eyebrow regrowth
Hi, everyone. Thanks so much to all of you for your posts. i haven't posted before but have gotten lots of information and support from you already. Here's my question - do eyebrows grow back after chemo, and how quickly? My partner Patty had nice think brows that she loved, and now is about 5 weeks post-chemo and they're…
Just a note.....
As you may have noticed, I dropped out for awhile. I was still 'lurking', but faced so many things going on, in so many areas of my life, that I just stopped posting. Things are better, and it took the loss of Dan to make me realize that I don't have much to complain about, and how important my friends are...sooooo I read…
Gold Nanoparticles ... anyone know anything about it?
Hi, I work at a University and one of the students working in our area brought me an article she thought I might be interested in titled "Nano-Biotechnology; Gold Against Cancer; A breakthrough method." At first glance it looked like some snake-oil type "advertisement" but I got on the web and there are quite a few…
+ on Lymph Nodes => Blood Vessel => PET scan
I just got back from my Oncologist last Tues. As you all know, they found my cancer cells in my lymph nodes (2 of them). Anyway, had masectomy on left side on 2/26. Had an appt w Surgeon on March 4 and told me that out of 16 lymph nodes, only the 2 original Lymph nodes had cancer and both my husband and I were happy about…
My daughter Stephanie's lawsuit settled...
As many of you know, my daughter died almost exactly 2 years ago (Jan 7,2007). She was 22 years old, but emotionally disturbed. She died in a facility, under questionable circumstances. Because of these circumstances, there was a wrongful death lawsuit started. I received word today that it settled. I should be jumping for…
genetics suck
i finally sat down and talked to my mom. you guys were right she is just about as scared as me. she went to the doctor and they didnt find anything but they are testing her for the cancer gene. if the test comes back positive they are doin a vesectomy and removing both breasts then they have to do blood tests on me because…
ports and stuff
I had my port “installed” last Friday. My chemo starts this Friday. Yep … Friday the 13th … but I specifically wanted to start this Friday because it’s not just Friday the 13th … it’s my 65 birthday. Happy Birthday to me! :-) Anyway, the port is near the collarbone … on the left side … with the tiny incision on the left…
Metastasis article
Found interesting article on the BBC.com about "Enzyme behind cancer spread found". It concerns metastasis.
Swimsuit Issues!
Okay, so swimsuit season will be here soon. I am flying to see my sister in a sunny state in the south west-so I thought i would try on some new swimsuits....with an expander in one breast (cute). Am I crazy? Well, the department store is...every single "detector" clip thingy that they attach for security was on the breast…
Port Tomorrow
I am having my port put in tomorrow. I'm not as scared as I was with the lumpectomy, but still kinda nervous. I also obtained a second opinion as far as chemo treatment, I guess I just needed to hear that chemo is necessary from another doctor. This first physician said 4 treatments of Adriamycin/Cytoxan every 3 weeks,…
port today
I don't mean to scare anyone off from having a port and maybe I just had a bad experience. Hurt like hell and still does. They gave me 3 doses of Versed and 3 doses of Fentyl and double the dose of the Lanicaine and still felt everything that they were doing. I never went to La-La land. Now I'm wondering if they even had…
Not sure what to do...
I really don't know how to handle this... I had mastectomy last August. Finished chemo in December. Just finished rad three weeks ago. I still go for Herceptin infusions every three weeks until late Fall. I have "peach fuzz" growing on my head. My eyebrows and eyelashes are back. And my family thinks and acts as though it…
another hair question
I am still very, very unhappy with my hair which has been regrowing for 6 months now. Pre-chemo, it was thick and fast-growing. Now it has thin spots. My appt. with the dermatologist is next Friday, but I still have a few more questions: -how long did it take for your hair to reach its pre-chemo state, if it ever did reach…
Off again! Tot ziens!
