Thread broken
I read on the "Emotional Support" board a post about why we aren't receiving emails about our subscriptions. Blue Roses contacted CSN and they told her that for some reason, there's a glitch in the system. They are trying to fix it. If you go to "Emotional Support" in the "other" section of the Discussion Boards, you can…
Metastatic Breast Cancer ups and downs.
I am new here. I don't know where to turn. I was diagnosed in Sept. 2002 with Breast Cancer. I had a mastectomy of my left breast, and chemotherapy. My lymph nodes were clear. In January 2003 they put me on tamoxifen for five years. My last tamoxifen tablet was Dec. 31, 2008. By March 8, 2009, I was diagnosed with stage 4…
Breast cancer mets to lungs and bones
Please share with me your experiences regarding this topic.
Side effects from Faslodex shots after Arimidex
I made it through chemo and radiation fine in 2005. Now it has returned in 1 lymph node that was removed and had clear margins. Thought all would be great. Am now having to take these shots of Faslodex and they are making me feel really weird! Doctor gave me anti anxiety medicine since everything else looks fine. But you…
Ladies, I have not posted in a while, but I want to give you all a summary and update. I was diagnosed with breast cancer...tumor like a boiled egg on underarm side of right breast...in May 2007. I did chemo, then bilateral mastectomy with expanders(left side was prophylactic so that I don't live in fear of it coming back…
BILL is Baaaaccckkk
Thought you got rid of me did you ? Well, not quite so easy. Finished chemo early in December and finally my hair is starting to come back (my beard too) soft as a baby's hair. Dec 26 had an emergency operation to repair a perforated stomach ulcer (WAY too much chemo for my poor tummy to handle) Surgeon's report reads…
Back from the doctor
I finally got back home. MY plastic surgeon put 60 more cc's in each side today. Yea!!!!!!!!!!! MY husband is sooooooo proud. I am up to a double "A" now. haha!!! I ventured out with my wig on to the Wal-Mart where my husband and daughter work and I used to work there until I transferred into Management , so I have lots of…
radiation side effects
Hi, R there different types of radiation therapy for breast cancer and have you ever had or known anyone who has had major complications with radiation. Also I have heard that you will not be able to do any reconstructive surgery after radiation. So how is one supposed to "reconstruct" the area that has been treated with…
Which Anti Nausea Meds Work Best?
I begin chemo this week. Of course one of my biggest worries is the nausea and vomiting. Please give me your expert opinions on which meds work best to prevent nausea and any other helpful tips you may have. Thank you all! (((HUGS))) Kelly
Diagnostic test
Hello All Sisters, I had my routine ultrasound on my right breast Tuesday Feb.3. I had the last one six months ago. No more left breast due to mastectomy. Today, I got the mail saying that there is no suspicious findings. Eventhough the radiologist told me that it looks the same from the last time, it feels a relief when I…
one more hair question
Hi! as some of you know i had my hair buzzed..last week. I've tried to wear my wig a couple times but can't keep it on long because it feels like its pulling on the stubbles.(I did have a little wig hat under it) Do the stubbles fall out also or i think i remember people saying they duct taped them off? If anyone has any…
1 down 3 to go
Hi Friends, I had my first Chemo infusion on friday.I am doing very well. Most of the time I am sleeping. But the anti- nausea drugs are doing there job. I am a liitle afraid of what might still come after the three days of heavy meds are done. has anyone heard from MiMi since her last infusion I have not seen any postings…
Why me?
I posted a topic a few days ago about my pathology report. Basicly, my surgeon told me that my report stated my biopsy was benign(biopsy was in Aug). I saw my gyn/ oncologist (separate issue) and she stated the report read that I have DCIS. She sent for my pathology slides from the hospital in Nov so that her pathologist…
I am so very tired
Goodmorning everyone! I am just wondering, I have been so tired.. it is 8 days post 2nd chemo treatment and all i want to do is sleep. I have never been one to nap much, but for the last few days I have been sleeping all afternoon and awake a couple ours in the evening and then to bed. I fall asleep during things i am…
Feeling depressed ...
