Femara hair thinning
I have been doing more and more research into the causes of my hair thinning, which was diagnosed as underlying female pattern baldness accelerated by the chemo by a dermatologist. The more I read, the more I think Femara is the culprit: I had STRONGLY estrogen positive bc, and of the three drugs (Aromasin, Femara, and…
I figured it out/it's the Femara
I knew what that dermatologist told me cannot be right, that I had underlying female pattern baldness that was unmasked or accelerated by the chemo. Why: 1.) there is no history of baldness in my family 2.) I had very thick hair prior to the chemo I have done my own research and now talked to many other women, and I am…
Drugs Before Chemo
I need your expert opinion in regards to the drug(s) that you need to take before starting Chemo. I will be starting mine on April 1 (Wed) and I tried to call Dr's Office but he is on vacation til March 31, 2009. I was talking to my boss this afternoon as she had BC last year. During our conversation she asked me the…
Evista for ADH (atypical ductal hyperplasia)
My Breast surgeon did a BX/and excisional bx which diagnosed ADH in my breast and then sent me over to an Oncologist to discuss Hormonal TX. We discussed it at length and after much thought I decided to try Evista rather than tamoxifen. Do we have any members in here either taking tamoxifen or evista for ADH? I would not…
?? I think I'm catching a cold
I think I'm catching a cold. Will I still have treatment if I have a cold?
Breast cancer
Diagnosed with breast approx three months ago two different tumors, surgery is scheduled for Tuesday double masectomy, is it normal to experience tenderness in the "sick" breast?
Chemo is not for me...
I don't know what or how to feel right now. All I do is cry. I don't want to go through anymore treatments and I'm really at the point where I might be at work instead of my next treatment. I'm on day 4 after chemo and I do know that it's not as bad as it could be. I have not puked...I had a queazy stomach since the…
Oh No!!!!!!! What did I do this time?????????
I chained up the Alsatian and answered the door yesterday morning thinking it was the mail-lady (it's my birthday April 1st) BUT...It was the Jehovas.......Last time they called in was during my chemo and I'm ashamed to admit I was completely inebriated (Pissed out of my skull) at 10am. Anyway, the nice lady remembered me…
Bilateral Mastectomy & DIEP Reconstruction
I am 50 years old and was diagnosed in Feb with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)... I live in Florida for the past 8 years - I am originally from New York... I am having a bilateral mastectomy and possibly DIEP reconstruction.. I have decided to go back to New York for my surgery. I have appointments the first week of…
Replacement Parts, On the way!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Again... I contacted the Canadian Cancer Society today and they are sending me out a free Prothesis kit!!!!!!!!!.. Hey I might be able to look almost normal again!, They also told me where and when to get measured up for... "the real thing"..Do they mean coke?.. I hope this free "Falsie" weighs as much as my 40D or…
Lymphatic fluid in breast
My oncologist said mild swelling and discomfort was lymphatic fluid accumulating in my breast after sentinel node biopsy and lumpectomy in August 2008. I'm aware of arm lymphedema and its problems even though I don't suffer from that. This is not disabling in any way and I have exercises to help drain the fluid. Has anyone…
"Friends List"
I must have missed something in the "registration instructions" ... but I see that most (if not ALL) of you have some little icony thing after your name and when I click on it ... it says "friends list" or something like that. I fell left out. :-) What is that ... and how do I get to be part of the "club"? thanks, teena
where the sun don't shine
What a crapy day i had! As some of you already know..i was scheduled for another colonoscopy. I was to have one done in Dec. same time as the mastectomy. My surgeon didn't finish it because there was a blockage and he didn't want to continue and put me through anymore stress.($charge up the butt for it though)!haha. And…
they're thinking it's back.
i just finished chemo june 08 and rad in oct. now i'm in ohio and have to get some bone scans and something down my throat to see if cancer is back. my throat has been sore for 3 or 4 mons told the drs in indy and they give me one antibotic after another my bones started hurting around then too. they did lung xray and it…
Large patches of skin coming off?
I am posting for a friend who has no internet right now. She had rad'n, 25 treatments, that finished a few weeks ago. She has been getting large patches of skin peeling off from her chest area, where the rad'n was. Patches the size of her hand -- so that seems large to me. Is this unusual? How long might it continue?…
First time dealing with breast cancer
HELLO I am so scared and angry at the same time. After three biopies and lumpectomy/sentinel node biopsy surgery. I still have cancer in my lymph nodes which the pathologist at the time of surgery missed it.. My surgeon doesn't want to go back in an remove my lymph nodes. He wants me to start chemo and radiation…
Lotions etc. Why avoid petroleum-based products?
