tigger35
    Tigger35 Member Posts: 21
    First of all, the doctor should know what he wants to do before you come to an appointment, that is completely unacceptable and unprofessional to leave you hanging never mind the stressed involved. Apparently he hasn't considered your feelings in this situation. Everything we go through is difficult enough without having to wait for the doctor to make up his mind. Honestly that would make me nervous, you may want to get a second opinion. I can't add much else because I was put on tamoxifen at the end of chemo, well before radiation started, and I stayed on it when the second cancer occurred. Remember each case is unique to itself. I whole heartedly agree with your feeling of wanting to make sure you do everything possible to ensure the cancer is gone. This is your cancer, your life, not the doctor's, ask questions until you get the answers you need. If he can't do that then he isn't doing his job. Take care.