Well, we have booked another trip to The Netherlands. We leave on the 14th of April, return June 9. My beau is having an 'emergency' heart procedure before we go because he can't stay in normal rhythm...so we shall see... SOOOOO much to do in a bit over a month!!! WHEW! Hugs, Kathi On a sad note, one of my patient…
Masectomy last Thur - 2/26/2009
I just had my modified radical masectomy last Thur and was out of the Hosp last Sat. I was given morphine for my pain in the first 18 hours after surgery. Boy, I threw-up at least 3x the following day and good thing my Dr came by to visit me and told me that I could just take 1/2 pill of vicodine. I felt better after that…
Neuropathy developed during chemo treatment
I developed neuropathy during my Taxol treatments. I was wondering if anyone has had success with any drugs for this condition. I have tried 3 different ones but still have not had success with the pain I have in my hands, back and especially my feet. I work all day and even walk about a mile each day at lunch but at about…
Newly diagnosed
I had a suspicious mammogram on Dec 16,2008, A repeat was done on Janurary 9th and was diagnosed with cancer. I had a double mastectomy on Feb 2,2009, There was no lump so thank God for the mammo. Anyway I have had the drains removed and am going to plastic surgeon for draining the fluid 2 times a week. I have to go again…
What if you are too tired to work during radiation trmts?
Read some women have worked during their rad tmts, what if you are too tired to function properly at your job? Being in the field of medicine,very demanding,fast paced,stand all day,very stressful which I must be alert at All times so there is No room for Fatigue! What if I couldn't keep up? Since I'm NOT married,I NEED to…
I've dealing with hives moving around my body for the last 24 hours. I called the American Cancer Society and the nice lady checked and she couldn't find hives as a reaction to radiation so it's probably something else. But I'm waiting for the clinic to open so I can go see about treatment before I rip my skin off. I…
What is good to eat and drink after Chemo?
Long story short, I am looking for information for a caregiver and her friend. Friend started Chemo and she is having hard time eating and drinking anything. We thought about a juicer and making some kind of smoothies and shakes for her. Also adding some kind of protein to help keep her strength up. I am thinking the high…
Crazy bunch of coconuts
I went to the doctor short of breath on the 9th of Feb. and received a difinitive diagnosis on the 17th. Breast cancer..stage four...two lumps in the right breats, right lympth nodes, and several plaquest on the lining of the right lung causing pleural effusion. I've had my chest tapped twice, both times resulting in…
Members of Quilters of South Carolina have created one-of-a-kind bras for Breast Cancer Awareness. The exhibit consists of 49 original works of art which are unique, entertaining, humorous, and beautiful to make the public aware of breast cancer, to memorialize those lost to the disease, and to honor survivors. Check this…
Possible to develope tumor in both breasts
This is my first time posting and I cant believe I am here. I did not want to post until I had a diagnosis. Last Sunday I felt soreness in my left breast and felt what I suspected was a lump. I went to the doctor first thing Monday. The doctor also felt a lump. I did not feel anything on the other side. However, since the…
Young mother of 3,stage3, chemo,radiation now, 12 more weeks of chemo
I was diagnosed back in Oct. 08 with IDC with sarcoma features. I did two cycles of chemo which did not go well cancer continued to progress. I had surgery in 1/5/08 with radical mastectomy (6.5cm in size) and 21 lymph nodes removed. All were node negative. I am currently undergoing radiation with 3 weeks in. I have to…
A Week After Having Exapander Put in I have a Question
Hello Everyone, Well today was a week since my surgery and I went back for my check up. I did not see the surgeon, but did see his head nurse. She removed the bandages and said it all looked good. I however have a concern which I want to ask you who have had expander's put in about. You see I had been told I would have a…
Radition ... Aloe Vera
I had my first blast of radiation yesterday. One down and 29 to go! My husband's granddaughter gave me some good advice. She is a radiation therapist and suggested that I use Aloe Vera to hydrate my skin before and after treatment. Here is what she recommended to me: "Use the Aloe Vera before you start treatment at least…
avastin and taxol
Has anyone received avastin and taxol. I have bc with mets to the bones and liver. Just started this treatment after navalbline did not work for me. Just wondering if anyone had success with the avastin and taxal. thanks
biopsy and size of lump
I was just told yesterday that I will need to have a biopsy on my right breast. The doctor made note that my lump is microscopic in size and can not be felt. Could this be good since it is so small that it won't be cancer. Aren't must cancerous lumps large and can be felt? I was told to wear a sports bra after the biopsy,…
Silly question...I guess
My vet prescribed topical steroid spray for my dog. But she insisted that if my immune system has been compromised in any way, that I ask my onc if I it is safe for me to handle it. I finished chemo in December, and finished radiation three weeks ago. I told her that I was taking steroids all through chemo, but she said…
Well all you wonderfully supportive folks I am back home in the comfort of my own bed. Surgery went well, it was rough waking up though. I was super sick from the meds so they had put me back to sleep. I ended up going home around 3:30. I am very sore and I have to remember that I need help to do simple things like get out…