I am posting for a friend who has no internet right now. Her rad. onc. asked her to get Aquaphore, for which the active ingredient is petroleum jelly. Some of the forum members have suggested water-based, especially with aloes. I encouraged her to use aloes, which are plentiful in her neighborhood. She has used them many…
Reconstruction Update (Part III)
Yesterday was my appointment with my surgeon. I went in there with the full intention of telling him not to put in any more more 100 cc's of fluid due to the pain I was having. Well, when he came in I explained the pain and he reclined the exam chair I was in as and was quite surprised as I winced and complained of just…
Who did it????????????
Cumon, 'fess up, Who actually gave up Smoking/ Drinking/ Eating Red Meat/ Drinking bottled water/ Fiddling about with car engines without the protection of arse-feeling gloves/........ Did anyone start on a vegan diet, drink 300 gallons of pure spring water or walk 250 miles a day? I'm just being nosy.......but DOOOOO…
OK I did it
Hi again, After taking ALL of your advice I DID keep todays appointment with Dr Charisma-Bypass. And I fessed up that I didn't go for the mammo because I was in too much pain and ...........You'll never guess, he didn't give me a rollicking, he just smiled (well it might have been wind)and said it was fine by him and if I…
Still me
Good morning friends, I am going to work today, for a few hours maybe 5. I used to work 12 hour shifts..all day on my feet and still come home and make supper etc. Now i feel 5 is enough and hubbie makes supper. I look forward to going to work but one thing has been bothering me. I live in a very small town and there is…
chemo treatment plan in writing now
I finally got the whole schedule in writing: Adriamycin w/Cytoxan every 2 wks for 4 cycles or doses Taxol w/Herceptin every week for 12 weeks Herceptin alone every 3 weeks for 1 year. This is different than what she said the first time when we met. It is because she was able to look at my medical records more in depth.…
looking for experienced opinions
My mom was diagnosed this week and the heartless doctor who threw this at her during a whole 10 minute visit says she is to have a complete right breast removal. We live in the Hudson Valley in New York. My question is: has anyone dealt with the Cancer Centers of America? If so, what are you're thoughts and/or experiences…
Radiaton Burn
Through my 7 wks. of radiation in 2005 after a sml lump was discovered in my left breast,I was left with a severe radiation burn extending to under my armpit and lymph nodes. This has resulted in a radical mastectomy and (rebuilt) left breast due to the damage done to my blood vessels. Basically, my breast shrunk severely…
Psychosocial Issues of Breast Cancer Survivorship
I thought this was a good article and hope it helps those of us struggling with the multi-headed beast of bc and all the problems that can come with it like financial, sexual, emotional and more. love jan From Medscape Hematology-Oncology Talking With Your Patients About Cancer Psychosocial Issues of Breast Cancer…
ASCO guidelines on BC surveillance
While reading the post on psychosocial issues of BC, I had more questions. I went to the American Society of Clinical Oncology to look up the guidelines on BC surveillance. My onc never told me anything more than I needed a mam twice a year for the next 2 years. This is what I found: American Society of Clinical Oncology…
Just needing some advice
I am afraid and really need someone to talk to.. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2003 and nearly died from surgery and post operative issues... I am suppose to be cancer free however I had a mammogram done last week and there is a lump in my breast. Also being seen is microcalcifications. also found was a small cyst…
Occasionally I have seen folks here note how spell check would be nice, below is a useful site that will spell-check your blogs or whatever you write here. Just copy and paste it, it will also check your grammar and it has a thesaurus. I use it quite often and have even bookmarked it.…
radiation time
Hi to every body. Today I had my 3th radiation. But it takes only 3 minutes. I was wondering if it is usual? I have to add that my tumor was stage 1 invasive DCIS but the size of tumor was very smal about 0.17 so do you have any idea? i thought it will take about 15 to 20 minutes but I was surprize to see it only took 3…
I have a "date" tomorrow night
I know I should probably wait until after the "date" is over, and regale you with how lovely the evening was, but I just can't!!! In my heart of Chenhearts I already KNOW it is going to be and evening full of fun, hugs,laughter and lots of giggling! I shouldn't say there will be gossip, as that is a pejorative word most of…