I have a "date" tomorrow night
I know I should probably wait until after the "date" is over, and regale you with how lovely the evening was, but I just can't!!! In my heart of Chenhearts I already KNOW it is going to be and evening full of fun, hugs,laughter and lots of giggling! I shouldn't say there will be gossip, as that is a pejorative word most of…
permanent side effects from chemo - anyone else?
I am still struggling emotionally to deal with the side effect chemo gave me: my female pattern baldness which would not have showed up until I was an old lady, yet was exposed or accelerated by the chemo. I am trying to take the right steps: I found a beautiful human hair wig and lightened my hair and styled it…
Just joined - lots of questions
I got my diagnosis of mucinous breast cancer on January 30th while I was recuperating from ankle ligament reconstruction surgery (Jan. 29th). I was expecting it because of all the tests they had been running after my mammogram. (ultrasound, cone mammogram, biopsy - that took a week for the results!). I had a lumpectomy on…
Femara effects????????
Does anyone take this drug? What are the side effects most people experience?
Losing hair
I am losing some of my hair on my head but why is it the hair that is covered with clothes the first to go--yes that hair plus arm and leg hair. Maybe the only reason why my hair hasn't fallen out more is from the gel/wax I put in my hair. I have also started to lose my eyebrows and eye lashes already. I had my first chemo…
Hello Ladies and Gents, Well let me tell you that I have been a bit distressed over a recent weight gain that just keeps inching its way up the scale and I cannot figure out what I have done to gain this extra 4 lbs. (now I am betting a few of you are snickering because you know where the extra pounds have come from) I…
This has NOTHING to do with Cancer!!!!!
Oh wow~ how could I have forgotten to share with you all that I got engaged last Saturday????? Reggie had something to "ask me"..but he decided to wait until he saw me ( I was out of town visiting my brother...you remember, my "date" with Joyce happened that week!) Turns out, what he wanted to ask me was if I knew my ring…
happy about wig
So: my hair did not grow back properly because I have underlying female pattern baldness. I am realizing this is not the end of the world, and want to share my good news with you: I am going around to different wig/hairpiece shops before I make my decision, but I am going to get a really, expensive nice wig or hairpiece.…
Haven't written in a while
I haven't written in a while. Been on the pity pot (quite a lot) and spending my time being a workaholic and sleeping. But I do read what you all have to say and respond to your messages with thoughts and prayers and oftentimes smiles- you are all so special to me! I want to congratulate Chen and root for RE and hug so…
1st Chemo on Monday
This is really hard for me. 1st one Monday. It really hit me yesterday. Sickness. Today feel like I have been ran over by a truck. Will this be like this everytime? The taste in my mouth is horrible. Any suggestions on getting this taste out of mouth? I'm sorry to vent today. Thank you Darlene
Constantly Catching the Common Cold
I've been out of treatment for nine months. I never got a cold or other annoying bug once during chemo. I am currently enduring my fifth cold since September. Where, oh where did my immune system go? Has anyone else had this experience? I've been taking all the proper precautions I took during chemo. - hand-washing being…
1st Chemo tomorrow...don't think I can do it
I don't think I can do this. I have been crying for the past two days and I know I will go into the facility tomorrow crying. I don't know how or what to feel about having to receive chemo. I am terrified of not taking care of myself properly to maintain/control the side effects. I don't want to be sick. I don't want to…
Spring is in the Air!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey... Doesn't this make us all feel better about ourselves, about life and in general????????? It does me. Rebirth of stuff like daffodil bulbs, Tulips, Colchicums, Crocuses, Snowdrops..........all seemed dead then ... suddenly alive again. I'm sorry , I'm not very religious or spiritual but this awakening, I can really…
devastated by dermatology appt.
I just knew my hair wasn't growing in normally, with the thin spots and all. Today I went to a dermatologist specializing in hair disorders who told me the following: I have female pattern balding which might not have appeared until I was 80, but it was 'unmasked' by the chemo (became apparent earlier because of it). This…
bc mets to liver?
