Anyone have radiation twice? On both breasts?
I had radiation on my left breast, 25 treatments, years ago when I was young, after a lumpectomy. 23 years later, I got breast cancer in my right breast. I had a lumpectomy and am currently in radiation. I was just wondering if anyone had ever gone thru radiation twice, treatment on each breast. In 1985, the machine was so…
If you can spare a prayer....
My beau's heart procedure on Monday did not go well. He is in CCU, being ventilated and sedated. The heart, already weak, stopped during the procedure. It was restarted, but is beating at a very fast rate. If you can spare a prayer, please send it. It is so hard to be next to him, and get no response, not even an eye…
terrible feelings or thoughts well after idcis
Hi! I'm Michelle from Canal Winchester Ohio. I am a survivor. About 4 years. Now addicted to Vicodin. Never before a "user". Live with being treated as an addict. However, my question is I really concerned about my "depression". I've had it since my now 11 year old was born. Now I have been in the hosp. 2x's I have weird…
Surgery to remove expanders
I am scheduled to have my expanders replaced with silicone implants April 20th. I am very nervous about the surgery and wondering how it will compare to my double mastectomy. I would love to hear your experiences/recovery time.
Well ... I've been wondering about whether I'd lose my hair or not. I'm on weekly taxol and herceptin and my oncologist said I would for sure have thinning hair but he didn't know if I would lose it all ... or not. From what I'd been reading on these posts it seems that most people who DID lose their hair had it happen…
New Diagnosis - Caused by Anti-Nausea Meds
Hi all. Well, to make things short and simple, the med they prescribed for me during chemo to stop breakthrough nausea has now caused really difficult problems. The drug Reglan was prescribed about halfway through my chemo, as I continued to have problems. That was in July 2008. I took it religiously, four times a day for…
Another New Club Member
Hello everyone! I am a "newly diagnosed" hi-grade DCIS. I found out a couple of weeks ago, "formally," but I'd gone in to have the lump checked over a month ago and had to have two different biopsies done because of breast implants (which I regrettable had done right after a divorce 16 years ago...stupid, stupid,…
when is it ok to cry
I have a caregiver that will not let me cry.....I tell her that crying is a way for me to release my grief. I am recuperation from bilateral mastectomy and I have my good days and bad days.... How can I make her see my side?
Just needed to talk
I was dignosed May 2007. I have been through chemo and radiation.And of course 2 surgeries. Finished everything by Feb 2008. Reaccurance found in the bone in my spine March 2009. Doing radiation again and changed my harmone theropy.I can no longer remember what my nomal life was like. Can anyone tell me more about dealing…
sleep changes
I have found that for 3-4 days after my treatment that I only sleep 5-6 hours at night and have so much energy during the day. I see where a lot of ladies are tired and need to rest more and take naps. I don't understand why my body is reacting this way. If I go to bed at 8pm I am wide awake at 2am. I am still able to work…
angry/not at this board
I am angry, but not at this board. I belong to another online forum and posted many of the same questions about my hair. Granted, I know I am obsessed with this topic and it's true that many women have been thru worse issues including mets, but several women responded that they were angry at me for posting the questions…
2 years after surgery - considering reconstruction
I have just passed my two year mark from surgery. March 22, 2007, just found this site recently, but it would have been great to have known about it thru the surgery, chemo and radiation. Had a partial mastectomy. I did have a positive attitude throughout, but sometimes the information your doctors give you just isn't…
As some of you may have read ... my hair came out in clumps Saturday and I had a friend shave what was left. It honestly doesn't bother me. I think I can handle almost any side effect from the chemo ... as long as there is NO nausea. Anyway ... a few weeks ago I ordered a "Moopy Hat" (she looks much cuter in it than I do)…
Please read/respond...
It's been almost two weeks since my first chemo treatment and I've been getting dark spots on my face. It started on the right side and now it's starting on the left side. Is this normal?? I do appreciate the one person who responded to my previous posting, but I really want to know other experiences. I read on one of the…
Radiation bad effects????
I finished my 8th radiation treatment today for breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy, but, did not allow them to take any lymph nodes, so, they are doing that area too. I have to take 37. So far..so good. My skin seems ok. Can anyone tell me when the burn comes or if there are other side effects? I went thru this in 85 and…
How do you deal with being tired all the time?