Seems that depression is a popular subject. I have passed one of the major landmarks ... finshed chemo! YIPPEE! Next week I get my port removed and meet with the radiologist. My eyebrows are still thinning. Today I didn't like looking at my bald head in the mirror. Was just generally bummed out. My moods seem to swing ...…
free wigs
If anyone can help me. I would love to have some information on who to contact to get a wig. I think it would help me feel a little more normal. thank you so much
The Perfect Outfit!
No need for a wig, Bandana or hat No need for cosmetics, now, just fancy that! I go out without donning garters and socks And I don't give a jot for my Lost Flowing Locks. I can go out in public and not bat an eye, Or stand in the Market and Laugh 'till I Cry, With my New Perfect outfit I can do as I please AND it's Bright…
birad score of 4
Should I be concerned with a birad score of 4. This is all so new to me and since I have already had cancer as a child in my thyroid I am scared, but I have been cancer free for 33 years. Could it be just cysts? I am prone to cysts and where they are looking out on my right breast I did have a lump removed from there over…
Just home from bilateral mastectomy.... now what.....
Hi Ladies! Just got home on Monday from having a bilateral mastectomy. The path came back with no additional cancer and clean sentinal nodes, so that was very good news. Boy this has been way more than I ever thought it would be, in my mind I was prepared, I am a nurse and just thought ok I can do this. Boy was it and…
Space Station
The space station went by in the sky at 7:20 central time. We sat out back and watched it go by. Pretty cool. Three people are on it.
Are any of you having to put up with this?....feelgood site!
Day 19 without running water. The Bog won't flush and we are using a portable. I had to go to my neighbours' today to have my hair washed (!st time in 2 weeks)... My husband is having a Pity Party all of his own and blaming me for that fact!..........I am totally Knackered after the treatments and Am seldom up before 10 or…
big fat hand
I have had a nerve that has been hurting in my arm, the Dr. said that is because he probably cut a nerve while taking the 21 axillary lymph nodes. They have been ordering different sizes of sleeves for me and finally got it right after over 2 mo.'s, funny thing i haven't needed it until yesterday when my hand puffed up…
Learn about Thermography Sat. Feb. 7
Hi All that are interested, This Saturday, Feb. 7, there will be a free educational meeting on Thermography. Thermography is a safe and more effective screening for breast cancer than mammography. Nancy Gardner, PhD from the Bay area will be speaking from 1:00-2:00 PM. Her topics are Learn how to lower your risk factors…
Possible Infection, Scared
Hi, all, I just talked to the nurse about my sore throat today. I am to go in for labwork tomorrow--if I can avoid temperature and ER tonight. I am scared. I know some of you have mentioned having infections. I just had my Nulssta shot yesterday. Please let me know anything you can tell me. Thanks
Okay, please allow me to obsess more about my hair. I'm sure I don't have to repeat the whole story, since I have emailed this board so many times about the same subject, but here goes: My hair started growing back on Sept. 1 (my last chemo was June 20). It covers my head and I was able to ditch the wig, but it upsets me…
Another reconstruction question
Okay ladies, I have another question. I know I should be asking my surgeon and I plan to, however I am really looking for the female view so here goes. For those of you who have chosen to have reconstruction I am looking for views on how you feel about the nipple reconstruction or if you opted for the nipple tattoo how…
cancer, lymphadema and rock climbing
I had 2 lymph nodes removed and the radiation supposedly didn't hit my lymph nodes. Is there anyone out there who is a rock climber who knows how it would be to start climbing again? My arms felt very heavy the other day....first one and then the other....don't know if that is a sign of potential lymphadema. I finished my…
Should children know
Hi everyone. I have califictaions which tested positive in the biopsy and I am getting a lumpectomy next week and then some radiation treatment. Should I tell my 11 year old daughter and my 14 year old son about the diagnosis. Since I will not get any chemo, there will not be any visible physical signs. My daughter is…
Return to Work after 3years of tx
Hi All I'm finally finished with 2 1/2 years of chemo, RT and surgeries and ready to return to work. I need to hang on to my benefits and I can't afford not to work. - the only problem is that my job is being terminated this spring. I'm in my late 50's and the world has changed. Does anyone know of any cancer support…
My mom has very runny eyes. The nurses say it's normal due to the chemo. But she has like water falls going on here. Anyone have the same problem or any suggestions? Thanks ahead of time. LOVE and HOPE to all of you. This whole thing has made me a better and stronger person and I am sure you all can say the same and…