Hi, anyone out there with Breast Cancer mets to liver? (I also posted this on the liver cancer board, but haven't had any responses yet. So, I'm also posting it here on the bc board.) Did you have any symptoms? My doctors have been "watching" my liver for years (since dx of bc). I had stage 1 bc, (dx 11/03)had a mastectomy…
so close yet so far
Yesterday I turned 49 years old. Last year at this time I didn't know I was going to be diagnosed with cancer in May. I made it through that news, I made it through the double mastectomy in June, I made it through the radiation that ended in October and I'm getting ready for the implants on April 9. Yesterday I also had…
After 1st Treatment
Ok, yesterday was treatment number 1...I don't know if it was my anticipation of being sick or maybe I ate something wrong. My stomach was queazy(?) after eating homemade chicken and noodles. And I also drunk over 32 ounces of water the first hour of me being home. One of the two probably was too much. So, I tried to think…
SPA day.....mmmmmmm!
Today my daughter and I went back to the spa in P.S. where I went after my treatment was over. We try to do this at least once a year. While we were there, I chatted with a gal who worked there and told her my story of planning the getaway for after treatment. And how it helped me get thru some rough patches to visualize…
I am writing this not for myself but for a lady out in north carolina who was diagnosed with breast cancer. tumor is 5.5 to 6 cm and the oncologist told her they were going to do chemo 1x a month for 6 months then do a mascetamy. She is really scared. Does someone out there have similar experience and willing to email this…
Moving on
Well, seven days from now I will leave Florida for Illinois. Due to the financial devastation from the cancer and being laid off from my job, my niece has kindly offered me a refuge in her home in exchange for helping with children. You would think that Florida would have wonderful programs for people without…
Radioactive pellets okay?
I had a lumpectomy last week for Stage 0 breast cancer and am healing slowly. Has anyone heard whether radioactive pellets are safe for DCIS? I haven't met with my medical oncologist yet and am gathering as much info as possible. Thank you.
Prayer for us all
I received one of those e-mail "chain letters" where you are asked to send it on to 12 people, or whatever. I never do. But this one touched my heart and I want to share it with all of you: 'May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite…
could it be?
Goodmorning sisters, Something seems to have changed..maybe its the weather or Jesus pulling me out of my depression. This time after treatment #4 only 5 days out, I started feeling better. I went to work..i knew i felt good, but everyone told me "Jackie you are getting better" you look good, we can tell you feel…
Finally! Follow up appt with Surgeon Tomorrow
Been a month since surgery, Only thing I understand is it's NON INVASIVE DCIS/CLOSE Margins,high grade/multi focal spots.Surg can't be sure he got it all,will decide whether to go back in.Bringing my copy of report to have it explained in detail. Boyfriend coming to take notes. With all that I READ Online,Books/Articles…
Just need someone to talk to
I have made it through the mastectomy and five chemo treatments. I have one more Chemo to go then I start radiation. Being by myself all the time is hard. Some days just need encouragement. My husband died of cancer 7 yrs ago, had to find a job at age 50. To tired most of the time to do anything but work. Then cancer. It…
Bras and Radiation
I'm finding bras uncomfortable after surgery and during radiation it will probably get worse. I saw an after surgery tube top that velcros so you don't have to lift your arms. Has anyone tried these?
joining the port club tomorrow morning
I will be having my port put in tomorrow morning. Leaving extra early since we are getting a big snow storm again here in Maine. I was nervous at first when they mentioned the port but I am comfortable now with the idea after reading all the other posts. I want to save my veins if my treatments are going to be for 1 year…
Zometa and hair loss
All this time I have been thinking that my thinning hair after chemo was either my hair growing back slowly or thinning from the Femara. Now I look online and find out that Zometa (a promising new drug I am taking in a clinical trial: it's supposed to make the bone hostile to cancer and prevent recurrence) also can cause…
More Cancer during chemo
Could ovarian cancer develop during chemo? Or could the mass next to her ovaries (which we dont know what it is yet) have been there bf we found the breast cancer? Right after chemo she started having like a period and my mother hasnt had one of those since 2002. So they took tissue from her uturs(SP?)and it looks clear…
1st Chemo today!
Hello all, I start 1 st chemo today. Scared out my butt. This weekend I had all kinds of emotions going on.(Maybe from steroids) My husband tried to comfort me. Once you get through the surgerys, then feeling somewhat ok. Then its chemo making you feel bad again. I think once I get this 1st over. I think I will somewhat…