I had a lumpectomy and now am in radiation. I've had 7 radiation treatments, not too bad, my skin turns red but is "tan" by the next session. My biggest problem is being tired all the time. Probably because I can't sleep through the night even with Ambien I wake up 3 to 4 times and am up for good around 4. Which means I'm…
reconstruction for the 2nd time
Tomorrow I go for my second reconstruction. The 1st ruptured about 1 month ago. Boy was I surprised. I was never told that could happen. I had saline and my doc feels the scar tissue caused it to rupture. That is the one downside to implant reconstruction. I will say that the recovery was very easy when I had it done the…
Dry itchy skin
I have very dry itchy skin. I'm not having radiation yet ... so it can't be that. I've had two taxol/herceptin infusions ... but I don't know if it's that ... or what. Maybe it's just the weather ... I'm trying to drink a lot of water ... and slapping on the lotions and creams ... but my skin still feels creepy-crawly. Any…
Has anyone gotten a Second Opinion on Pathology Slides after surgery for DCIS?
Had my surgery for DCIS on 2/20,went back to work 10 days later. Pathology report said I have multi focal spots,high grade & close margins. Surgeon told me we will discuss what is next & decide whether or not he must go back in. I got the written copy of the report & tried to make sense of it but SO CONFUSED!!! My appt is…
my choice to do chemo????
I met with my medical oncologist Thursday. I thought she was going to tell me I needed chemo, or tell me I didn't. But the ball is back in my court. I can 'choose' chemo if I want. I'm healthy and she says I'm an excellent candidate for chemo. I think that means I could handle the side effects, not necessarily that I would…
Oncotype score
I just read in someone's post: "My Oncotype score was a 14 so I don't have to go through Chemo" What is an oncotype score? Lisa
Rest of the pictures of the new ohilly
Okay, here are the rest of the photos of me with my new hairdo (they could not all fit on one post). Ohilly Back Right Top
nipple tattooing
I am supposed to have my nipple tattooing done next week. Can someone tell me what to expect? Ohilly
The new ohilly
Okay, sisters: here it is: the new ohilly! Please note that I followed all your suggestions about lightening my hair color and putting highlights. I also use Toppik, a concealer which covers the thin spots. I'm soliciting your feedback! I'm pretty happy with it myself, just a little worried that it will get worse (more…
Rest of the pictures of the new ohilly
Okay, here are the rest of the photos of me with my new hairdo (they could not all fit on one post). Ohilly Back Right Top
Since having my first treatment on March 19th I haven't been able to really eat. It's only been one day when my stomach wasn't doing flip flops. I can't eat ice cream all day & everyday, so I need some suggestions...I've tried rice, soup, noodles and TUMS. Everything seems to irritate my stomach and keeps me up at night…
Finally recommended to a Radiation Oncologist!
Surgeon referred me to Rad Oncologist at follow up visit. Rad Onc is sending me for Bi-Lateral MRI b/c margins are close & High Grade. Also recommends RE-Excision/plus Radiation about a month afterwards. MRI is this Friday! Has anyone had an MRI following surgery & a RE-Excision??
MD Anderson Cancer Center ORLANDO - DIEP Reconstruction
Is anyone familiar with the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Orlando? I am planning a visit to Dr. Lee and Dr. Klein there in regard to the DIEP Flap reconstruction surgery and bilateral mastectomy. I was diagnosed with ILC in February and need a bilateral mastectomy. My surgeon here says Dr. Lee is the best. So, I am going to…
Facial skin
It's just over a week since my first chemo treatment and I've been getting black spots on my face. It started on the right side and now it's starting on the left side. Is this normal?? Also, I wanted to ask...I want to try some beans, maybe pinto, with rice but I am scared. Can anyone tolerate beans??
head shaving and lost my cool
I had my second treatment yesterday 3/24 and then this morning in the shower hair was coming out fast and furious. I had already gotten my hair cut short before I started chemo but now the head shaving is my next step tomorrow at 1pm. I had a rough morning because I was not in control of what was happening. I was in…